- ## 1.5.1
- - Q.any now annotates its error message to clarify that Q.any was involved and
- includes only the last error emitted. (Ivan Etchart)
- - Avoid domain.dispose during tests in preparation for Node.js 9. (Anna
- Henningsen)
- ## 1.5.0
- - Q.any gives an error message from the last rejected promise
- - Throw if callback supplied to "finally" is invalid (@grahamrhay)
- - Long stack trace improvements, can now construct long stack traces
- across rethrows.
- ## 1.4.1
- - Address an issue that prevented Q from being used as a `<script>` for
- Firefox add-ons. Q can now be used in any environment that provides `window`
- or `self` globals, favoring `window` since add-ons have an an immutable
- `self` that is distinct from `window`.
- ## 1.4.0
- - Add `noConflict` support for use in `<script>` (@jahnjw).
- ## 1.3.0
- - Add tracking for unhandled and handled rejections in Node.js (@benjamingr).
- ## 1.2.1
- - Fix Node.js environment detection for modern Browserify (@kahnjw).
- ## 1.2.0
- - Added Q.any(promisesArray) method (@vergara).
- Returns a promise fulfilled with the value of the first resolved promise in
- promisesArray. If all promises in promisesArray are rejected, it returns
- a rejected promise.
- ## 1.1.2
- - Removed extraneous files from the npm package by using the "files"
- whitelist in package.json instead of the .npmignore blacklist.
- (@anton-rudeshko)
- ## 1.1.1
- - Fix a pair of regressions in bootstrapping, one which precluded
- WebWorker support, and another that precluded support in
- ``<script>`` usage outright. #607
- ## 1.1.0
- - Adds support for enabling long stack traces in node.js by setting
- environment variable `Q_DEBUG=1`.
- - Introduces the `tap` method to promises, which will see a value
- pass through without alteration.
- - Use instanceof to recognize own promise instances as opposed to
- thenables.
- - Construct timeout errors with `code === ETIMEDOUT` (Kornel Lesiński)
- - More descriminant CommonJS module environment detection.
- - Dropped continuous integration for Node.js 0.6 and 0.8 because of
- changes to npm that preclude the use of new `^` version predicate
- operator in any transitive dependency.
- - Users can now override `Q.nextTick`.
- ## 1.0.1
- - Adds support for `Q.Promise`, which implements common usage of the
- ES6 `Promise` constructor and its methods. `Promise` does not have
- a valid promise constructor and a proper implementation awaits
- version 2 of Q.
- - Removes the console stopgap for a promise inspector. This no longer
- works with any degree of reliability.
- - Fixes support for content security policies that forbid eval. Now
- using the `StopIteration` global to distinguish SpiderMonkey
- generators from ES6 generators, assuming that they will never
- coexist.
- ## 1.0.0
- :cake: This is all but a re-release of version 0.9, which has settled
- into a gentle maintenance mode and rightly deserves an official 1.0.
- An ambitious 2.0 release is already around the corner, but 0.9/1.0
- have been distributed far and wide and demand long term support.
- - Q will now attempt to post a debug message in browsers regardless
- of whether window.Touch is defined. Chrome at least now has this
- property regardless of whether touch is supported by the underlying
- hardware.
- - Remove deprecation warning from `promise.valueOf`. The function is
- called by the browser in various ways so there is no way to
- distinguish usage that should be migrated from usage that cannot be
- altered.
- ## 0.9.7
- - :warning: `q.min.js` is no longer checked-in. It is however still
- created by Grunt and NPM.
- - Fixes a bug that inhibited `Q.async` with implementations of the new
- ES6 generators.
- - Fixes a bug with `nextTick` affecting Safari 6.0.5 the first time a
- page loads when an `iframe` is involved.
- - Introduces `passByCopy`, `join`, and `race`.
- - Shows stack traces or error messages on the console, instead of
- `Error` objects.
- - Elimintates wrapper methods for improved performance.
- - `Q.all` now propagates progress notifications of the form you might
- expect of ES6 iterations, `{value, index}` where the `value` is the
- progress notification from the promise at `index`.
- ## 0.9.6
- - Fixes a bug in recognizing the difference between compatible Q
- promises, and Q promises from before the implementation of "inspect".
- The latter are now coerced.
- - Fixes an infinite asynchronous coercion cycle introduced by former
- solution, in two independently sufficient ways. 1.) All promises
- returned by makePromise now implement "inspect", albeit a default
- that reports that the promise has an "unknown" state. 2.) The
- implementation of "then/when" is now in "then" instead of "when", so
- that the responsibility to "coerce" the given promise rests solely in
- the "when" method and the "then" method may assume that "this" is a
- promise of the right type.
- - Refactors `nextTick` to use an unrolled microtask within Q regardless
- of how new ticks a requested. #316 @rkatic
- ## 0.9.5
- - Introduces `inspect` for getting the state of a promise as
- `{state: "fulfilled" | "rejected" | "pending", value | reason}`.
- - Introduces `allSettled` which produces an array of promises states
- for the input promises once they have all "settled". This is in
- accordance with a discussion on Promises/A+ that "settled" refers to
- a promise that is "fulfilled" or "rejected". "resolved" refers to a
- deferred promise that has been "resolved" to another promise,
- "sealing its fate" to the fate of the successor promise.
- - Long stack traces are now off by default. Set `Q.longStackSupport`
- to true to enable long stack traces.
- - Long stack traces can now follow the entire asynchronous history of a
- promise, not just a single jump.
- - Introduces `spawn` for an immediately invoked asychronous generator.
- @jlongster
- - Support for *experimental* synonyms `mapply`, `mcall`, `nmapply`,
- `nmcall` for method invocation.
- ## 0.9.4
- - `isPromise` and `isPromiseAlike` now always returns a boolean
- (even for falsy values). #284 @lfac-pt
- - Support for ES6 Generators in `async` #288 @andywingo
- - Clear duplicate promise rejections from dispatch methods #238 @SLaks
- - Unhandled rejection API #296 @domenic
- `stopUnhandledRejectionTracking`, `getUnhandledReasons`,
- `resetUnhandledRejections`.
- ## 0.9.3
- - Add the ability to give `Q.timeout`'s errors a custom error message. #270
- @jgrenon
- - Fix Q's call-stack busting behavior in Node.js 0.10, by switching from
- `process.nextTick` to `setImmediate`. #254 #259
- - Fix Q's behavior when used with the Mocha test runner in the browser, since
- Mocha introduces a fake `process` global without a `nextTick` property. #267
- - Fix some, but not all, cases wherein Q would give false positives in its
- unhandled rejection detection (#252). A fix for other cases (#238) is
- hopefully coming soon.
- - Made `Q.promise` throw early if given a non-function.
- ## 0.9.2
- - Pass through progress notifications when using `timeout`. #229 @omares
- - Pass through progress notifications when using `delay`.
- - Fix `nbind` to actually bind the `thisArg`. #232 @davidpadbury
- ## 0.9.1
- - Made the AMD detection compatible with the RequireJS optimizer's `namespace`
- option. #225 @terinjokes
- - Fix side effects from `valueOf`, and thus from `isFulfilled`, `isRejected`,
- and `isPending`. #226 @benjamn
- ## 0.9.0
- This release removes many layers of deprecated methods and brings Q closer to
- alignment with Mark Miller’s TC39 [strawman][] for concurrency. At the same
- time, it fixes many bugs and adds a few features around error handling. Finally,
- it comes with an updated and comprehensive [API Reference][].
- [strawman]: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:concurrency
- [API Reference]: https://github.com/kriskowal/q/wiki/API-Reference
- ### API Cleanup
- The following deprecated or undocumented methods have been removed.
- Their replacements are listed here:
- <table>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>0.8.x method</th>
- <th>0.9 replacement</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Q.ref</code></td>
- <td><code>Q</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>call</code>, <code>apply</code>, <code>bind</code> (*)</td>
- <td><code>fcall</code>/<code>invoke</code>, <code>fapply</code>/<code>post</code>, <code>fbind</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>ncall</code>, <code>napply</code> (*)</td>
- <td><code>nfcall</code>/<code>ninvoke</code>, <code>nfapply</code>/<code>npost</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>end</code></td>
- <td><code>done</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>put</code></td>
- <td><code>set</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>node</code></td>
- <td><code>nbind</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>nend</code></td>
- <td><code>nodeify</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>isResolved</code></td>
- <td><code>isPending</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>deferred.node</code></td>
- <td><code>deferred.makeNodeResolver</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Method</code>, <code>sender</code></td>
- <td><code>dispatcher</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>send</code></td>
- <td><code>dispatch</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>view</code>, <code>viewInfo</code></td>
- <td>(none)</td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- (*) Use of ``thisp`` is discouraged. For calling methods, use ``post`` or
- ``invoke``.
- ### Alignment with the Concurrency Strawman
- - Q now exports a `Q(value)` function, an alias for `resolve`.
- `Q.call`, `Q.apply`, and `Q.bind` were removed to make room for the
- same methods on the function prototype.
- - `invoke` has been aliased to `send` in all its forms.
- - `post` with no method name acts like `fapply`.
- ### Error Handling
- - Long stack traces can be turned off by setting `Q.stackJumpLimit` to zero.
- In the future, this property will be used to fine tune how many stack jumps
- are retained in long stack traces; for now, anything nonzero is treated as
- one (since Q only tracks one stack jump at the moment, see #144). #168
- - In Node.js, if there are unhandled rejections when the process exits, they
- are output to the console. #115
- ### Other
- - `delete` and `set` (née `put`) no longer have a fulfillment value.
- - Q promises are no longer frozen, which
- [helps with performance](http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=1858).
- - `thenReject` is now included, as a counterpart to `thenResolve`.
- - The included browser `nextTick` shim is now faster. #195 @rkatic.
- ### Bug Fixes
- - Q now works in Internet Explorer 10. #186 @ForbesLindesay
- - `fbind` no longer hard-binds the returned function's `this` to `undefined`.
- #202
- - `Q.reject` no longer leaks memory. #148
- - `npost` with no arguments now works. #207
- - `allResolved` now works with non-Q promises ("thenables"). #179
- - `keys` behavior is now correct even in browsers without native
- `Object.keys`. #192 @rkatic
- - `isRejected` and the `exception` property now work correctly if the
- rejection reason is falsy. #198
- ### Internals and Advanced
- - The internal interface for a promise now uses
- `dispatchPromise(resolve, op, operands)` instead of `sendPromise(op,
- resolve, ...operands)`, which reduces the cases where Q needs to do
- argument slicing.
- - The internal protocol uses different operands. "put" is now "set".
- "del" is now "delete". "view" and "viewInfo" have been removed.
- - `Q.fulfill` has been added. It is distinct from `Q.resolve` in that
- it does not pass promises through, nor coerces promises from other
- systems. The promise becomes the fulfillment value. This is only
- recommended for use when trying to fulfill a promise with an object that has
- a `then` function that is at the same time not a promise.
- ## 0.8.12
- - Treat foreign promises as unresolved in `Q.isFulfilled`; this lets `Q.all`
- work on arrays containing foreign promises. #154
- - Fix minor incompliances with the [Promises/A+ spec][] and [test suite][]. #157
- #158
- [Promises/A+ spec]: http://promises-aplus.github.com/promises-spec/
- [test suite]: https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-tests
- ## 0.8.11
- - Added ``nfcall``, ``nfapply``, and ``nfbind`` as ``thisp``-less versions of
- ``ncall``, ``napply``, and ``nbind``. The latter are now deprecated. #142
- - Long stack traces no longer cause linearly-growing memory usage when chaining
- promises together. #111
- - Inspecting ``error.stack`` in a rejection handler will now give a long stack
- trace. #103
- - Fixed ``Q.timeout`` to clear its timeout handle when the promise is rejected;
- previously, it kept the event loop alive until the timeout period expired.
- #145 @dfilatov
- - Added `q/queue` module, which exports an infinite promise queue
- constructor.
- ## 0.8.10
- - Added ``done`` as a replacement for ``end``, taking the usual fulfillment,
- rejection, and progress handlers. It's essentially equivalent to
- ``then(f, r, p).end()``.
- - Added ``Q.onerror``, a settable error trap that you can use to get full stack
- traces for uncaught errors. #94
- - Added ``thenResolve`` as a shortcut for returning a constant value once a
- promise is fulfilled. #108 @ForbesLindesay
- - Various tweaks to progress notification, including propagation and
- transformation of progress values and only forwarding a single progress
- object.
- - Renamed ``nend`` to ``nodeify``. It no longer returns an always-fulfilled
- promise when a Node callback is passed.
- - ``deferred.resolve`` and ``deferred.reject`` no longer (sometimes) return
- ``deferred.promise``.
- - Fixed stack traces getting mangled if they hit ``end`` twice. #116 #121 @ef4
- - Fixed ``ninvoke`` and ``npost`` to work on promises for objects with Node
- methods. #134
- - Fixed accidental coercion of objects with nontrivial ``valueOf`` methods,
- like ``Date``s, by the promise's ``valueOf`` method. #135
- - Fixed ``spread`` not calling the passed rejection handler if given a rejected
- promise.
- ## 0.8.9
- - Added ``nend``
- - Added preliminary progress notification support, via
- ``promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress)``,
- ``promise.progress(onProgress)``, and ``deferred.notify(...progressData)``.
- - Made ``put`` and ``del`` return the object acted upon for easier chaining.
- #84
- - Fixed coercion cycles with cooperating promises. #106
- ## 0.8.7
- - Support [Montage Require](http://github.com/kriskowal/mr)
- ## 0.8.6
- - Fixed ``npost`` and ``ninvoke`` to pass the correct ``thisp``. #74
- - Fixed various cases involving unorthodox rejection reasons. #73 #90
- @ef4
- - Fixed double-resolving of misbehaved custom promises. #75
- - Sped up ``Q.all`` for arrays contain already-resolved promises or scalar
- values. @ForbesLindesay
- - Made stack trace filtering work when concatenating assets. #93 @ef4
- - Added warnings for deprecated methods. @ForbesLindesay
- - Added ``.npmignore`` file so that dependent packages get a slimmer
- ``node_modules`` directory.
- ## 0.8.5
- - Added preliminary support for long traces (@domenic)
- - Added ``fapply``, ``fcall``, ``fbind`` for non-thisp
- promised function calls.
- - Added ``return`` for async generators, where generators
- are implemented.
- - Rejected promises now have an "exception" property. If an object
- isRejected(object), then object.valueOf().exception will
- be the wrapped error.
- - Added Jasmine specifications
- - Support Internet Explorers 7–9 (with multiple bug fixes @domenic)
- - Support Firefox 12
- - Support Safari 5.1.5
- - Support Chrome 18
- ## 0.8.4
- - WARNING: ``promise.timeout`` is now rejected with an ``Error`` object
- and the message now includes the duration of the timeout in
- miliseconds. This doesn't constitute (in my opinion) a
- backward-incompatibility since it is a change of an undocumented and
- unspecified public behavior, but if you happened to depend on the
- exception being a string, you will need to revise your code.
- - Added ``deferred.makeNodeResolver()`` to replace the more cryptic
- ``deferred.node()`` method.
- - Added experimental ``Q.promise(maker(resolve, reject))`` to make a
- promise inside a callback, such that thrown exceptions in the
- callback are converted and the resolver and rejecter are arguments.
- This is a shorthand for making a deferred directly and inspired by
- @gozala’s stream constructor pattern and the Microsoft Windows Metro
- Promise constructor interface.
- - Added experimental ``Q.begin()`` that is intended to kick off chains
- of ``.then`` so that each of these can be reordered without having to
- edit the new and former first step.
- ## 0.8.3
- - Added ``isFulfilled``, ``isRejected``, and ``isResolved``
- to the promise prototype.
- - Added ``allResolved`` for waiting for every promise to either be
- fulfilled or rejected, without propagating an error. @utvara #53
- - Added ``Q.bind`` as a method to transform functions that
- return and throw into promise-returning functions. See
- [an example](https://gist.github.com/1782808). @domenic
- - Renamed ``node`` export to ``nbind``, and added ``napply`` to
- complete the set. ``node`` remains as deprecated. @domenic #58
- - Renamed ``Method`` export to ``sender``. ``Method``
- remains as deprecated and will be removed in the next
- major version since I expect it has very little usage.
- - Added browser console message indicating a live list of
- unhandled errors.
- - Added support for ``msSetImmediate`` (IE10) or ``setImmediate``
- (available via [polyfill](https://github.com/NobleJS/setImmediate))
- as a browser-side ``nextTick`` implementation. #44 #50 #59
- - Stopped using the event-queue dependency, which was in place for
- Narwhal support: now directly using ``process.nextTick``.
- - WARNING: EXPERIMENTAL: added ``finally`` alias for ``fin``, ``catch``
- alias for ``fail``, ``try`` alias for ``call``, and ``delete`` alias
- for ``del``. These properties are enquoted in the library for
- cross-browser compatibility, but may be used as property names in
- modern engines.
- ## 0.8.2
- - Deprecated ``ref`` in favor of ``resolve`` as recommended by
- @domenic.
- - Update event-queue dependency.
- ## 0.8.1
- - Fixed Opera bug. #35 @cadorn
- - Fixed ``Q.all([])`` #32 @domenic
- ## 0.8.0
- - WARNING: ``enqueue`` removed. Use ``nextTick`` instead.
- This is more consistent with NodeJS and (subjectively)
- more explicit and intuitive.
- - WARNING: ``def`` removed. Use ``master`` instead. The
- term ``def`` was too confusing to new users.
- - WARNING: ``spy`` removed in favor of ``fin``.
- - WARNING: ``wait`` removed. Do ``all(args).get(0)`` instead.
- - WARNING: ``join`` removed. Do ``all(args).spread(callback)`` instead.
- - WARNING: Removed the ``Q`` function module.exports alias
- for ``Q.ref``. It conflicts with ``Q.apply`` in weird
- ways, making it uncallable.
- - Revised ``delay`` so that it accepts both ``(value,
- timeout)`` and ``(timeout)`` variations based on
- arguments length.
- - Added ``ref().spread(cb(...args))``, a variant of
- ``then`` that spreads an array across multiple arguments.
- Useful with ``all()``.
- - Added ``defer().node()`` Node callback generator. The
- callback accepts ``(error, value)`` or ``(error,
- ...values)``. For multiple value arguments, the
- fulfillment value is an array, useful in conjunction with
- ``spread``.
- - Added ``node`` and ``ncall``, both with the signature
- ``(fun, thisp_opt, ...args)``. The former is a decorator
- and the latter calls immediately. ``node`` optional
- binds and partially applies. ``ncall`` can bind and pass
- arguments.
- ## 0.7.2
- - Fixed thenable promise assimilation.
- ## 0.7.1
- - Stopped shimming ``Array.prototype.reduce``. The
- enumerable property has bad side-effects. Libraries that
- depend on this (for example, QQ) will need to be revised.
- - WARNING: Removed ``report`` and ``asap``
- - WARNING: The ``callback`` argument of the ``fin``
- function no longer receives any arguments. Thus, it can
- be used to call functions that should not receive
- arguments on resolution. Use ``when``, ``then``, or
- ``fail`` if you need a value.
- - IMPORTANT: Fixed a bug in the use of ``MessageChannel``
- for ``nextTick``.
- - Renamed ``enqueue`` to ``nextTick``.
- - Added experimental ``view`` and ``viewInfo`` for creating
- views of promises either when or before they're
- fulfilled.
- - Shims are now externally applied so subsequent scripts or
- dependees can use them.
- - Improved minification results.
- - Improved readability.
- - WARNING: In practice, the implementation of ``spy`` and
- the name ``fin`` were useful. I've removed the old
- ``fin`` implementation and renamed/aliased ``spy``.
- - The "q" module now exports its ``ref`` function as a "Q"
- constructor, with module systems that support exports
- assignment including NodeJS, RequireJS, and when used as
- a ``<script>`` tag. Notably, strictly compliant CommonJS
- does not support this, but UncommonJS does.
- - Added ``async`` decorator for generators that use yield
- to "trampoline" promises. In engines that support
- generators (SpiderMonkey), this will greatly reduce the
- need for nested callbacks.
- - Made ``when`` chainable.
- - Made ``all`` chainable.
- ## 0.5.3
- - Added ``all`` and refactored ``join`` and ``wait`` to use
- it. All of these will now reject at the earliest
- rejection.
- ## 0.5.2
- - Minor improvement to ``spy``; now waits for resolution of
- callback promise.
- ## 0.5.1
- - Made most Q API methods chainable on promise objects, and
- turned the previous promise-methods of ``join``,
- ``wait``, and ``report`` into Q API methods.
- - Added ``apply`` and ``call`` to the Q API, and ``apply``
- as a promise handler.
- - Added ``fail``, ``fin``, and ``spy`` to Q and the promise
- prototype for convenience when observing rejection,
- fulfillment and rejection, or just observing without
- affecting the resolution.
- - Renamed ``def`` (although ``def`` remains shimmed until
- the next major release) to ``master``.
- - Switched to using ``MessageChannel`` for next tick task
- enqueue in browsers that support it.
- - Exceptions are no longer reported when consumed.
- - Removed ``error`` from the API. Since exceptions are
- getting consumed, throwing them in an errback causes the
- exception to silently disappear. Use ``end``.
- - Added ``end`` as both an API method and a promise-chain
- ending method. It causes propagated rejections to be
- thrown, which allows Node to write stack traces and
- emit ``uncaughtException`` events, and browsers to
- likewise emit ``onerror`` and log to the console.
- - Added ``join`` and ``wait`` as promise chain functions,
- so you can wait for variadic promises, returning your own
- promise back, or join variadic promises, resolving with a
- callback that receives variadic fulfillment values.
- ## 0.4.4
- - ``end`` no longer returns a promise. It is the end of the
- promise chain.
- - Stopped reporting thrown exceptions in ``when`` callbacks
- and errbacks. These must be explicitly reported through
- ``.end()``, ``.then(null, Q.error)``, or some other
- mechanism.
- - Added ``report`` as an API method, which can be used as
- an errback to report and propagate an error.
- - Added ``report`` as a promise-chain method, so an error
- can be reported if it passes such a gate.
- ## 0.4.3
- - Fixed ``<script>`` support that regressed with 0.4.2
- because of "use strict" in the module system
- multi-plexer.
- ## 0.4.2
- - Added support for RequireJS (jburke)
- ## 0.4.1
- - Added an "end" method to the promise prototype,
- as a shorthand for waiting for the promise to
- be resolved gracefully, and failing to do so,
- to dump an error message.
- - *Removed the utility modules. NPM and Node no longer
- expose any module except the main module. These have
- been moved and merged into the "qq" package.
- - *In a non-CommonJS browser, q.js can be used as a script.
- It now creates a Q global variable.
- - Fixed thenable assimilation.
- - Fixed some issues with asap, when it resolves to
- undefined, or throws an exception.
- - The `post` method has been reverted to its original
- signature, as provided in Tyler Close's `ref_send` API.
- That is, `post` accepts two arguments, the second of
- which is an arbitrary object, but usually invocation
- arguments as an `Array`. To provide variadic arguments
- to `post`, there is a new `invoke` function that posts
- the variadic arguments to the value given in the first
- argument.
- - The `defined` method has been moved from `q` to `q/util`
- since it gets no use in practice but is still
- theoretically useful.
- - The `Promise` constructor has been renamed to
- `makePromise` to be consistent with the convention that
- functions that do not require the `new` keyword to be
- used as constructors have camelCase names.
- - The `isResolved` function has been renamed to
- `isFulfilled`. There is a new `isResolved` function that
- indicates whether a value is not a promise or, if it is a
- promise, whether it has been either fulfilled or
- rejected. The code has been revised to reflect this
- nuance in terminology.
- ## 0.2.10
- - Added `join` to `"q/util"` for variadically joining
- multiple promises.
- ## 0.2.9
- - The future-compatible `invoke` method has been added,
- to replace `post`, since `post` will become backward-
- incompatible in the next major release.
- - Exceptions thrown in the callbacks of a `when` call are
- now emitted to Node's `"uncaughtException"` `process`
- event in addition to being returned as a rejection reason.
- ## 0.2.8
- - Exceptions thrown in the callbacks of a `when` call
- are now consumed, warned, and transformed into
- rejections of the promise returned by `when`.
- ## 0.2.7
- - Fixed a minor bug in thenable assimilation, regressed
- because of the change in the forwarding protocol.
- - Fixed behavior of "q/util" `deep` method on dates and
- other primitives. Github issue #11.
- ## 0.2.6
- - Thenables (objects with a "then" method) are accepted
- and provided, bringing this implementation of Q
- into conformance with Promises/A, B, and D.
- - Added `makePromise`, to replace the `Promise` function
- eventually.
- - Rejections are now also duck-typed. A rejection is a
- promise with a valueOf method that returns a rejection
- descriptor. A rejection descriptor has a
- "promiseRejected" property equal to "true" and a
- "reason" property corresponding to the rejection reason.
- - Altered the `makePromise` API such that the `fallback`
- method no longer receives a superfluous `resolved` method
- after the `operator`. The fallback method is responsible
- only for returning a resolution. This breaks an
- undocumented API, so third-party API's depending on the
- previous undocumented behavior may break.
- ## 0.2.5
- - Changed promises into a duck-type such that multiple
- instances of the Q module can exchange promise objects.
- A promise is now defined as "an object that implements the
- `promiseSend(op, resolved, ...)` method and `valueOf`".
- - Exceptions in promises are now captured and returned
- as rejections.
- ## 0.2.4
- - Fixed bug in `ref` that prevented `del` messages from
- being received (gozala)
- - Fixed a conflict with FireFox 4; constructor property
- is now read-only.
- ## 0.2.3
- - Added `keys` message to promises and to the promise API.
- ## 0.2.2
- - Added boilerplate to `q/queue` and `q/util`.
- - Fixed missing dependency to `q/queue`.
- ## 0.2.1
- - The `resolve` and `reject` methods of `defer` objects now
- return the resolution promise for convenience.
- - Added `q/util`, which provides `step`, `delay`, `shallow`,
- `deep`, and three reduction orders.
- - Added `q/queue` module for a promise `Queue`.
- - Added `q-comm` to the list of compatible libraries.
- - Deprecated `defined` from `q`, with intent to move it to
- `q/util`.
- - Changed post(ref, name, args) to variadic
- post(ref, name, ...args). BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE
- - Added a def(value) method to annotate an object as being
- necessarily a local value that cannot be serialized, such
- that inter-process/worker/vat promise communication
- libraries will send messages to it, but never send it
- back.
- - Added a send(value, op, ...args) method to the public API, for
- forwarding messages to a value or promise in a future turn.
- ## 0.1.9
- - Added isRejected() for testing whether a value is a rejected
- promise. isResolved() retains the behavior of stating
- that rejected promises are not resolved.
- ## 0.1.8
- - Fixed isResolved(null) and isResolved(undefined) [issue #9]
- - Fixed a problem with the Object.create shim
- ## 0.1.7
- - shimmed ES5 Object.create in addition to Object.freeze
- for compatibility on non-ES5 engines (gozala)
- ## 0.1.6
- - Q.isResolved added
- - promise.valueOf() now returns the value of resolved
- and near values
- - asap retried
- - promises are frozen when possible
- ## 0.1.5
- - fixed dependency list for Teleport (gozala)
- - all unit tests now pass (gozala)
- ## 0.1.4
- - added support for Teleport as an engine (gozala)
- - simplified and updated methods for getting internal
- print and enqueue functions universally (gozala)
- ## 0.1.3
- - fixed erroneous link to the q module in package.json
- ## 0.1.2
- - restructured for overlay style package compatibility
- ## 0.1.0
- - removed asap because it was broken, probably down to the
- philosophy.
- ## 0.0.3
- - removed q-util
- - fixed asap so it returns a value if completed
- ## 0.0.2
- - added q-util
- ## 0.0.1
- - initial version