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- <title>Crispy CSS | Lightweight CSS Framework for Building Apps and Websites</title>
- <meta name="description" content="Lightweight Framework for building fast and clean Websites and Apps for Mobile, Tablet and Desktop. Minimal UI-Elements, Functions and Helpers.">
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- Crispy CSS
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- <small class="text-color-primary">v3.0.0</small>
- <h2 class="h5 margin-top-1">
- Lightweight CSS Framework for Building Apps and Websites
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- <div>Ugly</div>
- </h3>
- <p class="text-center">
- Yes, this Framework has no fancy Layout or shiny Elements,
- because what created with Crispy CSS could be fancy.
- This Framework adds basic styles and support your Work.
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- <div>Helpers</div>
- </h3>
- <p class="text-center">
- Mixins, Functions and Modifiers make your Workflow simpler. Only
- import Components you really need and make your Work lightweight.
- </p>
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- <div>Coding Style</div>
- </h3>
- <p class="text-center">
- Crispy CSS uses <a href="http://getbem.com/" target="_blank">BEM</a>, but
- an simpler approach of it. BEM is good to show dependencies
- in Components and add structure to your Styles.
- </p>
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- Get started!
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- <h2 class="h3 text-center margin-top-6">Apps and Websites that have been crafted</h2>
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- Tentakelfabrik
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- Gaming Circus
- </h3>
- <a class="text-center show" href="https://gaming-circus.de" target="_blank">
- <img class="bordered img-responsive width-100" src="img/gaming-circus.jpg" />
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- <h3 class="h5 text-center">
- Trinkkofi
- </h3>
- <a class="text-center show" href="https://trinkkofi.de" target="_blank">
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- <p class="margin-top-1">
- Made with Euphorie by Björn Hase, <a class="text-color-white" href="https://tententakelfabrik.de" target="_blank">Tentakelfabrik</a>
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