- /*
- MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
- */
- "use strict";
- const util = require("util");
- const Tapable = require("tapable/lib/Tapable");
- const SyncHook = require("tapable/lib/SyncHook");
- const AsyncSeriesBailHook = require("tapable/lib/AsyncSeriesBailHook");
- const AsyncSeriesHook = require("tapable/lib/AsyncSeriesHook");
- const createInnerContext = require("./createInnerContext");
- const REGEXP_NOT_MODULE = /^\.$|^\.[\\/]|^\.\.$|^\.\.[\\/]|^\/|^[A-Z]:[\\/]/i;
- const REGEXP_DIRECTORY = /[\\/]$/i;
- const memoryFsJoin = require("memory-fs/lib/join");
- const memoizedJoin = new Map();
- const memoryFsNormalize = require("memory-fs/lib/normalize");
- function withName(name, hook) {
- hook.name = name;
- return hook;
- }
- function toCamelCase(str) {
- return str.replace(/-([a-z])/g, str => str.substr(1).toUpperCase());
- }
- const deprecatedPushToMissing = util.deprecate((set, item) => {
- set.add(item);
- }, "Resolver: 'missing' is now a Set. Use add instead of push.");
- const deprecatedResolveContextInCallback = util.deprecate(x => {
- return x;
- }, "Resolver: The callback argument was splitted into resolveContext and callback.");
- const deprecatedHookAsString = util.deprecate(x => {
- return x;
- }, "Resolver#doResolve: The type arguments (string) is now a hook argument (Hook). Pass a reference to the hook instead.");
- class Resolver extends Tapable {
- constructor(fileSystem) {
- super();
- this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
- this.hooks = {
- resolveStep: withName("resolveStep", new SyncHook(["hook", "request"])),
- noResolve: withName("noResolve", new SyncHook(["request", "error"])),
- resolve: withName(
- "resolve",
- new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["request", "resolveContext"])
- ),
- result: new AsyncSeriesHook(["result", "resolveContext"])
- };
- this._pluginCompat.tap("Resolver: before/after", options => {
- if (/^before-/.test(options.name)) {
- options.name = options.name.substr(7);
- options.stage = -10;
- } else if (/^after-/.test(options.name)) {
- options.name = options.name.substr(6);
- options.stage = 10;
- }
- });
- this._pluginCompat.tap("Resolver: step hooks", options => {
- const name = options.name;
- const stepHook = !/^resolve(-s|S)tep$|^no(-r|R)esolve$/.test(name);
- if (stepHook) {
- options.async = true;
- this.ensureHook(name);
- const fn = options.fn;
- options.fn = (request, resolverContext, callback) => {
- const innerCallback = (err, result) => {
- if (err) return callback(err);
- if (result !== undefined) return callback(null, result);
- callback();
- };
- for (const key in resolverContext) {
- innerCallback[key] = resolverContext[key];
- }
- fn.call(this, request, innerCallback);
- };
- }
- });
- }
- ensureHook(name) {
- if (typeof name !== "string") return name;
- name = toCamelCase(name);
- if (/^before/.test(name)) {
- return this.ensureHook(
- name[6].toLowerCase() + name.substr(7)
- ).withOptions({
- stage: -10
- });
- }
- if (/^after/.test(name)) {
- return this.ensureHook(
- name[5].toLowerCase() + name.substr(6)
- ).withOptions({
- stage: 10
- });
- }
- const hook = this.hooks[name];
- if (!hook) {
- return (this.hooks[name] = withName(
- name,
- new AsyncSeriesBailHook(["request", "resolveContext"])
- ));
- }
- return hook;
- }
- getHook(name) {
- if (typeof name !== "string") return name;
- name = toCamelCase(name);
- if (/^before/.test(name)) {
- return this.getHook(name[6].toLowerCase() + name.substr(7)).withOptions({
- stage: -10
- });
- }
- if (/^after/.test(name)) {
- return this.getHook(name[5].toLowerCase() + name.substr(6)).withOptions({
- stage: 10
- });
- }
- const hook = this.hooks[name];
- if (!hook) {
- throw new Error(`Hook ${name} doesn't exist`);
- }
- return hook;
- }
- resolveSync(context, path, request) {
- let err,
- result,
- sync = false;
- this.resolve(context, path, request, {}, (e, r) => {
- err = e;
- result = r;
- sync = true;
- });
- if (!sync)
- throw new Error(
- "Cannot 'resolveSync' because the fileSystem is not sync. Use 'resolve'!"
- );
- if (err) throw err;
- return result;
- }
- resolve(context, path, request, resolveContext, callback) {
- // TODO remove in enhanced-resolve 5
- // For backward compatiblity START
- if (typeof callback !== "function") {
- callback = deprecatedResolveContextInCallback(resolveContext);
- // resolveContext is a function containing additional properties
- // It's now used for resolveContext and callback
- }
- // END
- const obj = {
- context: context,
- path: path,
- request: request
- };
- const message = "resolve '" + request + "' in '" + path + "'";
- // Try to resolve assuming there is no error
- // We don't log stuff in this case
- return this.doResolve(
- this.hooks.resolve,
- obj,
- message,
- {
- missing: resolveContext.missing,
- stack: resolveContext.stack
- },
- (err, result) => {
- if (!err && result) {
- return callback(
- null,
- result.path === false ? false : result.path + (result.query || ""),
- result
- );
- }
- const localMissing = new Set();
- // TODO remove in enhanced-resolve 5
- localMissing.push = item => deprecatedPushToMissing(localMissing, item);
- const log = [];
- return this.doResolve(
- this.hooks.resolve,
- obj,
- message,
- {
- log: msg => {
- if (resolveContext.log) {
- resolveContext.log(msg);
- }
- log.push(msg);
- },
- missing: localMissing,
- stack: resolveContext.stack
- },
- (err, result) => {
- if (err) return callback(err);
- const error = new Error("Can't " + message);
- error.details = log.join("\n");
- error.missing = Array.from(localMissing);
- this.hooks.noResolve.call(obj, error);
- return callback(error);
- }
- );
- }
- );
- }
- doResolve(hook, request, message, resolveContext, callback) {
- // TODO remove in enhanced-resolve 5
- // For backward compatiblity START
- if (typeof callback !== "function") {
- callback = deprecatedResolveContextInCallback(resolveContext);
- // resolveContext is a function containing additional properties
- // It's now used for resolveContext and callback
- }
- if (typeof hook === "string") {
- const name = toCamelCase(hook);
- hook = deprecatedHookAsString(this.hooks[name]);
- if (!hook) {
- throw new Error(`Hook "${name}" doesn't exist`);
- }
- }
- // END
- if (typeof callback !== "function")
- throw new Error("callback is not a function " + Array.from(arguments));
- if (!resolveContext)
- throw new Error(
- "resolveContext is not an object " + Array.from(arguments)
- );
- const stackLine =
- hook.name +
- ": (" +
- request.path +
- ") " +
- (request.request || "") +
- (request.query || "") +
- (request.directory ? " directory" : "") +
- (request.module ? " module" : "");
- let newStack;
- if (resolveContext.stack) {
- newStack = new Set(resolveContext.stack);
- if (resolveContext.stack.has(stackLine)) {
- // Prevent recursion
- const recursionError = new Error(
- "Recursion in resolving\nStack:\n " +
- Array.from(newStack).join("\n ")
- );
- recursionError.recursion = true;
- if (resolveContext.log)
- resolveContext.log("abort resolving because of recursion");
- return callback(recursionError);
- }
- newStack.add(stackLine);
- } else {
- newStack = new Set([stackLine]);
- }
- this.hooks.resolveStep.call(hook, request);
- if (hook.isUsed()) {
- const innerContext = createInnerContext(
- {
- log: resolveContext.log,
- missing: resolveContext.missing,
- stack: newStack
- },
- message
- );
- return hook.callAsync(request, innerContext, (err, result) => {
- if (err) return callback(err);
- if (result) return callback(null, result);
- callback();
- });
- } else {
- callback();
- }
- }
- parse(identifier) {
- if (identifier === "") return null;
- const part = {
- request: "",
- query: "",
- module: false,
- directory: false,
- file: false
- };
- const idxQuery = identifier.indexOf("?");
- if (idxQuery === 0) {
- part.query = identifier;
- } else if (idxQuery > 0) {
- part.request = identifier.slice(0, idxQuery);
- part.query = identifier.slice(idxQuery);
- } else {
- part.request = identifier;
- }
- if (part.request) {
- part.module = this.isModule(part.request);
- part.directory = this.isDirectory(part.request);
- if (part.directory) {
- part.request = part.request.substr(0, part.request.length - 1);
- }
- }
- return part;
- }
- isModule(path) {
- return !REGEXP_NOT_MODULE.test(path);
- }
- isDirectory(path) {
- return REGEXP_DIRECTORY.test(path);
- }
- join(path, request) {
- let cacheEntry;
- let pathCache = memoizedJoin.get(path);
- if (typeof pathCache === "undefined") {
- memoizedJoin.set(path, (pathCache = new Map()));
- } else {
- cacheEntry = pathCache.get(request);
- if (typeof cacheEntry !== "undefined") return cacheEntry;
- }
- cacheEntry = memoryFsJoin(path, request);
- pathCache.set(request, cacheEntry);
- return cacheEntry;
- }
- normalize(path) {
- return memoryFsNormalize(path);
- }
- }
- module.exports = Resolver;