- # What is Flight?
- Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. Flight enables you to
- quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.
- ```php
- require 'flight/Flight.php';
- Flight::route('/', function(){
- echo 'hello world!';
- });
- Flight::start();
- ```
- [Learn more](http://flightphp.com/learn)
- # Requirements
- Flight requires `PHP 5.3` or greater.
- # License
- Flight is released under the [MIT](http://flightphp.com/license) license.
- # Installation
- 1\. Download the files.
- If you're using [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/), you can run the following command:
- ```
- composer require mikecao/flight
- ```
- OR you can [download](https://github.com/mikecao/flight/archive/master.zip) them directly
- and extract them to your web directory.
- 2\. Configure your webserver.
- For *Apache*, edit your `.htaccess` file with the following:
- ```
- RewriteEngine On
- RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
- RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
- RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [QSA,L]
- ```
- **Note**: If you need to use flight in a subdirectory add the line `RewriteBase /subdir/` just after `RewriteEngine On`.
- For *Nginx*, add the following to your server declaration:
- ```
- server {
- location / {
- try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php;
- }
- }
- ```
- 3\. Create your `index.php` file.
- First include the framework.
- ```php
- require 'flight/Flight.php';
- ```
- If you're using Composer, run the autoloader instead.
- ```php
- require 'vendor/autoload.php';
- ```
- Then define a route and assign a function to handle the request.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/', function(){
- echo 'hello world!';
- });
- ```
- Finally, start the framework.
- ```php
- Flight::start();
- ```
- # Routing
- Routing in Flight is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/', function(){
- echo 'hello world!';
- });
- ```
- The callback can be any object that is callable. So you can use a regular function:
- ```php
- function hello(){
- echo 'hello world!';
- }
- Flight::route('/', 'hello');
- ```
- Or a class method:
- ```php
- class Greeting {
- public static function hello() {
- echo 'hello world!';
- }
- }
- Flight::route('/', array('Greeting', 'hello'));
- ```
- Or an object method:
- ```php
- class Greeting
- {
- public function __construct() {
- $this->name = 'John Doe';
- }
- public function hello() {
- echo "Hello, {$this->name}!";
- }
- }
- $greeting = new Greeting();
- Flight::route('/', array($greeting, 'hello'));
- ```
- Routes are matched in the order they are defined. The first route to match a
- request will be invoked.
- ## Method Routing
- By default, route patterns are matched against all request methods. You can respond
- to specific methods by placing an identifier before the URL.
- ```php
- Flight::route('GET /', function(){
- echo 'I received a GET request.';
- });
- Flight::route('POST /', function(){
- echo 'I received a POST request.';
- });
- ```
- You can also map multiple methods to a single callback by using a `|` delimiter:
- ```php
- Flight::route('GET|POST /', function(){
- echo 'I received either a GET or a POST request.';
- });
- ```
- ## Regular Expressions
- You can use regular expressions in your routes:
- ```php
- Flight::route('/user/[0-9]+', function(){
- // This will match /user/1234
- });
- ```
- ## Named Parameters
- You can specify named parameters in your routes which will be passed along to
- your callback function.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/@name/@id', function($name, $id){
- echo "hello, $name ($id)!";
- });
- ```
- You can also include regular expressions with your named parameters by using
- the `:` delimiter:
- ```php
- Flight::route('/@name/@id:[0-9]{3}', function($name, $id){
- // This will match /bob/123
- // But will not match /bob/12345
- });
- ```
- ## Optional Parameters
- You can specify named parameters that are optional for matching by wrapping
- segments in parentheses.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/blog(/@year(/@month(/@day)))', function($year, $month, $day){
- // This will match the following URLS:
- // /blog/2012/12/10
- // /blog/2012/12
- // /blog/2012
- // /blog
- });
- ```
- Any optional parameters that are not matched will be passed in as NULL.
- ## Wildcards
- Matching is only done on individual URL segments. If you want to match multiple
- segments you can use the `*` wildcard.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/blog/*', function(){
- // This will match /blog/2000/02/01
- });
- ```
- To route all requests to a single callback, you can do:
- ```php
- Flight::route('*', function(){
- // Do something
- });
- ```
- ## Passing
- You can pass execution on to the next matching route by returning `true` from
- your callback function.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/user/@name', function($name){
- // Check some condition
- if ($name != "Bob") {
- // Continue to next route
- return true;
- }
- });
- Flight::route('/user/*', function(){
- // This will get called
- });
- ```
- ## Route Info
- If you want to inspect the matching route information, you can request for the route
- object to be passed to your callback by passing in `true` as the third parameter in
- the route method. The route object will always be the last parameter passed to your
- callback function.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/', function($route){
- // Array of HTTP methods matched against
- $route->methods;
- // Array of named parameters
- $route->params;
- // Matching regular expression
- $route->regex;
- // Contains the contents of any '*' used in the URL pattern
- $route->splat;
- }, true);
- ```
- # Extending
- Flight is designed to be an extensible framework. The framework comes with a set
- of default methods and components, but it allows you to map your own methods,
- register your own classes, or even override existing classes and methods.
- ## Mapping Methods
- To map your own custom method, you use the `map` function:
- ```php
- // Map your method
- Flight::map('hello', function($name){
- echo "hello $name!";
- });
- // Call your custom method
- Flight::hello('Bob');
- ```
- ## Registering Classes
- To register your own class, you use the `register` function:
- ```php
- // Register your class
- Flight::register('user', 'User');
- // Get an instance of your class
- $user = Flight::user();
- ```
- The register method also allows you to pass along parameters to your class
- constructor. So when you load your custom class, it will come pre-initialized.
- You can define the constructor parameters by passing in an additional array.
- Here's an example of loading a database connection:
- ```php
- // Register class with constructor parameters
- Flight::register('db', 'PDO', array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass'));
- // Get an instance of your class
- // This will create an object with the defined parameters
- //
- // new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass');
- //
- $db = Flight::db();
- ```
- If you pass in an additional callback parameter, it will be executed immediately
- after class construction. This allows you to perform any set up procedures for your
- new object. The callback function takes one parameter, an instance of the new object.
- ```php
- // The callback will be passed the object that was constructed
- Flight::register('db', 'PDO', array('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass'), function($db){
- });
- ```
- By default, every time you load your class you will get a shared instance.
- To get a new instance of a class, simply pass in `false` as a parameter:
- ```php
- // Shared instance of the class
- $shared = Flight::db();
- // New instance of the class
- $new = Flight::db(false);
- ```
- Keep in mind that mapped methods have precedence over registered classes. If you
- declare both using the same name, only the mapped method will be invoked.
- # Overriding
- Flight allows you to override its default functionality to suit your own needs,
- without having to modify any code.
- For example, when Flight cannot match a URL to a route, it invokes the `notFound`
- method which sends a generic `HTTP 404` response. You can override this behavior
- by using the `map` method:
- ```php
- Flight::map('notFound', function(){
- // Display custom 404 page
- include 'errors/404.html';
- });
- ```
- Flight also allows you to replace core components of the framework.
- For example you can replace the default Router class with your own custom class:
- ```php
- // Register your custom class
- Flight::register('router', 'MyRouter');
- // When Flight loads the Router instance, it will load your class
- $myrouter = Flight::router();
- ```
- Framework methods like `map` and `register` however cannot be overridden. You will
- get an error if you try to do so.
- # Filtering
- Flight allows you to filter methods before and after they are called. There are no
- predefined hooks you need to memorize. You can filter any of the default framework
- methods as well as any custom methods that you've mapped.
- A filter function looks like this:
- ```php
- function(&$params, &$output) {
- // Filter code
- }
- ```
- Using the passed in variables you can manipulate the input parameters and/or the output.
- You can have a filter run before a method by doing:
- ```php
- Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
- // Do something
- });
- ```
- You can have a filter run after a method by doing:
- ```php
- Flight::after('start', function(&$params, &$output){
- // Do something
- });
- ```
- You can add as many filters as you want to any method. They will be called in the
- order that they are declared.
- Here's an example of the filtering process:
- ```php
- // Map a custom method
- Flight::map('hello', function($name){
- return "Hello, $name!";
- });
- // Add a before filter
- Flight::before('hello', function(&$params, &$output){
- // Manipulate the parameter
- $params[0] = 'Fred';
- });
- // Add an after filter
- Flight::after('hello', function(&$params, &$output){
- // Manipulate the output
- $output .= " Have a nice day!";
- });
- // Invoke the custom method
- echo Flight::hello('Bob');
- ```
- This should display:
- Hello Fred! Have a nice day!
- If you have defined multiple filters, you can break the chain by returning `false`
- in any of your filter functions:
- ```php
- Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
- echo 'one';
- });
- Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
- echo 'two';
- // This will end the chain
- return false;
- });
- // This will not get called
- Flight::before('start', function(&$params, &$output){
- echo 'three';
- });
- ```
- Note, core methods such as `map` and `register` cannot be filtered because they
- are called directly and not invoked dynamically.
- # Variables
- Flight allows you to save variables so that they can be used anywhere in your application.
- ```php
- // Save your variable
- Flight::set('id', 123);
- // Elsewhere in your application
- $id = Flight::get('id');
- ```
- To see if a variable has been set you can do:
- ```php
- if (Flight::has('id')) {
- // Do something
- }
- ```
- You can clear a variable by doing:
- ```php
- // Clears the id variable
- Flight::clear('id');
- // Clears all variables
- Flight::clear();
- ```
- Flight also uses variables for configuration purposes.
- ```php
- Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
- ```
- # Views
- Flight provides some basic templating functionality by default. To display a view
- template call the `render` method with the name of the template file and optional
- template data:
- ```php
- Flight::render('hello.php', array('name' => 'Bob'));
- ```
- The template data you pass in is automatically injected into the template and can
- be reference like a local variable. Template files are simply PHP files. If the
- content of the `hello.php` template file is:
- ```php
- Hello, '<?php echo $name; ?>'!
- ```
- The output would be:
- Hello, Bob!
- You can also manually set view variables by using the set method:
- ```php
- Flight::view()->set('name', 'Bob');
- ```
- The variable `name` is now available across all your views. So you can simply do:
- ```php
- Flight::render('hello');
- ```
- Note that when specifying the name of the template in the render method, you can
- leave out the `.php` extension.
- By default Flight will look for a `views` directory for template files. You can
- set an alternate path for your templates by setting the following config:
- ```php
- Flight::set('flight.views.path', '/path/to/views');
- ```
- ## Layouts
- It is common for websites to have a single layout template file with interchanging
- content. To render content to be used in a layout, you can pass in an optional
- parameter to the `render` method.
- ```php
- Flight::render('header', array('heading' => 'Hello'), 'header_content');
- Flight::render('body', array('body' => 'World'), 'body_content');
- ```
- Your view will then have saved variables called `header_content` and `body_content`.
- You can then render your layout by doing:
- ```php
- Flight::render('layout', array('title' => 'Home Page'));
- ```
- If the template files looks like this:
- `header.php`:
- ```php
- <h1><?php echo $heading; ?></h1>
- ```
- `body.php`:
- ```php
- <div><?php echo $body; ?></div>
- ```
- `layout.php`:
- ```php
- <html>
- <head>
- <title><?php echo $title; ?></title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php echo $header_content; ?>
- <?php echo $body_content; ?>
- </body>
- </html>
- ```
- The output would be:
- ```html
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Home Page</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Hello</h1>
- <div>World</div>
- </body>
- </html>
- ```
- ## Custom Views
- Flight allows you to swap out the default view engine simply by registering your
- own view class. Here's how you would use the [Smarty](http://www.smarty.net/)
- template engine for your views:
- ```php
- // Load Smarty library
- require './Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php';
- // Register Smarty as the view class
- // Also pass a callback function to configure Smarty on load
- Flight::register('view', 'Smarty', array(), function($smarty){
- $smarty->template_dir = './templates/';
- $smarty->compile_dir = './templates_c/';
- $smarty->config_dir = './config/';
- $smarty->cache_dir = './cache/';
- });
- // Assign template data
- Flight::view()->assign('name', 'Bob');
- // Display the template
- Flight::view()->display('hello.tpl');
- ```
- For completeness, you should also override Flight's default render method:
- ```php
- Flight::map('render', function($template, $data){
- Flight::view()->assign($data);
- Flight::view()->display($template);
- });
- ```
- # Error Handling
- ## Errors and Exceptions
- All errors and exceptions are caught by Flight and passed to the `error` method.
- The default behavior is to send a generic `HTTP 500 Internal Server Error`
- response with some error information.
- You can override this behavior for your own needs:
- ```php
- Flight::map('error', function(Exception $ex){
- // Handle error
- echo $ex->getTraceAsString();
- });
- ```
- By default errors are not logged to the web server. You can enable this by
- changing the config:
- ```php
- Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
- ```
- ## Not Found
- When a URL can't be found, Flight calls the `notFound` method. The default
- behavior is to send an `HTTP 404 Not Found` response with a simple message.
- You can override this behavior for your own needs:
- ```php
- Flight::map('notFound', function(){
- // Handle not found
- });
- ```
- # Redirects
- You can redirect the current request by using the `redirect` method and passing
- in a new URL:
- ```php
- Flight::redirect('/new/location');
- ```
- By default Flight sends a HTTP 303 status code. You can optionally set a
- custom code:
- ```php
- Flight::redirect('/new/location', 401);
- ```
- # Requests
- Flight encapsulates the HTTP request into a single object, which can be
- accessed by doing:
- ```php
- $request = Flight::request();
- ```
- The request object provides the following properties:
- ```
- url - The URL being requested
- base - The parent subdirectory of the URL
- method - The request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- referrer - The referrer URL
- ip - IP address of the client
- ajax - Whether the request is an AJAX request
- scheme - The server protocol (http, https)
- user_agent - Browser information
- type - The content type
- length - The content length
- query - Query string parameters
- data - Post data or JSON data
- cookies - Cookie data
- files - Uploaded files
- secure - Whether the connection is secure
- accept - HTTP accept parameters
- proxy_ip - Proxy IP address of the client
- ```
- You can access the `query`, `data`, `cookies`, and `files` properties
- as arrays or objects.
- So, to get a query string parameter, you can do:
- ```php
- $id = Flight::request()->query['id'];
- ```
- Or you can do:
- ```php
- $id = Flight::request()->query->id;
- ```
- ## RAW Request Body
- To get the raw HTTP request body, for example when dealing with PUT requests, you can do:
- ```php
- $body = Flight::request()->getBody();
- ```
- ## JSON Input
- If you send a request with the type `application/json` and the data `{"id": 123}` it will be available
- from the `data` property:
- ```php
- $id = Flight::request()->data->id;
- ```
- # HTTP Caching
- Flight provides built-in support for HTTP level caching. If the caching condition
- is met, Flight will return an HTTP `304 Not Modified` response. The next time the
- client requests the same resource, they will be prompted to use their locally
- cached version.
- ## Last-Modified
- You can use the `lastModified` method and pass in a UNIX timestamp to set the date
- and time a page was last modified. The client will continue to use their cache until
- the last modified value is changed.
- ```php
- Flight::route('/news', function(){
- Flight::lastModified(1234567890);
- echo 'This content will be cached.';
- });
- ```
- ## ETag
- `ETag` caching is similar to `Last-Modified`, except you can specify any id you
- want for the resource:
- ```php
- Flight::route('/news', function(){
- Flight::etag('my-unique-id');
- echo 'This content will be cached.';
- });
- ```
- Keep in mind that calling either `lastModified` or `etag` will both set and check the
- cache value. If the cache value is the same between requests, Flight will immediately
- send an `HTTP 304` response and stop processing.
- # Stopping
- You can stop the framework at any point by calling the `halt` method:
- ```php
- Flight::halt();
- ```
- You can also specify an optional `HTTP` status code and message:
- ```php
- Flight::halt(200, 'Be right back...');
- ```
- Calling `halt` will discard any response content up to that point. If you want to stop
- the framework and output the current response, use the `stop` method:
- ```php
- Flight::stop();
- ```
- # JSON
- Flight provides support for sending JSON and JSONP responses. To send a JSON response you
- pass some data to be JSON encoded:
- ```php
- Flight::json(array('id' => 123));
- ```
- For JSONP requests you, can optionally pass in the query parameter name you are
- using to define your callback function:
- ```php
- Flight::jsonp(array('id' => 123), 'q');
- ```
- So, when making a GET request using `?q=my_func`, you should receive the output:
- ```
- my_func({"id":123});
- ```
- If you don't pass in a query parameter name it will default to `jsonp`.
- # Configuration
- You can customize certain behaviors of Flight by setting configuration values
- through the `set` method.
- ```php
- Flight::set('flight.log_errors', true);
- ```
- The following is a list of all the available configuration settings:
- flight.base_url - Override the base url of the request. (default: null)
- flight.case_sensitive - Case sensitive matching for URLs. (default: false)
- flight.handle_errors - Allow Flight to handle all errors internally. (default: true)
- flight.log_errors - Log errors to the web server's error log file. (default: false)
- flight.views.path - Directory containing view template files. (default: ./views)
- flight.views.extension - View template file extension. (default: .php)
- # Framework Methods
- Flight is designed to be easy to use and understand. The following is the complete
- set of methods for the framework. It consists of core methods, which are regular
- static methods, and extensible methods, which are mapped methods that can be filtered
- or overridden.
- ## Core Methods
- ```php
- Flight::map($name, $callback) // Creates a custom framework method.
- Flight::register($name, $class, [$params], [$callback]) // Registers a class to a framework method.
- Flight::before($name, $callback) // Adds a filter before a framework method.
- Flight::after($name, $callback) // Adds a filter after a framework method.
- Flight::path($path) // Adds a path for autoloading classes.
- Flight::get($key) // Gets a variable.
- Flight::set($key, $value) // Sets a variable.
- Flight::has($key) // Checks if a variable is set.
- Flight::clear([$key]) // Clears a variable.
- Flight::init() // Initializes the framework to its default settings.
- Flight::app() // Gets the application object instance
- ```
- ## Extensible Methods
- ```php
- Flight::start() // Starts the framework.
- Flight::stop() // Stops the framework and sends a response.
- Flight::halt([$code], [$message]) // Stop the framework with an optional status code and message.
- Flight::route($pattern, $callback) // Maps a URL pattern to a callback.
- Flight::redirect($url, [$code]) // Redirects to another URL.
- Flight::render($file, [$data], [$key]) // Renders a template file.
- Flight::error($exception) // Sends an HTTP 500 response.
- Flight::notFound() // Sends an HTTP 404 response.
- Flight::etag($id, [$type]) // Performs ETag HTTP caching.
- Flight::lastModified($time) // Performs last modified HTTP caching.
- Flight::json($data, [$code], [$encode], [$charset], [$option]) // Sends a JSON response.
- Flight::jsonp($data, [$param], [$code], [$encode], [$charset], [$option]) // Sends a JSONP response.
- ```
- Any custom methods added with `map` and `register` can also be filtered.
- # Framework Instance
- Instead of running Flight as a global static class, you can optionally run it
- as an object instance.
- ```php
- require 'flight/autoload.php';
- use flight\Engine;
- $app = new Engine();
- $app->route('/', function(){
- echo 'hello world!';
- });
- $app->start();
- ```
- So instead of calling the static method, you would call the instance method with
- the same name on the Engine object.