- type Operator = "===" | "==" | "!==" | "!=" | "<>" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<="
- declare module 'collect.js' {
- export function collect<T>(collection?: T[] | Object): Collection<T>;
- export default function collect<T>(collection?: T[] | Object): Collection<T>;
- export class Collection<Item> {
- /**
- * The all method returns the underlying array represented by the collection.
- */
- all(): Item[];
- /**
- * Alias for the avg() method.
- */
- average<K>(key?: keyof Item | K): number;
- /**
- * The avg method returns the average of all items in the collection.
- */
- avg<K>(key?: keyof Item | K): number;
- /**
- * The chunk method breaks the collection into multiple, smaller collections of a given size.
- */
- chunk(size: number): Collection<Item[]>;
- /**
- * The collapse method collapses a collection of arrays into a single, flat collection.
- */
- collapse(): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The combine method combines the keys of the collection with the values of another array or collection.
- */
- combine<T, U>(array: U[]): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The concat method is used to merge two or more collections/arrays/objects.
- */
- concat<T>(collectionOrArrayOrObject: Collection<T> | T[] | object): any;
- /**
- * The contains method determines whether the collection contains a given item.
- */
- contains<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K | Function, value?: V): boolean;
- /**
- * The count method returns the total number of items in the collection.
- */
- count(): number;
- /**
- * The crossJoin method cross joins the collection with the given array or collection, returning all possible permutations.
- */
- crossJoin<T>(values: T[]): Collection<[Item, T]>;
- /**
- * The dd method will console.log the collection and exit the current process.
- */
- dd(): void;
- /**
- * The diff method compares the collection against another collection or a plain array based on its values.
- * This method will return the values in the original collection that are not present in the given collection.
- */
- diff<T>(values: T[] | Collection<Item>): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The diffAssoc method compares the collection against another collection or a plain object based on its keys
- * and values. This method will return the key / value pairs in the original collection that are not present in
- * the given collection:
- */
- diffAssoc<T>(values: T[] | Collection<T>): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The diffKeys method compares the collection against another collection or a plain object based on its keys.
- * This method will return the key / value pairs in the original collection that are not present in the given collection.
- */
- diffKeys<K extends keyof Item>(object: object): Collection<K>;
- /**
- * The dump method outputs the results at that moment and then continues processing.
- */
- dump(): this;
- /**
- * The each method iterates over the items in the collection and passes each item to a callback.
- */
- each(fn: (item: Item) => void): this;
- /**
- * The every method may be used to verify that all elements of a collection pass a given truth test.
- */
- every(fn: (item: Item) => boolean): boolean;
- /**
- * The except method returns all items in the collection except for those with the specified keys.
- */
- except<K>(properties: K[]): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The filter method filters the collection using the given callback,
- * keeping only those items that pass a given truth test.
- */
- filter(fn: (item: Item) => boolean): Collection<Item>;
- filter(fn: (item: Item, key?: any) => boolean): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The first method returns the first element in the collection that passes a given truth test.
- */
- first<V>(fn?: (item: Item) => boolean, defaultValue?: (...any: any[]) => V | Item): Item;
- /**
- * The flatMap method iterates through the collection and passes each value to the given callback.
- * The callback is free to modify the item and return it, thus forming a new collection of modified items.
- * Then, the array is flattened by a level.
- */
- flatMap<T>(fn: (item: Item, key: any) => T): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The flatten method flattens a multi-dimensional collection into a single dimension.
- */
- flatten(depth?: number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The flip method swaps the collection's keys with their corresponding values.
- */
- flip(): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The forget method removes an item from the collection by its key.
- */
- forget<K>(key: keyof Item | K): this;
- /**
- * The forPage method returns a new collection containing the items that would be present on a given page number.
- * The method accepts the page number as its first argument
- * and the number of items to show per page as its second argument.
- */
- forPage(page: number, chunk: number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The get method returns the item at a given key. If the key does not exist, null is returned.
- */
- get<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K, defaultValue?: (...any: any[]) => V | Item): Item | null;
- /**
- * The groupBy method groups the collection's items by a given key.
- *
- */
- groupBy<T, K>(key: ((item: Item, index?: number) => K) | keyof Item | K): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The has method determines if one or more keys exists in the collection.
- */
- has<K>(key: keyof Item | K | (keyof Item)[]): boolean;
- /**
- * The implode method joins the items in a collection.
- * Its arguments depend on the type of items in the collection.
- *
- * If the collection contains arrays or objects,
- * you should pass the key of the attributes you wish to join,
- * and the "glue" string you wish to place between the values.
- */
- implode<K>(key: keyof Item | K, glue?: string): string;
- /**
- * The intersect method removes any values from the original collection
- * that are not present in the given array or collection.
- * The resulting collection will preserve the original collection's keys.
- */
- intersect(values: Item[] | Collection<Item>): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The intersectByKeys method removes any keys from the original collection
- * that are not present in the given array or collection.
- */
- intersectByKeys<K extends keyof Item>(values: Item | Collection<Item>): Collection<K>
- /**
- * The isEmpty method returns true if the collection is empty; otherwise, false is returned.
- */
- isEmpty(): boolean;
- /**
- * The isNotEmpty method returns true if the collection is not empty; otherwise, false is returned.
- */
- isNotEmpty(): boolean;
- /**
- * The keyBy method keys the collection by the given key.
- * If multiple items have the same key, only the last one will appear in the new collection.
- */
- keyBy<T, K>(key: keyof Item | K | Function): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The keys method returns all of the collection's keys.
- */
- keys(): Collection<string>;
- /**
- * The last method returns the last element in the collection that passes a given truth test.
- */
- last(fn?: (item: Item) => boolean): Item;
- /**
- * The macro method lets you register custom methods.
- */
- macro(name: string, fn: Function): void;
- /**
- * The map method iterates through the collection and passes each value to the given callback.
- * The callback is free to modify the item and return it, thus forming a new collection of modified items.
- */
- map<T>(fn: (item: Item, index: any) => T): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The mapInto method iterates through the collection and instantiates the given class with each element as a constructor.
- */
- mapInto<T extends Function>(ClassName: T): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The mapToGroups method iterates through the collection and passes each value to the given callback.
- */
- mapToGroups(fn: Function): Collection<any>;
- /**
- * The mapWithKeys method iterates through the collection and passes each value to the given callback.
- * The callback should return an array where the first element represents the key
- * and the second element represents the value pair.
- */
- mapWithKeys<T>(fn: Function): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The max method returns the maximum value of a given key.
- */
- max(key?: keyof Item | string): number;
- /**
- * The median method returns the median value of a given key.
- */
- median<K>(key?: keyof Item | K): Item;
- /**
- * The merge method merges the given object into the original collection.
- * If a key in the given object matches a key in the original collection,
- * the given objects value will overwrite the value in the original collection.
- */
- merge<T>(objectOrArray: object | T[]): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The min method returns the minimum value of a given key.
- */
- min<K>(key?: keyof Item | K): number;
- /**
- * The mode method returns the mode value of a given key.
- */
- mode<K>(key?: keyof Item | K): Collection<Item> | null;
- /**
- * The nth method creates a new collection consisting of every n-th element.
- */
- nth(n: number, offset?: number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The only method returns the items in the collection with the specified keys.
- */
- only<K>(properties: K[]): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The partition method may be combined with destructuring to separate elements
- * that pass a given truth test from those that do not.
- */
- partition(fn: (item: Item) => boolean): [Item[], Item[]];
- /**
- * The pipe method passes the collection to the given callback and returns the result.
- */
- pipe<U>(fn: (...any: any[]) => U): U;
- /**
- * The pluck method retrieves all of the values for a given key.
- */
- pluck<T, K, V>(value: keyof Item | V, key?: keyof Item | K): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The pop method removes and returns the last item from the collection.
- */
- pop(): Item;
- /**
- * The prepend method adds an item to the beginning of the collection.
- */
- prepend<K, V>(value: V, key?: K): this;
- /**
- * The pull method removes and returns an item from the collection by its key.
- */
- pull<K>(key: keyof Item | K): Item | null;
- /**
- * The push method appends an item to the end of the collection.
- */
- push(item: Item): this;
- /**
- * The put method sets the given key and value in the collection.
- */
- put<K, V>(key: K, value: V): this;
- /**
- * The random method returns a random item from the collection.
- */
- random(length?: number): this | Item;
- /**
- * The reduce method reduces the collection to a single value,
- * passing the result of each iteration into the subsequent iteration.
- */
- reduce<T>(fn: (_carry: T | null, item: Item) => T, carry?: T): any;
- /**
- * The reject method filters the collection using the given callback.
- * The callback should return true if the item should be removed from the resulting collection.
- */
- reject(fn: (item: Item) => boolean): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The reverse method reverses the order of the collection's items.
- */
- reverse(): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The search method searches the collection for the given value and returns its key if found.
- * If the item is not found, false is returned.
- */
- search(valueOrFunction: Item | ((value: Item, key: number) => boolean), strict: boolean): any;
- /**
- * The shift method removes and returns the first item from the collection.
- */
- shift(): Item;
- /**
- * The shuffle method randomly shuffles the items in the collection.
- */
- shuffle(): this;
- /**
- * The slice method returns a slice of the collection starting at the given index.
- */
- slice(remove: number, limit?: number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The sort method sorts the collection.
- */
- sort(fn?: (a: Item, b: Item) => number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The sortBy method sorts the collection by the given key.
- * The sorted collection keeps the original array keys.
- */
- sortBy<V>(value: V): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The sortBy method sorts the collection by the given callback.
- * The sorted collection keeps the original array keys.
- */
- sortBy(fn: (item: Item) => number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * This method has the same signature as the sortBy method,
- * but will sort the collection in the opposite order.
- */
- sortByDesc<V>(value: V): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * This method has the same signature as the sortBy method,
- * but will sort the collection in the opposite order.
- */
- sortByDesc(fn: (item: Item) => number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The splice method removes and returns a slice of items starting at the specified index.
- * You may pass a second argument to limit the size of the resulting chunk.
- */
- splice(index: number, limit: number, replace?: Item[]): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The split method breaks a collection into the given number of groups.
- */
- split(numberOfGroups: number): Item[];
- /**
- * The sum method returns the sum of all items in the collection.
- */
- sum<K>(key?: keyof Item | K | ((item: Item) => number | string)): number | string;
- [Symbol.iterator]: () => Iterator<Item>;
- /**
- * The take method returns a new collection with the specified number of items:
- * You may also pass a negative integer to take the specified amount of items from the end of the collection.
- */
- take(length: number): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The tap method passes the collection to the given callback,
- * allowing you to "tap" into the collection at a specific point
- * and do something with the items while not affecting the collection itself.
- */
- tap(fn: (collection: Collection<Item>) => void): this;
- /**
- * The times method creates a new collection by invoking the callback a given amount of times.
- */
- times<T>(times: number, fn: (time: number) => T): T[];
- /**
- * The toArray method converts the collection into a plain array.
- * If the collection is an object, an array containing the values will be returned.
- */
- toArray<T>(): T[];
- /**
- * The toJson method converts the collection into JSON string.
- */
- toJson(): string;
- /**
- * The transform method iterates over the collection and calls the given callback with each item in the collection.
- * The items in the collection will be replaced by the values returned by the callback.
- */
- transform<T>(fn: (item: Item) => T): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The union method adds the given array to the collection.
- * If the given array contains keys that are already in the original collection,
- * the original collection's values will be preferred.
- */
- union<T>(object: Object): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The unique method returns all of the unique items in the collection.
- */
- unique<K>(key?: keyof Item | K | Function): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The unless method will execute the given callback when the first argument given to the method evaluates to false.
- */
- unless(value: boolean, fn: (this: any) => any, defaultFn: (this: any) => any): void;
- /**
- * The unwrap method will unwrap the given collection.
- */
- unwrap<T>(value: T[] | Collection<T>): T[];
- /**
- * The values method returns a new collection with the keys reset to consecutive integers.
- */
- values<T>(): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The when method will execute the given callback when the first argument given to the method evaluates to true.
- */
- when(condition: boolean, fn: (this: any) => any, defaultFn: (this: any) => any): void;
- /**
- * The where method filters the collection by a given key / value pair.
- */
- where<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K, value: V): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The where method filters the collection by a given key / value pair.
- */
- where<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K, operator: Operator, value: V): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The whereIn method filters the collection by a given key / value contained within the given array.
- */
- whereIn<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K, values: V[]): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The whereNotIn method filters the collection by a given key / value not contained within the given array.
- */
- whereNotIn<K, V>(key: keyof Item | K, values: V[]): Collection<Item>;
- /**
- * The wrap method will wrap the given value in a collection.
- */
- wrap<T>(value: T | T[] | Collection<T>): Collection<T>;
- /**
- * The zip method merges together the values of the given array with the values
- * of the original collection at the corresponding index.
- */
- zip<T>(array: T[]): Collection<[Item, T]>;
- [macroFn: string]: Function;
- }
- }