- # nth-check [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/fb55/nth-check.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/fb55/nth-check)
- A performant nth-check parser & compiler.
- ### About
- This module can be used to parse & compile nth-checks, as they are found in CSS 3's `nth-child()` and `nth-last-of-type()`.
- `nth-check` focusses on speed, providing optimized functions for different kinds of nth-child formulas, while still following the [spec](http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#nth-child-pseudo).
- ### API
- ```js
- var nthCheck = require("nth-check");
- ```
- ##### `nthCheck(formula)`
- First parses, then compiles the formula.
- ##### `nthCheck.parse(formula)`
- Parses the expression, throws a `SyntaxError` if it fails, otherwise returns an array containing two elements.
- __Example:__
- ```js
- nthCheck.parse("2n+3") //[2, 3]
- ```
- ##### `nthCheck.compile([a, b])`
- Takes an array with two elements (as returned by `.parse`) and returns a highly optimized function.
- If the formula doesn't match any elements, it returns [`boolbase`](https://github.com/fb55/boolbase)'s `falseFunc`, otherwise, a function accepting an _index_ is returned, which returns whether or not a passed _index_ matches the formula. (Note: The spec starts counting at `1`, the returned function at `0`).
- __Example:__
- ```js
- var check = nthCheck.compile([2, 3]);
- check(0) //false
- check(1) //false
- check(2) //true
- check(3) //false
- check(4) //true
- check(5) //false
- check(6) //true
- ```
- ---
- License: BSD