- [](https://riot.js.org)
- ## Simple and elegant component-based UI library
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- [![Sauce Test Status][saucelabs-image]][saucelabs-url]
- ### Custom components • Concise syntax • Simple API • Tiny Size
- Riot brings custom components to all modern browsers. It is designed to offer you everything you wished native the web components API looked like.
- #### Tag definition
- ```html
- <timer>
- <p>Seconds Elapsed: { state.time }</p>
- <script>
- export default {
- tick() {
- this.update({ time: ++this.state.time })
- },
- onBeforeMount(props) {
- // create the component initial state
- this.state = {
- time: props.start
- }
- this.timer = setInterval(this.tick, 1000)
- },
- onUnmounted() {
- clearInterval(this.timer)
- }
- }
- </script>
- </timer>
- ```
- [Open this example on Plunker](https://riot.js.org/examples/plunker/?app=timer)
- #### Mounting
- ```javascript
- // mount the timer with its initial props
- riot.mount('timer', { start: 0 })
- ```
- #### Nesting
- Custom components let you build complex views with HTML.
- ```html
- <timetable>
- <timer start="0"></timer>
- <timer start="10"></timer>
- <timer start="20"></timer>
- </timetable>
- ```
- HTML syntax is the de facto language on the web and it's designed for building user interfaces. The syntax is explicit, nesting is inherent to the language and attributes offer a clean way to provide options for custom tags.
- ### Performant and predictable
- - Absolutely the smallest possible amount of DOM updates and reflows.
- - Fast expressions bindings instead of virtual DOM memory performance issues and drawbacks.
- - One way data flow: updates and unmounts are propagated downwards from parent to children.
- - No "magic" or "smart" reactive properties or hooks
- - Expressions are pre-compiled and cached for high performance.
- - Lifecycle methods for more control.
- ### Close to standards
- - No proprietary event system.
- - Future proof thanks to the javascript module syntax.
- - The rendered DOM can be freely manipulated with other tools.
- - No extra HTML root elements, `data-` attributes or fancy custom attributes.
- - No new syntax to learn.
- - Plays well with any frontend framework.
- ### Use your dearest language and tools
- - Create components with CoffeeScript, Jade, LiveScript, Typescript, ES6 or [any pre-processor](https://riot.js.org/compiler/#pre-processors) you want.
- - Build with [@riotjs/cli](https://github.com/riot/cli), [webpack](https://github.com/riot/webpack-loader), [Rollup](https://github.com/riot/rollup-plugin-riot), [parcel](https://github.com/riot/parcel-plugin-riot), [Browserify](https://github.com/riot/riotify).
- - Test with however you like, you can [load your riot tags directly in node](https://github.com/riot/ssr#render---to-render-only-markup)
- ### Powerful and modular ecosystem
- The Riot.js ecosystem is completely modular, it's designed to let you pick only the stuff you really need:
- - [@riotjs/cli](https://github.com/riot/cli) - CLI to compile locally your tags to javascript
- - [@riotjs/ssr](https://github.com/riot/ssr) - Super simple server side rendering
- - [@riotjs/hydrate](https://github.com/riot/hydrate) - Hydration strategy for your SPA
- - [@riotjs/route](https://github.com/riot/route) - Isomorphic router
- - [@riotjs/hot-reload](https://github.com/riot/hot-reload) - Live reload plugin
- - [@riotjs/compiler](https://github.com/riot/compiler) - Advanced tags compiler
- - [@riotjs/parser](https://github.com/riot/parser) - HTML parser
- - [@riotjs/dom-bindings](https://github.com/riot/dom-bindings) - Expressions based template engine
- - [@riotjs/now](https://github.com/riot/now) - https://zeit.co/ now integration
- - [@riotjs/custom-elements](https://github.com/riot/custom-elements) - native custom elements implementation
- ### CDN hosting
- - [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/riot/riot.js)
- - [jsDelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/projects/riot)
- - [cdnjs](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/riot)
- ### How to contribute
- If you are reading this it's already a good sign and I am thankful for it! I try my best working as much as I can on riot but your help is always appreciated.
- If you want to contribute to riot helping the project maintenance please check first the list of [open issues](https://github.com/riot/riot/issues) to understand whether there is a task where you could help.
- Riot is mainly developed on UNIX systems so you will be able to run all the commands necessary to build and test the library using our [Makefile](Makefile). If you are on a Microsoft machine it could be harder to set up you development environment properly.
- Following the steps below you should be able to properly submit your patch to the project
- #### 1) Clone the repo and browse to the riot folder
- ```shell
- $ git clone git@github.com:riot/riot.git && cd riot
- ```
- #### 2) Set up your git branch
- ```shell
- $ git checkout -b feature/my-awesome-patch
- ```
- #### 3) Install the npm dependencies
- ```shell
- $ npm i
- ```
- #### 4) Build and test riot using the Makefile
- ```shell
- # To build and test riot
- $ make riot
- # To build without testing
- $ make raw
- ```
- #### 5) Pull request only against the `dev` branch making sure you have read [our pull request template](.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md)
- #### 6) Be patient
- ### Credits
- Riot is actively maintained with :heart: by:
- <table>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">
- <img width="125" height="125" src="https://github.com/GianlucaGuarini.png?s=125?s=125">
- <br>
- <a href="https://github.com/GianlucaGuarini">Gianluca Guarini</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- Many thanks to all smart people from all over the world who helped improving it.
- ## Official Website
- https://riot.js.org
- ## Backers
- Support us with a monthly donation and help us continue our activities. [Become a backer][support-url]
- [![Backers][backers-image]][support-url]
- ## Sponsors
- Become a sponsor to get your logo on our README. [Become a sponsor][support-url]
- [![Sponsors][sponsors-image]][support-url]
- ## Thanks
- Special thanks to Browserstack for their support
- <a href='https://www.browserstack.com/'>
- <img width='70px' src="https://cdn.worldvectorlogo.com/logos/browserstack.svg" alt="browser stack">
- </a>
- [travis-image]:https://img.shields.io/travis/riot/riot.svg?style=flat-square
- [travis-url]:https://travis-ci.org/riot/riot
- [license-image]:https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-000000.svg?style=flat-square
- [license-url]:LICENSE.txt
- [npm-version-image]:https://img.shields.io/npm/v/riot.svg?style=flat-square
- [npm-downloads-image]:https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/riot.svg?style=flat-square
- [npm-url]:https://npmjs.org/package/riot
- [coverage-image]:https://img.shields.io/coveralls/riot/riot/dev.svg?style=flat-square
- [coverage-url]:https://coveralls.io/r/riot/riot?branch=dev
- [saucelabs-image]:https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/testsriotjs.svg?1
- [saucelabs-url]:https://saucelabs.com/u/testsriotjs
- [gitter-image]:https://img.shields.io/badge/GITTER-JOIN_CHAT_%E2%86%92-1dce73.svg?style=flat-square
- [gitter-url]:https://gitter.im/riot/riot?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge
- [discord-url]:https://discord.gg/PagXe5Y
- [discord-image]:https://img.shields.io/badge/DISCORD-JOIN_CHANNEL_%E2%86%92-7289da.svg?style=flat-square
- [slack-ja-image]:https://img.shields.io/badge/SLACK_(ja)-JOIN_CHAT_%E2%86%92-551a8b.svg?style=flat-square
- [slack-ja-url]:https://riot-jp-slackin.herokuapp.com/
- [codeclimate-image]:https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/b81ddf3c77e8189876da/maintainability
- [codeclimate-url]:https://codeclimate.com/github/riot/riot
- [donations-campaign-url]:https://pledgie.com/campaigns/31139
- [donations-campaign-image]:https://pledgie.com/campaigns/31139.png?skin_name=chrome
- [jsdelivr-image]: https://data.jsdelivr.com/v1/package/npm/riot/badge
- [jsdelivr-url]: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/riot
- [backer-url]: #backers
- [backer-badge]: https://opencollective.com/riot/backers/badge.svg?color=blue
- [sponsor-url]: #sponsors
- [sponsor-badge]: https://opencollective.com/riot/sponsors/badge.svg?color=blue
- [support-url]: https://opencollective.com/riot#support
- [lib-size]: https://img.badgesize.io/https://unpkg.com/riot/riot.min.js?compression=gzip
- [backers-image]: https://opencollective.com/riot/backers.svg
- [sponsors-image]: https://opencollective.com/riot/sponsors.svg