namespace App\Commands;
use Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Schedule;
use LaravelZero\Framework\Commands\Command;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File;
use Jenssegers\Blade\Blade;
use App\Facades\Install;
use App\Facades\NginxVhost;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Builder\CliMenuBuilder;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\CliMenu;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\MenuItem\CheckboxItem;
use PhpSchool\CliMenu\Style\SelectableStyle;
use Log;
use Closure;
class NginxVhostsCommand extends Command
// path templates
const TEMPLATES_DIR = '/resources/nginx/templates';
* The signature of the command.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'nginx:vhosts';
* The description of the command.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Create and Manage Nginx Vhosts';
private function getTemplates($prefix = '')
// templates
$templates = [];
// getting templates
$files = scandir(base_path().self::TEMPLATES_DIR);
foreach($files as $file) {
// create filepath
$filepath = base_path().self::TEMPLATES_DIR.'/'.$file;
// getting info
$pathinfo = pathinfo($filepath);
// if extension isset and php
if (isset($pathinfo['extension']) && $pathinfo['extension'] === 'php') {
$name = str_replace('.blade.php', '', $file);
$templates[] = [
'name' => $name,
'file' => $file,
'filepath' => $filepath
return $templates;
private function selectTemplate()
// getting templates
$templates = $this->getTemplates();
$menu = function(CliMenuBuilder $builder) use ($templates)
// writing configuration
$blade = new Blade(base_path().self::TEMPLATES_DIR, base_path().'/storage/cache');
->setTitle('Nginx > add')
foreach($templates as $template) {
$submenuCallable = $this->createConfiguration($template, $blade);
->addSubMenu($template['name'], $submenuCallable);
return $menu;
* create Configuration, add for each template a submenu
* @param array $template
* @param Blade $blade
* @return CliMenuBuilder
private function createConfiguration($template, $blade)
$menu = function(CliMenuBuilder $builder) use ($template, $blade)
$configuration = [
'domain' => '',
'root' => '',
'index' => 'index.php',
'ssl' => true,
'redirect_www' => true
// create checkbox for ssl
$checkboxSSL = new CheckboxItem('ssl', function(CliMenu $menu) use (&$configuration) {
$configuration['ssl'] = $menu->getSelectedItem()->getChecked();
// create checkbox for redirect from www
$checkboxRedirect = new CheckboxItem('redirect www', function(CliMenu $menu) use (&$configuration) {
$configuration['redirect_www'] = $menu->getSelectedItem()->getChecked();
->setTitle('Nginx Vhosts > add > '.$template['name'])
->addItem('domain', function(CliMenu $menu) use (&$configuration) {
$result = $menu->askText()->ask();
$configuration['domain'] = $result->fetch();
$menu->getSelectedItem()->setText('domain -> '.$result->fetch());
->addItem('root', function(CliMenu $menu) use (&$configuration) {
$result = $menu->askText()->ask();
$configuration['root'] = $result->fetch();
$menu->getSelectedItem()->setText('root -> '.$result->fetch());
->addItem($configuration['index'], function(CliMenu $menu) use (&$configuration) {
$result = $menu->askText()->ask();
$configuration['index'] = $result->fetch();
->addItem('save', function() use (&$configuration, $template, $blade) {
$content = $blade->render($template['name'], $configuration);
file_put_contents('/etc/nginx/sites-available/'.$configuration['domain'].'.conf', $content);
return $menu;
* create submenu for vhost
* @param array $vhost
* @return CliMenuBuilder
private function vhost($vhost)
$menu = function(CliMenuBuilder $builder) use ($vhost)
$checkbox = new CheckboxItem('enabled', function(CliMenu $menu) use ($vhost) {
// check status
if ($menu->getSelectedItem()->getChecked()) {
symlink('/etc/nginx/sites-available/'.$vhost['file'], '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/'.$vhost['file']);
$status = 'enabled';
} else {
$status = 'disabled';
// restart
exec('service nginx restart');
exec('service nginx status', $output);
if (strpos(implode(' ', $output), 'active') !== false) {
$menu->confirm($vhost['domain'].' is '.$status.'!')->display('OK!');
} else {
$menu->confirm('Error! Something not working!')->display('OK!');
// adding checkbox
if ($vhost['enabled']) {
->setTitle('Nginx > '.$vhost['domain'])
->addItem('edit', function(CliMenu $menu) use ($vhost) {
system('nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/'.$vhost['file'].' > `tty`');
->addItem('delete', function(CliMenu $menu) use ($vhost) {
if (file_exists('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/'.$vhost['file'])) {
$menu->confirm('Error! Please disable '.$vhost['domain'].' first!')->display('OK!');
} else {
$menu->confirm($vhost['domain'].' is deleted!')->display('OK!');
return $menu;
* let it rain
public function handle()
$submenuSelectTemplate = $this->selectTemplate();
// create menu
$main = $this->menu('Nginx')
// add Submenu for select templates
->addSubMenu('add', $submenuSelectTemplate)
// getting vhosts
$vhosts = NginxVhost::find();
// add submenu for each vhost
foreach($vhosts as $vhost) {
$submenuEditVhost = $this->vhost($vhost);
$main->addSubMenu($vhost['domain'], $submenuEditVhost);