- # dir-glob [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/kevva/dir-glob.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/kevva/dir-glob)
- > Convert directories to glob compatible strings
- ## Install
- ```
- $ npm install dir-glob
- ```
- ## Usage
- ```js
- const dirGlob = require('dir-glob');
- dirGlob(['index.js', 'test.js', 'fixtures']).then(files => {
- console.log(files);
- //=> ['index.js', 'test.js', 'fixtures/**']
- });
- dirGlob(['lib/**', 'fixtures'], {
- files: ['test', 'unicorn']
- extensions: ['js']
- }).then(files => {
- console.log(files);
- //=> ['lib/**', 'fixtures/**/test.js', 'fixtures/**/unicorn.js']
- });
- dirGlob(['lib/**', 'fixtures'], {
- files: ['test', 'unicorn', '*.jsx'],
- extensions: ['js', 'png']
- }).then(files => {
- console.log(files);
- //=> ['lib/**', 'fixtures/**/test.{js,png}', 'fixtures/**/unicorn.{js,png}', 'fixtures/**/*.jsx']
- });
- ```
- ## API
- ### dirGlob(input, [options])
- Returns a `Promise` for an array of glob strings.
- ### dirGlob.sync(input, [options])
- Returns an array of glob strings.
- #### input
- Type: `Array` `string`
- A `string` or an `Array` of paths.
- #### options
- ##### extensions
- Type: `Array`
- Append extensions to the end of your globs.
- ##### files
- Type: `Array`
- Only glob for certain files.
- ## License
- MIT © [Kevin Mårtensson](https://github.com/kevva)