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4 years ago
  1. {
  2. "_args": [
  3. [
  4. "loader-runner@^2.4.0",
  5. "/home/herrhase/Workspace/tentakelfabrik/tiny-components/tiny-consent/node_modules/webpack"
  6. ]
  7. ],
  8. "_from": "loader-runner@>=2.4.0 <3.0.0",
  9. "_hasShrinkwrap": false,
  10. "_id": "loader-runner@2.4.0",
  11. "_inCache": true,
  12. "_installable": true,
  13. "_location": "/loader-runner",
  14. "_nodeVersion": "10.15.0",
  15. "_npmOperationalInternal": {
  16. "host": "s3://npm-registry-packages",
  17. "tmp": "tmp/loader-runner_2.4.0_1547560015150_0.8059995476306019"
  18. },
  19. "_npmUser": {
  20. "email": "",
  21. "name": "sokra"
  22. },
  23. "_npmVersion": "6.4.1",
  24. "_phantomChildren": {},
  25. "_requested": {
  26. "name": "loader-runner",
  27. "raw": "loader-runner@^2.4.0",
  28. "rawSpec": "^2.4.0",
  29. "scope": null,
  30. "spec": ">=2.4.0 <3.0.0",
  31. "type": "range"
  32. },
  33. "_requiredBy": [
  34. "/webpack"
  35. ],
  36. "_resolved": "",
  37. "_shasum": "ed47066bfe534d7e84c4c7b9998c2a75607d9357",
  38. "_shrinkwrap": null,
  39. "_spec": "loader-runner@^2.4.0",
  40. "_where": "/home/herrhase/Workspace/tentakelfabrik/tiny-components/tiny-consent/node_modules/webpack",
  41. "author": {
  42. "name": "Tobias Koppers @sokra"
  43. },
  44. "bugs": {
  45. "url": ""
  46. },
  47. "dependencies": {},
  48. "description": "Runs (webpack) loaders",
  49. "devDependencies": {
  50. "": "^0.1.6",
  51. "coveralls": "^2.11.6",
  52. "eslint": "^3.12.2",
  53. "eslint-plugin-node": "^3.0.5",
  54. "eslint-plugin-nodeca": "^1.0.3",
  55. "istanbul": "^0.4.1",
  56. "mocha": "^3.2.0",
  57. "should": "^8.0.2"
  58. },
  59. "directories": {},
  60. "dist": {
  61. "fileCount": 6,
  62. "integrity": "sha512-Jsmr89RcXGIwivFY21FcRrisYZfvLMTWx5kOLc+JTxtpBOG6xML0vzbc6SEQG2FO9/4Fc3wW4LVcB5DmGflaRw==",
  63. "npm-signature": "-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\nVersion: OpenPGP.js v3.0.4\r\nComment:\r\n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\nEc2m\r\n=17l7\r\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\r\n",
  64. "shasum": "ed47066bfe534d7e84c4c7b9998c2a75607d9357",
  65. "tarball": "",
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  67. },
  68. "engines": {
  69. "node": ">=4.3.0 <5.0.0 || >=5.10"
  70. },
  71. "gitHead": "4e817fdf48ba866cbfa2e0a91c9b720f09410422",
  72. "homepage": "",
  73. "keywords": [
  74. "loader",
  75. "webpack"
  76. ],
  77. "license": "MIT",
  78. "main": "lib/LoaderRunner.js",
  79. "maintainers": [
  80. {
  81. "name": "sokra",
  82. "email": ""
  83. }
  84. ],
  85. "name": "loader-runner",
  86. "optionalDependencies": {},
  87. "readme": "# loader-runner\n\n``` js\nimport { runLoaders } from \"loader-runner\";\n\nrunLoaders({\n\tresource: \"/abs/path/to/file.txt?query\",\n\t// String: Absolute path to the resource (optionally including query string)\n\n\tloaders: [\"/abs/path/to/loader.js?query\"],\n\t// String[]: Absolute paths to the loaders (optionally including query string)\n\t// {loader, options}[]: Absolute paths to the loaders with options object\n\n\tcontext: { minimize: true },\n\t// Additional loader context which is used as base context\n\n\treadResource: fs.readFile.bind(fs)\n\t// A function to read the resource\n\t// Must have signature function(path, function(err, buffer))\n\n}, function(err, result) {\n\t// err: Error?\n\n\t// result.result: Buffer | String\n\t// The result\n\n\t// result.resourceBuffer: Buffer\n\t// The raw resource as Buffer (useful for SourceMaps)\n\n\t// result.cacheable: Bool\n\t// Is the result cacheable or do it require reexecution?\n\n\t// result.fileDependencies: String[]\n\t// An array of paths (files) on which the result depends on\n\n\t// result.contextDependencies: String[]\n\t// An array of paths (directories) on which the result depends on\n})\n```\n\nMore documentation following...\n\n",
  88. "readmeFilename": "",
  89. "repository": {
  90. "type": "git",
  91. "url": "git+"
  92. },
  93. "scripts": {
  94. "cover": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha",
  95. "lint": "eslint lib test",
  96. "precover": "npm run lint",
  97. "pretest": "npm run lint",
  98. "test": "mocha --reporter spec",
  99. "travis": "npm run cover -- --report lcovonly"
  100. },
  101. "version": "2.4.0"
  102. }