- # MCP
- **Version: 0.1-Alpha**
- * Nginx
- * Lets Encrypt
- * Php-fpm
- * Nodejs
- * Mariadb
- * Fail2ban
- It can be used also to setup a Basic Development Envoriment.
- ## Requirements
- This Version is Alpha and only tested on **Ubuntu 18.04 LTS** and **Ubuntu 20.04 LTS**.
- Some of the Scripts are offensive and may change configurations files. The Tool use **PHP >= 7.2**.
- ## Documentation
- ### Install
- Download or clone this Repository,
- ```bash
- git clone https://gitea.tentakelfabrik.de/Tentakelfabrik/mcp.git
- ```
- ```bash
- cd mcp
- sudo ./install.sh
- ```
- ## License
- MCP is an open-source software licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/laravel-zero/laravel-zero/blob/stable/LICENSE.md).