- /**
- * Javascript implementation of Abstract Syntax Notation Number One.
- *
- * @author Dave Longley
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Digital Bazaar, Inc.
- *
- * An API for storing data using the Abstract Syntax Notation Number One
- * format using DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules) encoding. This encoding is
- * commonly used to store data for PKI, i.e. X.509 Certificates, and this
- * implementation exists for that purpose.
- *
- * Abstract Syntax Notation Number One (ASN.1) is used to define the abstract
- * syntax of information without restricting the way the information is encoded
- * for transmission. It provides a standard that allows for open systems
- * communication. ASN.1 defines the syntax of information data and a number of
- * simple data types as well as a notation for describing them and specifying
- * values for them.
- *
- * The RSA algorithm creates public and private keys that are often stored in
- * X.509 or PKCS#X formats -- which use ASN.1 (encoded in DER format). This
- * class provides the most basic functionality required to store and load DSA
- * keys that are encoded according to ASN.1.
- *
- * The most common binary encodings for ASN.1 are BER (Basic Encoding Rules)
- * and DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules). DER is just a subset of BER that
- * has stricter requirements for how data must be encoded.
- *
- * Each ASN.1 structure has a tag (a byte identifying the ASN.1 structure type)
- * and a byte array for the value of this ASN1 structure which may be data or a
- * list of ASN.1 structures.
- *
- * Each ASN.1 structure using BER is (Tag-Length-Value):
- *
- * | byte 0 | bytes X | bytes Y |
- * |--------|---------|----------
- * | tag | length | value |
- *
- * ASN.1 allows for tags to be of "High-tag-number form" which allows a tag to
- * be two or more octets, but that is not supported by this class. A tag is
- * only 1 byte. Bits 1-5 give the tag number (ie the data type within a
- * particular 'class'), 6 indicates whether or not the ASN.1 value is
- * constructed from other ASN.1 values, and bits 7 and 8 give the 'class'. If
- * bits 7 and 8 are both zero, the class is UNIVERSAL. If only bit 7 is set,
- * then the class is APPLICATION. If only bit 8 is set, then the class is
- * CONTEXT_SPECIFIC. If both bits 7 and 8 are set, then the class is PRIVATE.
- * The tag numbers for the data types for the class UNIVERSAL are listed below:
- *
- * UNIVERSAL 0 Reserved for use by the encoding rules
- * UNIVERSAL 1 Boolean type
- * UNIVERSAL 2 Integer type
- * UNIVERSAL 3 Bitstring type
- * UNIVERSAL 4 Octetstring type
- * UNIVERSAL 5 Null type
- * UNIVERSAL 6 Object identifier type
- * UNIVERSAL 7 Object descriptor type
- * UNIVERSAL 8 External type and Instance-of type
- * UNIVERSAL 9 Real type
- * UNIVERSAL 10 Enumerated type
- * UNIVERSAL 11 Embedded-pdv type
- * UNIVERSAL 12 UTF8String type
- * UNIVERSAL 13 Relative object identifier type
- * UNIVERSAL 14-15 Reserved for future editions
- * UNIVERSAL 16 Sequence and Sequence-of types
- * UNIVERSAL 17 Set and Set-of types
- * UNIVERSAL 18-22, 25-30 Character string types
- * UNIVERSAL 23-24 Time types
- *
- * The length of an ASN.1 structure is specified after the tag identifier.
- * There is a definite form and an indefinite form. The indefinite form may
- * be used if the encoding is constructed and not all immediately available.
- * The indefinite form is encoded using a length byte with only the 8th bit
- * set. The end of the constructed object is marked using end-of-contents
- * octets (two zero bytes).
- *
- * The definite form looks like this:
- *
- * The length may take up 1 or more bytes, it depends on the length of the
- * value of the ASN.1 structure. DER encoding requires that if the ASN.1
- * structure has a value that has a length greater than 127, more than 1 byte
- * will be used to store its length, otherwise just one byte will be used.
- * This is strict.
- *
- * In the case that the length of the ASN.1 value is less than 127, 1 octet
- * (byte) is used to store the "short form" length. The 8th bit has a value of
- * 0 indicating the length is "short form" and not "long form" and bits 7-1
- * give the length of the data. (The 8th bit is the left-most, most significant
- * bit: also known as big endian or network format).
- *
- * In the case that the length of the ASN.1 value is greater than 127, 2 to
- * 127 octets (bytes) are used to store the "long form" length. The first
- * byte's 8th bit is set to 1 to indicate the length is "long form." Bits 7-1
- * give the number of additional octets. All following octets are in base 256
- * with the most significant digit first (typical big-endian binary unsigned
- * integer storage). So, for instance, if the length of a value was 257, the
- * first byte would be set to:
- *
- * 10000010 = 130 = 0x82.
- *
- * This indicates there are 2 octets (base 256) for the length. The second and
- * third bytes (the octets just mentioned) would store the length in base 256:
- *
- * octet 2: 00000001 = 1 * 256^1 = 256
- * octet 3: 00000001 = 1 * 256^0 = 1
- * total = 257
- *
- * The algorithm for converting a js integer value of 257 to base-256 is:
- *
- * var value = 257;
- * var bytes = [];
- * bytes[0] = (value >>> 8) & 0xFF; // most significant byte first
- * bytes[1] = value & 0xFF; // least significant byte last
- *
- * On the ASN.1 UNIVERSAL Object Identifier (OID) type:
- *
- * An OID can be written like: "value1.value2.value3...valueN"
- *
- * The DER encoding rules:
- *
- * The first byte has the value 40 * value1 + value2.
- * The following bytes, if any, encode the remaining values. Each value is
- * encoded in base 128, most significant digit first (big endian), with as
- * few digits as possible, and the most significant bit of each byte set
- * to 1 except the last in each value's encoding. For example: Given the
- * OID "1.2.840.113549", its DER encoding is (remember each byte except the
- * last one in each encoding is OR'd with 0x80):
- *
- * byte 1: 40 * 1 + 2 = 42 = 0x2A.
- * bytes 2-3: 128 * 6 + 72 = 840 = 6 72 = 6 72 = 0x0648 = 0x8648
- * bytes 4-6: 16384 * 6 + 128 * 119 + 13 = 6 119 13 = 0x06770D = 0x86F70D
- *
- * The final value is: 0x2A864886F70D.
- * The full OID (including ASN.1 tag and length of 6 bytes) is:
- * 0x06062A864886F70D
- */
- var forge = require('./forge');
- require('./util');
- require('./oids');
- /* ASN.1 API */
- var asn1 = module.exports = forge.asn1 = forge.asn1 || {};
- /**
- * ASN.1 classes.
- */
- asn1.Class = {
- UNIVERSAL: 0x00,
- };
- /**
- * ASN.1 types. Not all types are supported by this implementation, only
- * those necessary to implement a simple PKI are implemented.
- */
- asn1.Type = {
- NONE: 0,
- NULL: 5,
- OID: 6,
- ODESC: 7,
- REAL: 9,
- UTF8: 12,
- ROID: 13,
- SET: 17,
- IA5STRING: 22,
- UTCTIME: 23,
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new asn1 object.
- *
- * @param tagClass the tag class for the object.
- * @param type the data type (tag number) for the object.
- * @param constructed true if the asn1 object is in constructed form.
- * @param value the value for the object, if it is not constructed.
- * @param [options] the options to use:
- * [bitStringContents] the plain BIT STRING content including padding
- * byte.
- *
- * @return the asn1 object.
- */
- asn1.create = function(tagClass, type, constructed, value, options) {
- /* An asn1 object has a tagClass, a type, a constructed flag, and a
- value. The value's type depends on the constructed flag. If
- constructed, it will contain a list of other asn1 objects. If not,
- it will contain the ASN.1 value as an array of bytes formatted
- according to the ASN.1 data type. */
- // remove undefined values
- if(forge.util.isArray(value)) {
- var tmp = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
- if(value[i] !== undefined) {
- tmp.push(value[i]);
- }
- }
- value = tmp;
- }
- var obj = {
- tagClass: tagClass,
- type: type,
- constructed: constructed,
- composed: constructed || forge.util.isArray(value),
- value: value
- };
- if(options && 'bitStringContents' in options) {
- // TODO: copy byte buffer if it's a buffer not a string
- obj.bitStringContents = options.bitStringContents;
- // TODO: add readonly flag to avoid this overhead
- // save copy to detect changes
- obj.original = asn1.copy(obj);
- }
- return obj;
- };
- /**
- * Copies an asn1 object.
- *
- * @param obj the asn1 object.
- * @param [options] copy options:
- * [excludeBitStringContents] true to not copy bitStringContents
- *
- * @return the a copy of the asn1 object.
- */
- asn1.copy = function(obj, options) {
- var copy;
- if(forge.util.isArray(obj)) {
- copy = [];
- for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i) {
- copy.push(asn1.copy(obj[i], options));
- }
- return copy;
- }
- if(typeof obj === 'string') {
- // TODO: copy byte buffer if it's a buffer not a string
- return obj;
- }
- copy = {
- tagClass: obj.tagClass,
- type: obj.type,
- constructed: obj.constructed,
- composed: obj.composed,
- value: asn1.copy(obj.value, options)
- };
- if(options && !options.excludeBitStringContents) {
- // TODO: copy byte buffer if it's a buffer not a string
- copy.bitStringContents = obj.bitStringContents;
- }
- return copy;
- };
- /**
- * Compares asn1 objects for equality.
- *
- * Note this function does not run in constant time.
- *
- * @param obj1 the first asn1 object.
- * @param obj2 the second asn1 object.
- * @param [options] compare options:
- * [includeBitStringContents] true to compare bitStringContents
- *
- * @return true if the asn1 objects are equal.
- */
- asn1.equals = function(obj1, obj2, options) {
- if(forge.util.isArray(obj1)) {
- if(!forge.util.isArray(obj2)) {
- return false;
- }
- if(obj1.length !== obj2.length) {
- return false;
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < obj1.length; ++i) {
- if(!asn1.equals(obj1[i], obj2[i])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- if(typeof obj1 !== typeof obj2) {
- return false;
- }
- if(typeof obj1 === 'string') {
- return obj1 === obj2;
- }
- var equal = obj1.tagClass === obj2.tagClass &&
- obj1.type === obj2.type &&
- obj1.constructed === obj2.constructed &&
- obj1.composed === obj2.composed &&
- asn1.equals(obj1.value, obj2.value);
- if(options && options.includeBitStringContents) {
- equal = equal && (obj1.bitStringContents === obj2.bitStringContents);
- }
- return equal;
- };
- /**
- * Gets the length of a BER-encoded ASN.1 value.
- *
- * In case the length is not specified, undefined is returned.
- *
- * @param b the BER-encoded ASN.1 byte buffer, starting with the first
- * length byte.
- *
- * @return the length of the BER-encoded ASN.1 value or undefined.
- */
- asn1.getBerValueLength = function(b) {
- // TODO: move this function and related DER/BER functions to a der.js
- // file; better abstract ASN.1 away from der/ber.
- var b2 = b.getByte();
- if(b2 === 0x80) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // see if the length is "short form" or "long form" (bit 8 set)
- var length;
- var longForm = b2 & 0x80;
- if(!longForm) {
- // length is just the first byte
- length = b2;
- } else {
- // the number of bytes the length is specified in bits 7 through 1
- // and each length byte is in big-endian base-256
- length = b.getInt((b2 & 0x7F) << 3);
- }
- return length;
- };
- /**
- * Check if the byte buffer has enough bytes. Throws an Error if not.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer to parse from.
- * @param remaining the bytes remaining in the current parsing state.
- * @param n the number of bytes the buffer must have.
- */
- function _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, n) {
- if(n > remaining) {
- var error = new Error('Too few bytes to parse DER.');
- error.available = bytes.length();
- error.remaining = remaining;
- error.requested = n;
- throw error;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the length of a BER-encoded ASN.1 value.
- *
- * In case the length is not specified, undefined is returned.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer to parse from.
- * @param remaining the bytes remaining in the current parsing state.
- *
- * @return the length of the BER-encoded ASN.1 value or undefined.
- */
- var _getValueLength = function(bytes, remaining) {
- // TODO: move this function and related DER/BER functions to a der.js
- // file; better abstract ASN.1 away from der/ber.
- // fromDer already checked that this byte exists
- var b2 = bytes.getByte();
- remaining--;
- if(b2 === 0x80) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // see if the length is "short form" or "long form" (bit 8 set)
- var length;
- var longForm = b2 & 0x80;
- if(!longForm) {
- // length is just the first byte
- length = b2;
- } else {
- // the number of bytes the length is specified in bits 7 through 1
- // and each length byte is in big-endian base-256
- var longFormBytes = b2 & 0x7F;
- _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, longFormBytes);
- length = bytes.getInt(longFormBytes << 3);
- }
- // FIXME: this will only happen for 32 bit getInt with high bit set
- if(length < 0) {
- throw new Error('Negative length: ' + length);
- }
- return length;
- };
- /**
- * Parses an asn1 object from a byte buffer in DER format.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer to parse from.
- * @param [strict] true to be strict when checking value lengths, false to
- * allow truncated values (default: true).
- * @param [options] object with options or boolean strict flag
- * [strict] true to be strict when checking value lengths, false to
- * allow truncated values (default: true).
- * [decodeBitStrings] true to attempt to decode the content of
- * BIT STRINGs (not OCTET STRINGs) using strict mode. Note that
- * without schema support to understand the data context this can
- * erroneously decode values that happen to be valid ASN.1. This
- * flag will be deprecated or removed as soon as schema support is
- * available. (default: true)
- *
- * @return the parsed asn1 object.
- */
- asn1.fromDer = function(bytes, options) {
- if(options === undefined) {
- options = {
- strict: true,
- decodeBitStrings: true
- };
- }
- if(typeof options === 'boolean') {
- options = {
- strict: options,
- decodeBitStrings: true
- };
- }
- if(!('strict' in options)) {
- options.strict = true;
- }
- if(!('decodeBitStrings' in options)) {
- options.decodeBitStrings = true;
- }
- // wrap in buffer if needed
- if(typeof bytes === 'string') {
- bytes = forge.util.createBuffer(bytes);
- }
- return _fromDer(bytes, bytes.length(), 0, options);
- };
- /**
- * Internal function to parse an asn1 object from a byte buffer in DER format.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer to parse from.
- * @param remaining the number of bytes remaining for this chunk.
- * @param depth the current parsing depth.
- * @param options object with same options as fromDer().
- *
- * @return the parsed asn1 object.
- */
- function _fromDer(bytes, remaining, depth, options) {
- // temporary storage for consumption calculations
- var start;
- // minimum length for ASN.1 DER structure is 2
- _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, 2);
- // get the first byte
- var b1 = bytes.getByte();
- // consumed one byte
- remaining--;
- // get the tag class
- var tagClass = (b1 & 0xC0);
- // get the type (bits 1-5)
- var type = b1 & 0x1F;
- // get the variable value length and adjust remaining bytes
- start = bytes.length();
- var length = _getValueLength(bytes, remaining);
- remaining -= start - bytes.length();
- // ensure there are enough bytes to get the value
- if(length !== undefined && length > remaining) {
- if(options.strict) {
- var error = new Error('Too few bytes to read ASN.1 value.');
- error.available = bytes.length();
- error.remaining = remaining;
- error.requested = length;
- throw error;
- }
- // Note: be lenient with truncated values and use remaining state bytes
- length = remaining;
- }
- // value storage
- var value;
- // possible BIT STRING contents storage
- var bitStringContents;
- // constructed flag is bit 6 (32 = 0x20) of the first byte
- var constructed = ((b1 & 0x20) === 0x20);
- if(constructed) {
- // parse child asn1 objects from the value
- value = [];
- if(length === undefined) {
- // asn1 object of indefinite length, read until end tag
- for(;;) {
- _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, 2);
- if(bytes.bytes(2) === String.fromCharCode(0, 0)) {
- bytes.getBytes(2);
- remaining -= 2;
- break;
- }
- start = bytes.length();
- value.push(_fromDer(bytes, remaining, depth + 1, options));
- remaining -= start - bytes.length();
- }
- } else {
- // parsing asn1 object of definite length
- while(length > 0) {
- start = bytes.length();
- value.push(_fromDer(bytes, length, depth + 1, options));
- remaining -= start - bytes.length();
- length -= start - bytes.length();
- }
- }
- }
- // if a BIT STRING, save the contents including padding
- if(value === undefined && tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL &&
- type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
- bitStringContents = bytes.bytes(length);
- }
- // determine if a non-constructed value should be decoded as a composed
- // value that contains other ASN.1 objects. BIT STRINGs (and OCTET STRINGs)
- // can be used this way.
- if(value === undefined && options.decodeBitStrings &&
- tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL &&
- // FIXME: OCTET STRINGs not yet supported here
- // .. other parts of forge expect to decode OCTET STRINGs manually
- (type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING /*|| type === asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING*/) &&
- length > 1) {
- // save read position
- var savedRead = bytes.read;
- var savedRemaining = remaining;
- var unused = 0;
- if(type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
- /* The first octet gives the number of bits by which the length of the
- bit string is less than the next multiple of eight (this is called
- the "number of unused bits").
- The second and following octets give the value of the bit string
- converted to an octet string. */
- _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, 1);
- unused = bytes.getByte();
- remaining--;
- }
- // if all bits are used, maybe the BIT/OCTET STRING holds ASN.1 objs
- if(unused === 0) {
- try {
- // attempt to parse child asn1 object from the value
- // (stored in array to signal composed value)
- start = bytes.length();
- var subOptions = {
- // enforce strict mode to avoid parsing ASN.1 from plain data
- verbose: options.verbose,
- strict: true,
- decodeBitStrings: true
- };
- var composed = _fromDer(bytes, remaining, depth + 1, subOptions);
- var used = start - bytes.length();
- remaining -= used;
- if(type == asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
- used++;
- }
- // if the data all decoded and the class indicates UNIVERSAL or
- // CONTEXT_SPECIFIC then assume we've got an encapsulated ASN.1 object
- var tc = composed.tagClass;
- if(used === length &&
- (tc === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL || tc === asn1.Class.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC)) {
- value = [composed];
- }
- } catch(ex) {
- }
- }
- if(value === undefined) {
- // restore read position
- bytes.read = savedRead;
- remaining = savedRemaining;
- }
- }
- if(value === undefined) {
- // asn1 not constructed or composed, get raw value
- // TODO: do DER to OID conversion and vice-versa in .toDer?
- if(length === undefined) {
- if(options.strict) {
- throw new Error('Non-constructed ASN.1 object of indefinite length.');
- }
- // be lenient and use remaining state bytes
- length = remaining;
- }
- if(type === asn1.Type.BMPSTRING) {
- value = '';
- for(; length > 0; length -= 2) {
- _checkBufferLength(bytes, remaining, 2);
- value += String.fromCharCode(bytes.getInt16());
- remaining -= 2;
- }
- } else {
- value = bytes.getBytes(length);
- }
- }
- // add BIT STRING contents if available
- var asn1Options = bitStringContents === undefined ? null : {
- bitStringContents: bitStringContents
- };
- // create and return asn1 object
- return asn1.create(tagClass, type, constructed, value, asn1Options);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the given asn1 object to a buffer of bytes in DER format.
- *
- * @param asn1 the asn1 object to convert to bytes.
- *
- * @return the buffer of bytes.
- */
- asn1.toDer = function(obj) {
- var bytes = forge.util.createBuffer();
- // build the first byte
- var b1 = obj.tagClass | obj.type;
- // for storing the ASN.1 value
- var value = forge.util.createBuffer();
- // use BIT STRING contents if available and data not changed
- var useBitStringContents = false;
- if('bitStringContents' in obj) {
- useBitStringContents = true;
- if(obj.original) {
- useBitStringContents = asn1.equals(obj, obj.original);
- }
- }
- if(useBitStringContents) {
- value.putBytes(obj.bitStringContents);
- } else if(obj.composed) {
- // if composed, use each child asn1 object's DER bytes as value
- // turn on 6th bit (0x20 = 32) to indicate asn1 is constructed
- // from other asn1 objects
- if(obj.constructed) {
- b1 |= 0x20;
- } else {
- // type is a bit string, add unused bits of 0x00
- value.putByte(0x00);
- }
- // add all of the child DER bytes together
- for(var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
- if(obj.value[i] !== undefined) {
- value.putBuffer(asn1.toDer(obj.value[i]));
- }
- }
- } else {
- // use asn1.value directly
- if(obj.type === asn1.Type.BMPSTRING) {
- for(var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
- value.putInt16(obj.value.charCodeAt(i));
- }
- } else {
- // ensure integer is minimally-encoded
- // TODO: should all leading bytes be stripped vs just one?
- // .. ex '00 00 01' => '01'?
- if(obj.type === asn1.Type.INTEGER &&
- obj.value.length > 1 &&
- // leading 0x00 for positive integer
- ((obj.value.charCodeAt(0) === 0 &&
- (obj.value.charCodeAt(1) & 0x80) === 0) ||
- // leading 0xFF for negative integer
- (obj.value.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF &&
- (obj.value.charCodeAt(1) & 0x80) === 0x80))) {
- value.putBytes(obj.value.substr(1));
- } else {
- value.putBytes(obj.value);
- }
- }
- }
- // add tag byte
- bytes.putByte(b1);
- // use "short form" encoding
- if(value.length() <= 127) {
- // one byte describes the length
- // bit 8 = 0 and bits 7-1 = length
- bytes.putByte(value.length() & 0x7F);
- } else {
- // use "long form" encoding
- // 2 to 127 bytes describe the length
- // first byte: bit 8 = 1 and bits 7-1 = # of additional bytes
- // other bytes: length in base 256, big-endian
- var len = value.length();
- var lenBytes = '';
- do {
- lenBytes += String.fromCharCode(len & 0xFF);
- len = len >>> 8;
- } while(len > 0);
- // set first byte to # bytes used to store the length and turn on
- // bit 8 to indicate long-form length is used
- bytes.putByte(lenBytes.length | 0x80);
- // concatenate length bytes in reverse since they were generated
- // little endian and we need big endian
- for(var i = lenBytes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- bytes.putByte(lenBytes.charCodeAt(i));
- }
- }
- // concatenate value bytes
- bytes.putBuffer(value);
- return bytes;
- };
- /**
- * Converts an OID dot-separated string to a byte buffer. The byte buffer
- * contains only the DER-encoded value, not any tag or length bytes.
- *
- * @param oid the OID dot-separated string.
- *
- * @return the byte buffer.
- */
- asn1.oidToDer = function(oid) {
- // split OID into individual values
- var values = oid.split('.');
- var bytes = forge.util.createBuffer();
- // first byte is 40 * value1 + value2
- bytes.putByte(40 * parseInt(values[0], 10) + parseInt(values[1], 10));
- // other bytes are each value in base 128 with 8th bit set except for
- // the last byte for each value
- var last, valueBytes, value, b;
- for(var i = 2; i < values.length; ++i) {
- // produce value bytes in reverse because we don't know how many
- // bytes it will take to store the value
- last = true;
- valueBytes = [];
- value = parseInt(values[i], 10);
- do {
- b = value & 0x7F;
- value = value >>> 7;
- // if value is not last, then turn on 8th bit
- if(!last) {
- b |= 0x80;
- }
- valueBytes.push(b);
- last = false;
- } while(value > 0);
- // add value bytes in reverse (needs to be in big endian)
- for(var n = valueBytes.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) {
- bytes.putByte(valueBytes[n]);
- }
- }
- return bytes;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a DER-encoded byte buffer to an OID dot-separated string. The
- * byte buffer should contain only the DER-encoded value, not any tag or
- * length bytes.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer.
- *
- * @return the OID dot-separated string.
- */
- asn1.derToOid = function(bytes) {
- var oid;
- // wrap in buffer if needed
- if(typeof bytes === 'string') {
- bytes = forge.util.createBuffer(bytes);
- }
- // first byte is 40 * value1 + value2
- var b = bytes.getByte();
- oid = Math.floor(b / 40) + '.' + (b % 40);
- // other bytes are each value in base 128 with 8th bit set except for
- // the last byte for each value
- var value = 0;
- while(bytes.length() > 0) {
- b = bytes.getByte();
- value = value << 7;
- // not the last byte for the value
- if(b & 0x80) {
- value += b & 0x7F;
- } else {
- // last byte
- oid += '.' + (value + b);
- value = 0;
- }
- }
- return oid;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a UTCTime value to a date.
- *
- * Note: GeneralizedTime has 4 digits for the year and is used for X.509
- * dates past 2049. Parsing that structure hasn't been implemented yet.
- *
- * @param utc the UTCTime value to convert.
- *
- * @return the date.
- */
- asn1.utcTimeToDate = function(utc) {
- /* The following formats can be used:
- YYMMDDhhmm+hh'mm'
- YYMMDDhhmm-hh'mm'
- YYMMDDhhmmssZ
- YYMMDDhhmmss+hh'mm'
- YYMMDDhhmmss-hh'mm'
- Where:
- YY is the least significant two digits of the year
- MM is the month (01 to 12)
- DD is the day (01 to 31)
- hh is the hour (00 to 23)
- mm are the minutes (00 to 59)
- ss are the seconds (00 to 59)
- Z indicates that local time is GMT, + indicates that local time is
- later than GMT, and - indicates that local time is earlier than GMT
- hh' is the absolute value of the offset from GMT in hours
- mm' is the absolute value of the offset from GMT in minutes */
- var date = new Date();
- // if YY >= 50 use 19xx, if YY < 50 use 20xx
- var year = parseInt(utc.substr(0, 2), 10);
- year = (year >= 50) ? 1900 + year : 2000 + year;
- var MM = parseInt(utc.substr(2, 2), 10) - 1; // use 0-11 for month
- var DD = parseInt(utc.substr(4, 2), 10);
- var hh = parseInt(utc.substr(6, 2), 10);
- var mm = parseInt(utc.substr(8, 2), 10);
- var ss = 0;
- // not just YYMMDDhhmmZ
- if(utc.length > 11) {
- // get character after minutes
- var c = utc.charAt(10);
- var end = 10;
- // see if seconds are present
- if(c !== '+' && c !== '-') {
- // get seconds
- ss = parseInt(utc.substr(10, 2), 10);
- end += 2;
- }
- }
- // update date
- date.setUTCFullYear(year, MM, DD);
- date.setUTCHours(hh, mm, ss, 0);
- if(end) {
- // get +/- after end of time
- c = utc.charAt(end);
- if(c === '+' || c === '-') {
- // get hours+minutes offset
- var hhoffset = parseInt(utc.substr(end + 1, 2), 10);
- var mmoffset = parseInt(utc.substr(end + 4, 2), 10);
- // calculate offset in milliseconds
- var offset = hhoffset * 60 + mmoffset;
- offset *= 60000;
- // apply offset
- if(c === '+') {
- date.setTime(+date - offset);
- } else {
- date.setTime(+date + offset);
- }
- }
- }
- return date;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a GeneralizedTime value to a date.
- *
- * @param gentime the GeneralizedTime value to convert.
- *
- * @return the date.
- */
- asn1.generalizedTimeToDate = function(gentime) {
- /* The following formats can be used:
- Where:
- YYYY is the year
- MM is the month (01 to 12)
- DD is the day (01 to 31)
- hh is the hour (00 to 23)
- mm are the minutes (00 to 59)
- ss are the seconds (00 to 59)
- .fff is the second fraction, accurate to three decimal places
- Z indicates that local time is GMT, + indicates that local time is
- later than GMT, and - indicates that local time is earlier than GMT
- hh' is the absolute value of the offset from GMT in hours
- mm' is the absolute value of the offset from GMT in minutes */
- var date = new Date();
- var YYYY = parseInt(gentime.substr(0, 4), 10);
- var MM = parseInt(gentime.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1; // use 0-11 for month
- var DD = parseInt(gentime.substr(6, 2), 10);
- var hh = parseInt(gentime.substr(8, 2), 10);
- var mm = parseInt(gentime.substr(10, 2), 10);
- var ss = parseInt(gentime.substr(12, 2), 10);
- var fff = 0;
- var offset = 0;
- var isUTC = false;
- if(gentime.charAt(gentime.length - 1) === 'Z') {
- isUTC = true;
- }
- var end = gentime.length - 5, c = gentime.charAt(end);
- if(c === '+' || c === '-') {
- // get hours+minutes offset
- var hhoffset = parseInt(gentime.substr(end + 1, 2), 10);
- var mmoffset = parseInt(gentime.substr(end + 4, 2), 10);
- // calculate offset in milliseconds
- offset = hhoffset * 60 + mmoffset;
- offset *= 60000;
- // apply offset
- if(c === '+') {
- offset *= -1;
- }
- isUTC = true;
- }
- // check for second fraction
- if(gentime.charAt(14) === '.') {
- fff = parseFloat(gentime.substr(14), 10) * 1000;
- }
- if(isUTC) {
- date.setUTCFullYear(YYYY, MM, DD);
- date.setUTCHours(hh, mm, ss, fff);
- // apply offset
- date.setTime(+date + offset);
- } else {
- date.setFullYear(YYYY, MM, DD);
- date.setHours(hh, mm, ss, fff);
- }
- return date;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a date to a UTCTime value.
- *
- * Note: GeneralizedTime has 4 digits for the year and is used for X.509
- * dates past 2049. Converting to a GeneralizedTime hasn't been
- * implemented yet.
- *
- * @param date the date to convert.
- *
- * @return the UTCTime value.
- */
- asn1.dateToUtcTime = function(date) {
- // TODO: validate; currently assumes proper format
- if(typeof date === 'string') {
- return date;
- }
- var rval = '';
- // create format YYMMDDhhmmssZ
- var format = [];
- format.push(('' + date.getUTCFullYear()).substr(2));
- format.push('' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1));
- format.push('' + date.getUTCDate());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCHours());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCMinutes());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCSeconds());
- // ensure 2 digits are used for each format entry
- for(var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
- if(format[i].length < 2) {
- rval += '0';
- }
- rval += format[i];
- }
- rval += 'Z';
- return rval;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a date to a GeneralizedTime value.
- *
- * @param date the date to convert.
- *
- * @return the GeneralizedTime value as a string.
- */
- asn1.dateToGeneralizedTime = function(date) {
- // TODO: validate; currently assumes proper format
- if(typeof date === 'string') {
- return date;
- }
- var rval = '';
- // create format YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ
- var format = [];
- format.push('' + date.getUTCFullYear());
- format.push('' + (date.getUTCMonth() + 1));
- format.push('' + date.getUTCDate());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCHours());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCMinutes());
- format.push('' + date.getUTCSeconds());
- // ensure 2 digits are used for each format entry
- for(var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i) {
- if(format[i].length < 2) {
- rval += '0';
- }
- rval += format[i];
- }
- rval += 'Z';
- return rval;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a javascript integer to a DER-encoded byte buffer to be used
- * as the value for an INTEGER type.
- *
- * @param x the integer.
- *
- * @return the byte buffer.
- */
- asn1.integerToDer = function(x) {
- var rval = forge.util.createBuffer();
- if(x >= -0x80 && x < 0x80) {
- return rval.putSignedInt(x, 8);
- }
- if(x >= -0x8000 && x < 0x8000) {
- return rval.putSignedInt(x, 16);
- }
- if(x >= -0x800000 && x < 0x800000) {
- return rval.putSignedInt(x, 24);
- }
- if(x >= -0x80000000 && x < 0x80000000) {
- return rval.putSignedInt(x, 32);
- }
- var error = new Error('Integer too large; max is 32-bits.');
- error.integer = x;
- throw error;
- };
- /**
- * Converts a DER-encoded byte buffer to a javascript integer. This is
- * typically used to decode the value of an INTEGER type.
- *
- * @param bytes the byte buffer.
- *
- * @return the integer.
- */
- asn1.derToInteger = function(bytes) {
- // wrap in buffer if needed
- if(typeof bytes === 'string') {
- bytes = forge.util.createBuffer(bytes);
- }
- var n = bytes.length() * 8;
- if(n > 32) {
- throw new Error('Integer too large; max is 32-bits.');
- }
- return bytes.getSignedInt(n);
- };
- /**
- * Validates that the given ASN.1 object is at least a super set of the
- * given ASN.1 structure. Only tag classes and types are checked. An
- * optional map may also be provided to capture ASN.1 values while the
- * structure is checked.
- *
- * To capture an ASN.1 value, set an object in the validator's 'capture'
- * parameter to the key to use in the capture map. To capture the full
- * ASN.1 object, specify 'captureAsn1'. To capture BIT STRING bytes, including
- * the leading unused bits counter byte, specify 'captureBitStringContents'.
- * To capture BIT STRING bytes, without the leading unused bits counter byte,
- * specify 'captureBitStringValue'.
- *
- * Objects in the validator may set a field 'optional' to true to indicate
- * that it isn't necessary to pass validation.
- *
- * @param obj the ASN.1 object to validate.
- * @param v the ASN.1 structure validator.
- * @param capture an optional map to capture values in.
- * @param errors an optional array for storing validation errors.
- *
- * @return true on success, false on failure.
- */
- asn1.validate = function(obj, v, capture, errors) {
- var rval = false;
- // ensure tag class and type are the same if specified
- if((obj.tagClass === v.tagClass || typeof(v.tagClass) === 'undefined') &&
- (obj.type === v.type || typeof(v.type) === 'undefined')) {
- // ensure constructed flag is the same if specified
- if(obj.constructed === v.constructed ||
- typeof(v.constructed) === 'undefined') {
- rval = true;
- // handle sub values
- if(v.value && forge.util.isArray(v.value)) {
- var j = 0;
- for(var i = 0; rval && i < v.value.length; ++i) {
- rval = v.value[i].optional || false;
- if(obj.value[j]) {
- rval = asn1.validate(obj.value[j], v.value[i], capture, errors);
- if(rval) {
- ++j;
- } else if(v.value[i].optional) {
- rval = true;
- }
- }
- if(!rval && errors) {
- errors.push(
- '[' + v.name + '] ' +
- 'Tag class "' + v.tagClass + '", type "' +
- v.type + '" expected value length "' +
- v.value.length + '", got "' +
- obj.value.length + '"');
- }
- }
- }
- if(rval && capture) {
- if(v.capture) {
- capture[v.capture] = obj.value;
- }
- if(v.captureAsn1) {
- capture[v.captureAsn1] = obj;
- }
- if(v.captureBitStringContents && 'bitStringContents' in obj) {
- capture[v.captureBitStringContents] = obj.bitStringContents;
- }
- if(v.captureBitStringValue && 'bitStringContents' in obj) {
- var value;
- if(obj.bitStringContents.length < 2) {
- capture[v.captureBitStringValue] = '';
- } else {
- // FIXME: support unused bits with data shifting
- var unused = obj.bitStringContents.charCodeAt(0);
- if(unused !== 0) {
- throw new Error(
- 'captureBitStringValue only supported for zero unused bits');
- }
- capture[v.captureBitStringValue] = obj.bitStringContents.slice(1);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if(errors) {
- errors.push(
- '[' + v.name + '] ' +
- 'Expected constructed "' + v.constructed + '", got "' +
- obj.constructed + '"');
- }
- } else if(errors) {
- if(obj.tagClass !== v.tagClass) {
- errors.push(
- '[' + v.name + '] ' +
- 'Expected tag class "' + v.tagClass + '", got "' +
- obj.tagClass + '"');
- }
- if(obj.type !== v.type) {
- errors.push(
- '[' + v.name + '] ' +
- 'Expected type "' + v.type + '", got "' + obj.type + '"');
- }
- }
- return rval;
- };
- // regex for testing for non-latin characters
- var _nonLatinRegex = /[^\\u0000-\\u00ff]/;
- /**
- * Pretty prints an ASN.1 object to a string.
- *
- * @param obj the object to write out.
- * @param level the level in the tree.
- * @param indentation the indentation to use.
- *
- * @return the string.
- */
- asn1.prettyPrint = function(obj, level, indentation) {
- var rval = '';
- // set default level and indentation
- level = level || 0;
- indentation = indentation || 2;
- // start new line for deep levels
- if(level > 0) {
- rval += '\n';
- }
- // create indent
- var indent = '';
- for(var i = 0; i < level * indentation; ++i) {
- indent += ' ';
- }
- // print class:type
- rval += indent + 'Tag: ';
- switch(obj.tagClass) {
- case asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL:
- rval += 'Universal:';
- break;
- case asn1.Class.APPLICATION:
- rval += 'Application:';
- break;
- case asn1.Class.CONTEXT_SPECIFIC:
- rval += 'Context-Specific:';
- break;
- case asn1.Class.PRIVATE:
- rval += 'Private:';
- break;
- }
- if(obj.tagClass === asn1.Class.UNIVERSAL) {
- rval += obj.type;
- // known types
- switch(obj.type) {
- case asn1.Type.NONE:
- rval += ' (None)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.BOOLEAN:
- rval += ' (Boolean)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.INTEGER:
- rval += ' (Integer)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.BITSTRING:
- rval += ' (Bit string)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING:
- rval += ' (Octet string)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.NULL:
- rval += ' (Null)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.OID:
- rval += ' (Object Identifier)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.ODESC:
- rval += ' (Object Descriptor)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.EXTERNAL:
- rval += ' (External or Instance of)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.REAL:
- rval += ' (Real)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.ENUMERATED:
- rval += ' (Enumerated)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.EMBEDDED:
- rval += ' (Embedded PDV)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.UTF8:
- rval += ' (UTF8)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.ROID:
- rval += ' (Relative Object Identifier)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.SEQUENCE:
- rval += ' (Sequence)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.SET:
- rval += ' (Set)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.PRINTABLESTRING:
- rval += ' (Printable String)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.IA5String:
- rval += ' (IA5String (ASCII))';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.UTCTIME:
- rval += ' (UTC time)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.GENERALIZEDTIME:
- rval += ' (Generalized time)';
- break;
- case asn1.Type.BMPSTRING:
- rval += ' (BMP String)';
- break;
- }
- } else {
- rval += obj.type;
- }
- rval += '\n';
- rval += indent + 'Constructed: ' + obj.constructed + '\n';
- if(obj.composed) {
- var subvalues = 0;
- var sub = '';
- for(var i = 0; i < obj.value.length; ++i) {
- if(obj.value[i] !== undefined) {
- subvalues += 1;
- sub += asn1.prettyPrint(obj.value[i], level + 1, indentation);
- if((i + 1) < obj.value.length) {
- sub += ',';
- }
- }
- }
- rval += indent + 'Sub values: ' + subvalues + sub;
- } else {
- rval += indent + 'Value: ';
- if(obj.type === asn1.Type.OID) {
- var oid = asn1.derToOid(obj.value);
- rval += oid;
- if(forge.pki && forge.pki.oids) {
- if(oid in forge.pki.oids) {
- rval += ' (' + forge.pki.oids[oid] + ') ';
- }
- }
- }
- if(obj.type === asn1.Type.INTEGER) {
- try {
- rval += asn1.derToInteger(obj.value);
- } catch(ex) {
- rval += '0x' + forge.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
- }
- } else if(obj.type === asn1.Type.BITSTRING) {
- // TODO: shift bits as needed to display without padding
- if(obj.value.length > 1) {
- // remove unused bits field
- rval += '0x' + forge.util.bytesToHex(obj.value.slice(1));
- } else {
- rval += '(none)';
- }
- // show unused bit count
- if(obj.value.length > 0) {
- var unused = obj.value.charCodeAt(0);
- if(unused == 1) {
- rval += ' (1 unused bit shown)';
- } else if(unused > 1) {
- rval += ' (' + unused + ' unused bits shown)';
- }
- }
- } else if(obj.type === asn1.Type.OCTETSTRING) {
- if(!_nonLatinRegex.test(obj.value)) {
- rval += '(' + obj.value + ') ';
- }
- rval += '0x' + forge.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
- } else if(obj.type === asn1.Type.UTF8) {
- rval += forge.util.decodeUtf8(obj.value);
- } else if(obj.type === asn1.Type.PRINTABLESTRING ||
- obj.type === asn1.Type.IA5String) {
- rval += obj.value;
- } else if(_nonLatinRegex.test(obj.value)) {
- rval += '0x' + forge.util.bytesToHex(obj.value);
- } else if(obj.value.length === 0) {
- rval += '[null]';
- } else {
- rval += obj.value;
- }
- }
- return rval;
- };