- # dns-packet
- An [abstract-encoding](https://github.com/mafintosh/abstract-encoding) compliant module for encoding / decoding DNS packets.
- Lifted out of [multicast-dns](https://github.com/mafintosh/multicast-dns) as a separate module.
- ```
- npm install dns-packet
- ```
- [![build status](https://travis-ci.org/mafintosh/dns-packet.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mafintosh/dns-packet)
- ## Usage
- ``` js
- var packet = require('dns-packet')
- var dgram = require('dgram')
- var socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4')
- var buf = packet.encode({
- type: 'query',
- id: 1,
- flags: packet.RECURSION_DESIRED,
- questions: [{
- type: 'A',
- name: 'google.com'
- }]
- })
- socket.on('message', function (message) {
- console.log(packet.decode(message)) // prints out a response from google dns
- })
- socket.send(buf, 0, buf.length, 53, '')
- ```
- ## API
- #### `var buf = packets.encode(packet, [buf], [offset])`
- Encodes a DNS packet into a buffer.
- #### `var packet = packets.decode(buf, [offset])`
- Decode a DNS packet from a buffer
- #### `var len = packets.encodingLength(packet)`
- Returns how many bytes are needed to encode the DNS packet
- ## Packets
- Packets look like this
- ``` js
- {
- type: 'query|response',
- id: optionalIdNumber,
- flags: optionalBitFlags,
- questions: [...],
- answers: [...],
- additionals: [...],
- authorities: [...]
- }
- ```
- The bit flags available are
- ``` js
- ```
- To use more than one flag bitwise-or them together
- ``` js
- ```
- And to check for a flag use bitwise-and
- ``` js
- var isRecursive = message.flags & packet.RECURSION_DESIRED
- ```
- A question looks like this
- ``` js
- {
- type: 'A', // or SRV, AAAA, etc
- name: 'google.com' // which record are you looking for
- }
- ```
- And an answers, additional, or authority looks like this
- ``` js
- {
- type: 'A', // or SRV, AAAA, etc
- name: 'google.com', // which name is this record for
- ttl: optionalTimeToLiveInSeconds,
- (record specific data, see below)
- }
- ```
- Currently the different available records are
- #### `A`
- ``` js
- {
- data: 'IPv4 address' // fx
- }
- ```
- #### `AAAA`
- ``` js
- {
- data: 'IPv6 address' // fx fe80::1
- }
- ```
- #### `TXT`
- ``` js
- {
- data: Buffer('some text')
- }
- ```
- #### `NS`
- ``` js
- {
- data: nameServer
- }
- ```
- #### `NULL`
- ``` js
- {
- data: Buffer('any binary data')
- }
- ```
- #### `SOA`
- ``` js
- {
- data:
- {
- mname: domainName,
- rname: mailbox,
- serial: zoneSerial,
- refresh: refreshInterval,
- retry: retryInterval,
- expire: expireInterval,
- minimum: minimumTTL
- }
- }
- ```
- #### `SRV`
- ``` js
- {
- data: {
- port: servicePort,
- target: serviceHostName,
- priority: optionalServicePriority,
- weight: optionalServiceWeight
- }
- }
- ```
- #### `HINFO`
- ``` js
- {
- data: {
- cpu: 'cpu info',
- os: 'os info'
- }
- }
- ```
- #### `PTR`
- ``` js
- {
- data: 'points.to.another.record'
- }
- ```
- #### `CNAME`
- ``` js
- {
- data: 'cname.to.another.record'
- }
- ```
- #### `DNAME`
- ``` js
- {
- data: 'dname.to.another.record'
- }
- ```
- #### `CAA`
- ``` js
- {
- flags: 128, // octet
- tag: 'issue|issuewild|iodef',
- value: 'ca.example.net'
- }
- ```
- If you need another one, open an issue and we'll try to add it.
- ## License