- # fs-write-stream-atomic
- Like `fs.createWriteStream(...)`, but atomic.
- Writes to a tmp file and does an atomic `fs.rename` to move it into
- place when it's done.
- First rule of debugging: **It's always a race condition.**
- ## USAGE
- ```javascript
- var fsWriteStreamAtomic = require('fs-write-stream-atomic')
- // options are optional.
- var write = fsWriteStreamAtomic('output.txt', options)
- var read = fs.createReadStream('input.txt')
- read.pipe(write)
- // When the write stream emits a 'finish' or 'close' event,
- // you can be sure that it is moved into place, and contains
- // all the bytes that were written to it, even if something else
- // was writing to `output.txt` at the same time.
- ```
- ### `fsWriteStreamAtomic(filename, [options])`
- * `filename` {String} The file we want to write to
- * `options` {Object}
- * `chown` {Object} User and group to set ownership after write
- * `uid` {Number}
- * `gid` {Number}
- * `encoding` {String} default = 'utf8'
- * `mode` {Number} default = `0666`
- * `flags` {String} default = `'w'`