Lightweight CSS Framework for Building Apps and Websites
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

45 lines
567 B

7 years ago
  1. # cripsy-boilerplate
  2. A simple mini-framework for basic styling.
  3. ## Components
  4. ### body
  5. Styles for Body, including Format for Fonts and Colors.
  6. ### button
  7. Styles for Button.
  8. ### icon
  9. Basic Styles for SVG-Icons.
  10. ### list
  11. Basic Styles for
  12. ### heading
  13. Styling h1-h6 and create also CSS-Classes with same name.
  14. ### Normalize
  15. Basic Normalizing for a few Elements.
  16. ## Functions
  17. ### pxToEm, pxToRem
  18. Function to convert from px to em or rem.
  19. ## Mixins
  20. ### clearfix
  21. Adding Clearfix
  22. ### fontSite
  23. Using pxToRem for font-size, also include a fallback to px.