- # Super Gear Directus 1.0.0-rc1
- Project to using a Directus Instance as CMS. Structure is inspired by Laravel, using [FlightPHP](https://github.com/mikecao/flight)
- for handle Request.
- ## Installation
- Download last Release, a Composer Installer will be Available in a Future Release.
- ## Snapshot
- There is a Snapshot for a Basic Setup for the Directus Instance.
- ## Quickstart
- Create a **.env** from **.env.example** adding token and url for Directus Instance.
- ```
- ```
- ## Laravel Mix
- ## Repositories
- For getting Data use **App\\Respositories\\RepositoryAbstract** to create Repository-Classes.
- This is the default class to handle
- ```PHP
- class PageRepository extends RepositoryAbstract
- {
- /** endpoint */
- protected $endpoint = 'pages';
- /**
- * find single page with a slug,
- * page must be published
- *
- * @param string $slug
- * @return array
- */
- public function findOneBySlug($slug)
- {
- if (!$slug) {
- $slug = [ '_null' => 'true' ];
- }
- return $this->queryBuilder
- ->fields(['title', 'slug', 'content', 'view', 'meta', 'media_teaser.*', 'media_hero.*'])
- ->aliases('view', 'template')
- ->filter([
- 'status' => 'published',
- 'slug' => $slug
- ])
- ->findOne();
- }
- }
- ```