- # 3.1.0 (2020-01-08)
- `events` now matches the Node.js 11.12.0 API.
- - pass through return value in wrapped `emitter.once()` listeners
- Now, this works:
- ```js
- emitter.once('myevent', function () { return 1; });
- var listener = emitter.rawListeners('myevent')[0]
- assert(listener() === 1);
- ```
- Previously, `listener()` would return undefined regardless of the implementation.
- Ported from https://github.com/nodejs/node/commit/acc506c2d2771dab8d7bba6d3452bc5180dff7cf
- - Reduce code duplication in listener type check ([#67](https://github.com/Gozala/events/pull/67) by [@friederbluemle](https://github.com/friederbluemle)).
- - Improve `emitter.once()` performance in some engines
- # 3.0.0 (2018-05-25)
- **This version drops support for IE8.** `events` no longer includes polyfills
- for ES5 features. If you need to support older environments, use an ES5 shim
- like [es5-shim](https://npmjs.com/package/es5-shim). Both the shim and sham
- versions of es5-shim are necessary.
- - Update to events code from Node.js 10.x
- - (semver major) Adds `off()` method
- - Port more tests from Node.js
- - Switch browser tests to airtap, making things more reliable
- # 2.1.0 (2018-05-25)
- - add Emitter#rawListeners from Node.js v9.4
- # 2.0.0 (2018-02-02)
- - Update to events code from node.js 8.x
- - Adds `prependListener()` and `prependOnceListener()`
- - Adds `eventNames()` method
- - (semver major) Unwrap `once()` listeners in `listeners()`
- - copy tests from node.js
- Note that this version doubles the gzipped size, jumping from 1.1KB to 2.1KB,
- due to new methods and runtime performance improvements. Be aware of that when
- upgrading.
- # 1.1.1 (2016-06-22)
- - add more context to errors if they are not instanceof Error
- # 1.1.0 (2015-09-29)
- - add Emitter#listerCount (to match node v4 api)
- # 1.0.2 (2014-08-28)
- - remove un-reachable code
- - update devDeps
- ## 1.0.1 / 2014-05-11
- - check for console.trace before using it
- ## 1.0.0 / 2013-12-10
- - Update to latest events code from node.js 0.10
- - copy tests from node.js
- ## 0.4.0 / 2011-07-03 ##
- - Switching to graphquire@0.8.0
- ## 0.3.0 / 2011-07-03 ##
- - Switching to URL based module require.
- ## 0.2.0 / 2011-06-10 ##
- - Simplified package structure.
- - Graphquire for dependency management.
- ## 0.1.1 / 2011-05-16 ##
- - Unhandled errors are logged via console.error
- ## 0.1.0 / 2011-04-22 ##
- - Initial release