- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.default = transformClass;
- var _helperFunctionName = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/helper-function-name"));
- var _helperReplaceSupers = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@babel/helper-replace-supers"));
- var _helperOptimiseCallExpression = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression"));
- var defineMap = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@babel/helper-define-map"));
- var _core = require("@babel/core");
- function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; }
- function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- function buildConstructor(classRef, constructorBody, node) {
- const func = _core.types.functionDeclaration(_core.types.cloneNode(classRef), [], constructorBody);
- _core.types.inherits(func, node);
- return func;
- }
- function transformClass(path, file, builtinClasses, isLoose) {
- const classState = {
- parent: undefined,
- scope: undefined,
- node: undefined,
- path: undefined,
- file: undefined,
- classId: undefined,
- classRef: undefined,
- superName: undefined,
- superReturns: [],
- isDerived: false,
- extendsNative: false,
- construct: undefined,
- constructorBody: undefined,
- userConstructor: undefined,
- userConstructorPath: undefined,
- hasConstructor: false,
- instancePropBody: [],
- instancePropRefs: {},
- staticPropBody: [],
- body: [],
- superThises: [],
- pushedConstructor: false,
- pushedInherits: false,
- protoAlias: null,
- isLoose: false,
- hasInstanceDescriptors: false,
- hasStaticDescriptors: false,
- instanceMutatorMap: {},
- staticMutatorMap: {}
- };
- const setState = newState => {
- Object.assign(classState, newState);
- };
- const findThisesVisitor = _core.traverse.visitors.merge([_helperReplaceSupers.environmentVisitor, {
- ThisExpression(path) {
- classState.superThises.push(path);
- }
- }]);
- function pushToMap(node, enumerable, kind = "value", scope) {
- let mutatorMap;
- if (node.static) {
- setState({
- hasStaticDescriptors: true
- });
- mutatorMap = classState.staticMutatorMap;
- } else {
- setState({
- hasInstanceDescriptors: true
- });
- mutatorMap = classState.instanceMutatorMap;
- }
- const map = defineMap.push(mutatorMap, node, kind, classState.file, scope);
- if (enumerable) {
- map.enumerable = _core.types.booleanLiteral(true);
- }
- return map;
- }
- function maybeCreateConstructor() {
- let hasConstructor = false;
- const paths = classState.path.get("body.body");
- for (const path of paths) {
- hasConstructor = path.equals("kind", "constructor");
- if (hasConstructor) break;
- }
- if (hasConstructor) return;
- let params, body;
- if (classState.isDerived) {
- const constructor = _core.template.expression.ast`
- (function () {
- super(...arguments);
- })
- `;
- params = constructor.params;
- body = constructor.body;
- } else {
- params = [];
- body = _core.types.blockStatement([]);
- }
- classState.path.get("body").unshiftContainer("body", _core.types.classMethod("constructor", _core.types.identifier("constructor"), params, body));
- }
- function buildBody() {
- maybeCreateConstructor();
- pushBody();
- verifyConstructor();
- if (classState.userConstructor) {
- const {
- constructorBody,
- userConstructor,
- construct
- } = classState;
- constructorBody.body = constructorBody.body.concat(userConstructor.body.body);
- _core.types.inherits(construct, userConstructor);
- _core.types.inherits(constructorBody, userConstructor.body);
- }
- pushDescriptors();
- }
- function pushBody() {
- const classBodyPaths = classState.path.get("body.body");
- for (const path of classBodyPaths) {
- const node = path.node;
- if (path.isClassProperty()) {
- throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Missing class properties transform.");
- }
- if (node.decorators) {
- throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Method has decorators, put the decorator plugin before the classes one.");
- }
- if (_core.types.isClassMethod(node)) {
- const isConstructor = node.kind === "constructor";
- const replaceSupers = new _helperReplaceSupers.default({
- methodPath: path,
- objectRef: classState.classRef,
- superRef: classState.superName,
- isLoose: classState.isLoose,
- file: classState.file
- });
- replaceSupers.replace();
- const superReturns = [];
- path.traverse(_core.traverse.visitors.merge([_helperReplaceSupers.environmentVisitor, {
- ReturnStatement(path) {
- if (!path.getFunctionParent().isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
- superReturns.push(path);
- }
- }
- }]));
- if (isConstructor) {
- pushConstructor(superReturns, node, path);
- } else {
- pushMethod(node, path);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function clearDescriptors() {
- setState({
- hasInstanceDescriptors: false,
- hasStaticDescriptors: false,
- instanceMutatorMap: {},
- staticMutatorMap: {}
- });
- }
- function pushDescriptors() {
- pushInheritsToBody();
- const {
- body
- } = classState;
- let instanceProps;
- let staticProps;
- if (classState.hasInstanceDescriptors) {
- instanceProps = defineMap.toClassObject(classState.instanceMutatorMap);
- }
- if (classState.hasStaticDescriptors) {
- staticProps = defineMap.toClassObject(classState.staticMutatorMap);
- }
- if (instanceProps || staticProps) {
- if (instanceProps) {
- instanceProps = defineMap.toComputedObjectFromClass(instanceProps);
- }
- if (staticProps) {
- staticProps = defineMap.toComputedObjectFromClass(staticProps);
- }
- let args = [_core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef), _core.types.nullLiteral(), _core.types.nullLiteral()];
- if (instanceProps) args[1] = instanceProps;
- if (staticProps) args[2] = staticProps;
- let lastNonNullIndex = 0;
- for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- if (!_core.types.isNullLiteral(args[i])) lastNonNullIndex = i;
- }
- args = args.slice(0, lastNonNullIndex + 1);
- body.push(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("createClass"), args)));
- }
- clearDescriptors();
- }
- function wrapSuperCall(bareSuper, superRef, thisRef, body) {
- let bareSuperNode = bareSuper.node;
- let call;
- if (classState.isLoose) {
- bareSuperNode.arguments.unshift(_core.types.thisExpression());
- if (bareSuperNode.arguments.length === 2 && _core.types.isSpreadElement(bareSuperNode.arguments[1]) && _core.types.isIdentifier(bareSuperNode.arguments[1].argument, {
- name: "arguments"
- })) {
- bareSuperNode.arguments[1] = bareSuperNode.arguments[1].argument;
- bareSuperNode.callee = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(superRef), _core.types.identifier("apply"));
- } else {
- bareSuperNode.callee = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(superRef), _core.types.identifier("call"));
- }
- call = _core.types.logicalExpression("||", bareSuperNode, _core.types.thisExpression());
- } else {
- bareSuperNode = (0, _helperOptimiseCallExpression.default)(_core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("getPrototypeOf"), [_core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef)]), _core.types.thisExpression(), bareSuperNode.arguments);
- call = _core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("possibleConstructorReturn"), [_core.types.thisExpression(), bareSuperNode]);
- }
- if (bareSuper.parentPath.isExpressionStatement() && bareSuper.parentPath.container === body.node.body && body.node.body.length - 1 === bareSuper.parentPath.key) {
- if (classState.superThises.length) {
- call = _core.types.assignmentExpression("=", thisRef(), call);
- }
- bareSuper.parentPath.replaceWith(_core.types.returnStatement(call));
- } else {
- bareSuper.replaceWith(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", thisRef(), call));
- }
- }
- function verifyConstructor() {
- if (!classState.isDerived) return;
- const path = classState.userConstructorPath;
- const body = path.get("body");
- path.traverse(findThisesVisitor);
- let thisRef = function () {
- const ref = path.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("this");
- thisRef = () => _core.types.cloneNode(ref);
- return ref;
- };
- for (const thisPath of classState.superThises) {
- const {
- node,
- parentPath
- } = thisPath;
- if (parentPath.isMemberExpression({
- object: node
- })) {
- thisPath.replaceWith(thisRef());
- continue;
- }
- thisPath.replaceWith(_core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("assertThisInitialized"), [thisRef()]));
- }
- const bareSupers = new Set();
- path.traverse(_core.traverse.visitors.merge([_helperReplaceSupers.environmentVisitor, {
- Super(path) {
- const {
- node,
- parentPath
- } = path;
- if (parentPath.isCallExpression({
- callee: node
- })) {
- bareSupers.add(parentPath);
- }
- }
- }]));
- let guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish = !!bareSupers.size;
- for (const bareSuper of bareSupers) {
- wrapSuperCall(bareSuper, classState.superName, thisRef, body);
- if (guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish) {
- bareSuper.find(function (parentPath) {
- if (parentPath === path) {
- return true;
- }
- if (parentPath.isLoop() || parentPath.isConditional() || parentPath.isArrowFunctionExpression()) {
- guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish = false;
- return true;
- }
- });
- }
- }
- let wrapReturn;
- if (classState.isLoose) {
- wrapReturn = returnArg => {
- const thisExpr = _core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("assertThisInitialized"), [thisRef()]);
- return returnArg ? _core.types.logicalExpression("||", returnArg, thisExpr) : thisExpr;
- };
- } else {
- wrapReturn = returnArg => _core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("possibleConstructorReturn"), [thisRef()].concat(returnArg || []));
- }
- const bodyPaths = body.get("body");
- if (!bodyPaths.length || !bodyPaths.pop().isReturnStatement()) {
- body.pushContainer("body", _core.types.returnStatement(guaranteedSuperBeforeFinish ? thisRef() : wrapReturn()));
- }
- for (const returnPath of classState.superReturns) {
- returnPath.get("argument").replaceWith(wrapReturn(returnPath.node.argument));
- }
- }
- function pushMethod(node, path) {
- const scope = path ? path.scope : classState.scope;
- if (node.kind === "method") {
- if (processMethod(node, scope)) return;
- }
- pushToMap(node, false, null, scope);
- }
- function processMethod(node, scope) {
- if (classState.isLoose && !node.decorators) {
- let {
- classRef
- } = classState;
- if (!node.static) {
- insertProtoAliasOnce();
- classRef = classState.protoAlias;
- }
- const methodName = _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(classRef), node.key, node.computed || _core.types.isLiteral(node.key));
- let func = _core.types.functionExpression(null, node.params, node.body, node.generator, node.async);
- _core.types.inherits(func, node);
- const key = _core.types.toComputedKey(node, node.key);
- if (_core.types.isStringLiteral(key)) {
- func = (0, _helperFunctionName.default)({
- node: func,
- id: key,
- scope
- });
- }
- const expr = _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", methodName, func));
- _core.types.inheritsComments(expr, node);
- classState.body.push(expr);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function insertProtoAliasOnce() {
- if (classState.protoAlias === null) {
- setState({
- protoAlias: classState.scope.generateUidIdentifier("proto")
- });
- const classProto = _core.types.memberExpression(classState.classRef, _core.types.identifier("prototype"));
- const protoDeclaration = _core.types.variableDeclaration("var", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(classState.protoAlias, classProto)]);
- classState.body.push(protoDeclaration);
- }
- }
- function pushConstructor(superReturns, method, path) {
- if (path.scope.hasOwnBinding(classState.classRef.name)) {
- path.scope.rename(classState.classRef.name);
- }
- setState({
- userConstructorPath: path,
- userConstructor: method,
- hasConstructor: true,
- superReturns
- });
- const {
- construct
- } = classState;
- _core.types.inheritsComments(construct, method);
- construct.params = method.params;
- _core.types.inherits(construct.body, method.body);
- construct.body.directives = method.body.directives;
- pushConstructorToBody();
- }
- function pushConstructorToBody() {
- if (classState.pushedConstructor) return;
- classState.pushedConstructor = true;
- if (classState.hasInstanceDescriptors || classState.hasStaticDescriptors) {
- pushDescriptors();
- }
- classState.body.push(classState.construct);
- pushInheritsToBody();
- }
- function pushInheritsToBody() {
- if (!classState.isDerived || classState.pushedInherits) return;
- setState({
- pushedInherits: true
- });
- classState.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper(classState.isLoose ? "inheritsLoose" : "inherits"), [_core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef), _core.types.cloneNode(classState.superName)])));
- }
- function setupClosureParamsArgs() {
- const {
- superName
- } = classState;
- const closureParams = [];
- const closureArgs = [];
- if (classState.isDerived) {
- const arg = classState.extendsNative ? _core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("wrapNativeSuper"), [_core.types.cloneNode(superName)]) : _core.types.cloneNode(superName);
- const param = classState.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(superName);
- closureParams.push(param);
- closureArgs.push(arg);
- setState({
- superName: _core.types.cloneNode(param)
- });
- }
- return {
- closureParams,
- closureArgs
- };
- }
- function classTransformer(path, file, builtinClasses, isLoose) {
- setState({
- parent: path.parent,
- scope: path.scope,
- node: path.node,
- path,
- file,
- isLoose
- });
- setState({
- classId: classState.node.id,
- classRef: classState.node.id ? _core.types.identifier(classState.node.id.name) : classState.scope.generateUidIdentifier("class"),
- superName: classState.node.superClass,
- isDerived: !!classState.node.superClass,
- constructorBody: _core.types.blockStatement([])
- });
- setState({
- extendsNative: classState.isDerived && builtinClasses.has(classState.superName.name) && !classState.scope.hasBinding(classState.superName.name, true)
- });
- const {
- classRef,
- node,
- constructorBody
- } = classState;
- setState({
- construct: buildConstructor(classRef, constructorBody, node)
- });
- let {
- body
- } = classState;
- const {
- closureParams,
- closureArgs
- } = setupClosureParamsArgs();
- buildBody();
- if (!classState.isLoose) {
- constructorBody.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(classState.file.addHelper("classCallCheck"), [_core.types.thisExpression(), _core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef)])));
- }
- body = body.concat(classState.staticPropBody.map(fn => fn(_core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef))));
- const isStrict = path.isInStrictMode();
- let constructorOnly = classState.classId && body.length === 1;
- if (constructorOnly && !isStrict) {
- for (const param of classState.construct.params) {
- if (!_core.types.isIdentifier(param)) {
- constructorOnly = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- const directives = constructorOnly ? body[0].body.directives : [];
- if (!isStrict) {
- directives.push(_core.types.directive(_core.types.directiveLiteral("use strict")));
- }
- if (constructorOnly) {
- return _core.types.toExpression(body[0]);
- }
- body.push(_core.types.returnStatement(_core.types.cloneNode(classState.classRef)));
- const container = _core.types.arrowFunctionExpression(closureParams, _core.types.blockStatement(body, directives));
- return _core.types.callExpression(container, closureArgs);
- }
- return classTransformer(path, file, builtinClasses, isLoose);
- }