- # num2fraction
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- > Converting Number to Fraction with Node.js.
- ## Installation
- ```console
- npm install num2fraction
- ```
- ## Usage
- ```js
- var π = Math.PI
- var n2f = require('num2fraction')
- console.log(n2f(0)) // => 0
- console.log(n2f(.2)) // => 1/5
- console.log(n2f(1.1)) // => 11/10
- console.log(n2f(1.2)) // => 6/5
- console.log(n2f(1.3)) // => 13/10
- console.log(n2f(1.4)) // => 7/5
- console.log(n2f(1.5)) // => 3/2
- console.log(n2f(2)) // => 2/1
- console.log(n2f(2.1)) // => 21/10
- console.log(n2f(3)) // => 3/1
- console.log(n2f(2.555)) // => 511/200
- console.log(n2f(8.36)) // => 209/25
- console.log(n2f('3em')) // => 3/1
- console.log(n2f('1.5px')) // => 3/2
- console.log(n2f(7 / 9) // => 7/9
- console.log(n2f(8 / 9) // => 8/9
- console.log(n2f(512 / 999) // => 512/999
- console.log(n2f((2 * π / 3) / π) // => 2/3
- console.log(n2f((8 * 5) / (4 / 2)) // => 20/1
- ```
- ## Example
- Opera [old versions](http://www.opera.com/docs/specs/presto28/css/o-vendor/) support the non-standard `-o-min-device-pixel-ratio` or `-o-max-device-pixel-ratio` in CSS media queries.
- ```css
- @media
- only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
- only screen and ( min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
- only screen and ( -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1), /* Opera */
- only screen and ( min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
- only screen and ( min-resolution: 192dpi), /* fallback */
- only screen and ( min-resolution: 2dppx) {
- }
- ```
- ## Changelog
- ### v1.2.2
- * \+ Remove: Debug log message.
- ### v1.2.1
- * \+ Fix: 0 must be converted to a string.
- ### v1.2.0
- * \+ Fix: Accomodate rounding errors. (by @jamestalmage)
- * \+ Fix: The negative sign should be on numerator. (by @jamestalmage)
- ### v1.1.0
- * \+ Use more precise (not fixed) precision factor for the calculation
- ### v1.0.1
- * \- Remove "ci.testling.com"
- ### V1.0.0
- > First release.
- ## License