- 'use strict';
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- var _postcss = require('postcss');
- var _postcss2 = _interopRequireDefault(_postcss);
- var _postcssValueParser = require('postcss-value-parser');
- var _postcssValueParser2 = _interopRequireDefault(_postcssValueParser);
- var _has = require('has');
- var _has2 = _interopRequireDefault(_has);
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /*
- * Constants (parser usage)
- */
- const SINGLE_QUOTE = '\''.charCodeAt(0);
- const DOUBLE_QUOTE = '"'.charCodeAt(0);
- const BACKSLASH = '\\'.charCodeAt(0);
- const NEWLINE = '\n'.charCodeAt(0);
- const SPACE = ' '.charCodeAt(0);
- const FEED = '\f'.charCodeAt(0);
- const TAB = '\t'.charCodeAt(0);
- const CR = '\r'.charCodeAt(0);
- const WORD_END = /[ \n\t\r\f'"\\]/g;
- /*
- * Constants (node type strings)
- */
- const C_STRING = 'string';
- const C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE = 'escapedSingleQuote';
- const C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 'escapedDoubleQuote';
- const C_SINGLE_QUOTE = 'singleQuote';
- const C_DOUBLE_QUOTE = 'doubleQuote';
- const C_NEWLINE = 'newline';
- const C_SINGLE = 'single';
- /*
- * Literals
- */
- const L_SINGLE_QUOTE = `'`;
- const L_DOUBLE_QUOTE = `"`;
- const L_NEWLINE = `\\\n`;
- /*
- * Parser nodes
- */
- const T_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE = { type: C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE, value: `\\'` };
- const T_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE = { type: C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE, value: `\\"` };
- const T_SINGLE_QUOTE = { type: C_SINGLE_QUOTE, value: L_SINGLE_QUOTE };
- const T_DOUBLE_QUOTE = { type: C_DOUBLE_QUOTE, value: L_DOUBLE_QUOTE };
- const T_NEWLINE = { type: C_NEWLINE, value: L_NEWLINE };
- function stringify(ast) {
- return ast.nodes.reduce((str, { value }) => {
- // Collapse multiple line strings automatically
- if (value === L_NEWLINE) {
- return str;
- }
- return str + value;
- }, '');
- }
- function parse(str) {
- let code, next, value;
- let pos = 0;
- let len = str.length;
- const ast = {
- nodes: [],
- types: {
- escapedSingleQuote: 0,
- escapedDoubleQuote: 0,
- singleQuote: 0,
- doubleQuote: 0
- },
- quotes: false
- };
- while (pos < len) {
- code = str.charCodeAt(pos);
- switch (code) {
- case SPACE:
- case TAB:
- case CR:
- case FEED:
- next = pos;
- do {
- next += 1;
- code = str.charCodeAt(next);
- } while (code === SPACE || code === NEWLINE || code === TAB || code === CR || code === FEED);
- ast.nodes.push({
- type: 'space',
- value: str.slice(pos, next)
- });
- pos = next - 1;
- break;
- ast.nodes.push(T_SINGLE_QUOTE);
- ast.types[C_SINGLE_QUOTE]++;
- ast.quotes = true;
- break;
- ast.nodes.push(T_DOUBLE_QUOTE);
- ast.types[C_DOUBLE_QUOTE]++;
- ast.quotes = true;
- break;
- next = pos + 1;
- if (str.charCodeAt(next) === SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- ast.nodes.push(T_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE);
- ast.types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE]++;
- ast.quotes = true;
- pos = next;
- break;
- } else if (str.charCodeAt(next) === DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
- ast.nodes.push(T_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE);
- ast.types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE]++;
- ast.quotes = true;
- pos = next;
- break;
- } else if (str.charCodeAt(next) === NEWLINE) {
- ast.nodes.push(T_NEWLINE);
- pos = next;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * We need to fall through here to handle the token as
- * a whole word. The missing 'break' is intentional.
- */
- default:
- WORD_END.lastIndex = pos + 1;
- WORD_END.test(str);
- if (WORD_END.lastIndex === 0) {
- next = len - 1;
- } else {
- next = WORD_END.lastIndex - 2;
- }
- value = str.slice(pos, next + 1);
- ast.nodes.push({
- type: C_STRING,
- value
- });
- pos = next;
- }
- pos++;
- }
- return ast;
- }
- function changeWrappingQuotes(node, ast) {
- const { types } = ast;
- if (types[C_SINGLE_QUOTE] || types[C_DOUBLE_QUOTE]) {
- return;
- }
- if (node.quote === L_SINGLE_QUOTE && types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE] > 0 && !types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE]) {
- node.quote = L_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
- }
- if (node.quote === L_DOUBLE_QUOTE && types[C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE] > 0 && !types[C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE]) {
- node.quote = L_SINGLE_QUOTE;
- }
- ast.nodes = ast.nodes.reduce((newAst, child) => {
- if (child.type === C_ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE && node.quote === L_SINGLE_QUOTE) {
- return [...newAst, T_DOUBLE_QUOTE];
- }
- if (child.type === C_ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE && node.quote === L_DOUBLE_QUOTE) {
- return [...newAst, T_SINGLE_QUOTE];
- }
- return [...newAst, child];
- }, []);
- }
- function normalize(value, preferredQuote) {
- if (!value || !value.length) {
- return value;
- }
- return (0, _postcssValueParser2.default)(value).walk(child => {
- if (child.type !== C_STRING) {
- return;
- }
- const ast = parse(child.value);
- if (ast.quotes) {
- changeWrappingQuotes(child, ast);
- } else if (preferredQuote === C_SINGLE) {
- child.quote = L_SINGLE_QUOTE;
- } else {
- child.quote = L_DOUBLE_QUOTE;
- }
- child.value = stringify(ast);
- }).toString();
- }
- const params = {
- rule: 'selector',
- decl: 'value',
- atrule: 'params'
- };
- exports.default = _postcss2.default.plugin('postcss-normalize-string', opts => {
- const { preferredQuote } = Object.assign({}, {
- preferredQuote: 'double'
- }, opts);
- return css => {
- const cache = {};
- css.walk(node => {
- const { type } = node;
- if ((0, _has2.default)(params, type)) {
- const param = params[type];
- const key = node[param] + '|' + preferredQuote;
- if (cache[key]) {
- node[param] = cache[key];
- return;
- }
- const result = normalize(node[param], preferredQuote);
- node[param] = result;
- cache[key] = result;
- }
- });
- };
- });
- module.exports = exports['default'];