- # hash-sum
- > blazing fast unique hash generator
- # install
- ```shell
- npm i hash-sum -S
- ```
- # features
- - no dependencies
- - minimal footprint
- - works in all of node.js, io.js, and the browser
- - hashes functions based on their source code
- - produces different hashes for different object types
- - support for circular references in objects
- - ignores property assignment order
- # `sum(value)`
- yields a four-byte hexadecimal hash based off of `value`.
- ```
- # creates unique hashes
- creates unique hashes
- 4d237d49 from: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
- 766ec173 from: { url: 12 }
- 2f473108 from: { headers: 12 }
- 23308836 from: { headers: 122 }
- 062bce44 from: { headers: '122' }
- acb9f66e from: { headers: { accept: 'text/plain' } }
- 1c365a2d from: { payload: [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ], headers: [ { a: 'b' } ] }
- 7319ae9d from: { a: [Function] }
- 8a3a0e86 from: { b: [Function] }
- b6d7f5d4 from: { b: [Function] }
- 6c95fc65 from: function () {}
- 2941766e from: function (a) {}
- 294f8def from: function (b) {}
- 2d9c0cb8 from: function (a) { return a;}
- ed5c63fc from: function (a) {return a;}
- bba68bf6 from: ''
- 2d27667d from: 'null'
- 774b96ed from: 'false'
- 2d2a1684 from: 'true'
- 8daa1a0c from: '0'
- 8daa1a0a from: '1'
- e38f07cc from: 'void 0'
- 6037ea1a from: 'undefined'
- 9b7df12e from: null
- 3c206f76 from: false
- 01e34ba8 from: true
- 1a96284a from: 0
- 1a96284b from: 1
- 29172c1a from: undefined
- 4505230f from: {}
- 3718c6e8 from: { a: {}, b: {} }
- 5d844489 from: []
- 938eaaf0 from: Tue Jul 14 2015 15:35:36 GMT-0300 (ART)
- dfe5fb2e from: global
- ok 1 should be equal
- ```
- # license