- # snapdragon-util [![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/snapdragon-util.svg?style=flat)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/snapdragon-util) [![NPM monthly downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/snapdragon-util.svg?style=flat)](https://npmjs.org/package/snapdragon-util) [![NPM total downloads](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/snapdragon-util.svg?style=flat)](https://npmjs.org/package/snapdragon-util) [![Linux Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-util.svg?style=flat&label=Travis)](https://travis-ci.org/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-util)
- > Utilities for the snapdragon parser/compiler.
- <details>
- <summary><strong>Table of Contents</strong></summary>
- - [Install](#install)
- - [Usage](#usage)
- - [API](#api)
- - [Release history](#release-history)
- * [[3.0.0] - 2017-05-01](#300---2017-05-01)
- * [[0.1.0]](#010)
- - [About](#about)
- </details>
- ## Install
- Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
- ```sh
- $ npm install --save snapdragon-util
- ```
- Install with [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com):
- ```sh
- $ yarn add snapdragon-util
- ```
- ## Usage
- ```js
- var util = require('snapdragon-util');
- ```
- ## API
- ### [.isNode](index.js#L21)
- Returns true if the given value is a node.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var node = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- console.log(utils.isNode(node)); //=> true
- console.log(utils.isNode({})); //=> false
- ```
- ### [.noop](index.js#L37)
- Emit an empty string for the given `node`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{undefined}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- // do nothing for beginning-of-string
- snapdragon.compiler.set('bos', utils.noop);
- ```
- ### [.identity](index.js#L53)
- Appdend `node.val` to `compiler.output`, exactly as it was created by the parser.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{undefined}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- snapdragon.compiler.set('text', utils.identity);
- ```
- ### [.append](index.js#L76)
- Previously named `.emit`, this method appends the given `val` to `compiler.output` for the given node. Useful when you know what value should be appended advance, regardless of the actual value of `node.val`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Function}**: Returns a compiler middleware function.
- **Example**
- ```js
- snapdragon.compiler
- .set('i', function(node) {
- this.mapVisit(node);
- })
- .set('i.open', utils.append('<i>'))
- .set('i.close', utils.append('</i>'))
- ```
- ### [.toNoop](index.js#L99)
- Used in compiler middleware, this onverts an AST node into an empty `text` node and deletes `node.nodes` if it exists. The advantage of this method is that, as opposed to completely removing the node, indices will not need to be re-calculated in sibling nodes, and nothing is appended to the output.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `nodes` **{Array}**: Optionally pass a new `nodes` value, to replace the existing `node.nodes` array.
- **Example**
- ```js
- utils.toNoop(node);
- // convert `node.nodes` to the given value instead of deleting it
- utils.toNoop(node, []);
- ```
- ### [.visit](index.js#L128)
- Visit `node` with the given `fn`. The built-in `.visit` method in snapdragon automatically calls registered compilers, this allows you to pass a visitor function.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `fn` **{Function}**
- * `returns` **{Object}**: returns the node after recursively visiting all child nodes.
- **Example**
- ```js
- snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) {
- utils.visit(node, function(childNode) {
- // do stuff with "childNode"
- return childNode;
- });
- });
- ```
- ### [.mapVisit](index.js#L155)
- Map [visit](#visit) the given `fn` over `node.nodes`. This is called by [visit](#visit), use this method if you do not want `fn` to be called on the first node.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `options` **{Object}**
- * `fn` **{Function}**
- * `returns` **{Object}**: returns the node
- **Example**
- ```js
- snapdragon.compiler.set('i', function(node) {
- utils.mapVisit(node, function(childNode) {
- // do stuff with "childNode"
- return childNode;
- });
- });
- ```
- ### [.addOpen](index.js#L194)
- Unshift an `*.open` node onto `node.nodes`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `Node` **{Function}**: (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node).
- * `filter` **{Function}**: Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node.
- * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the created opening node.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) {
- var match = this.match(/^{/);
- if (match) {
- var parent = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- utils.addOpen(parent, Node);
- console.log(parent.nodes[0]):
- // { type: 'brace.open', val: '' };
- // push the parent "brace" node onto the stack
- this.push(parent);
- // return the parent node, so it's also added to the AST
- return brace;
- }
- });
- ```
- ### [.addClose](index.js#L244)
- Push a `*.close` node onto `node.nodes`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `Node` **{Function}**: (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node).
- * `filter` **{Function}**: Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node.
- * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the created closing node.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- snapdragon.parser.set('brace', function(node) {
- var match = this.match(/^}/);
- if (match) {
- var parent = this.parent();
- if (parent.type !== 'brace') {
- throw new Error('missing opening: ' + '}');
- }
- utils.addClose(parent, Node);
- console.log(parent.nodes[parent.nodes.length - 1]):
- // { type: 'brace.close', val: '' };
- // no need to return a node, since the parent
- // was already added to the AST
- return;
- }
- });
- ```
- ### [.wrapNodes](index.js#L274)
- Wraps the given `node` with `*.open` and `*.close` nodes.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `Node` **{Function}**: (required) Node constructor function from [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node).
- * `filter` **{Function}**: Optionaly specify a filter function to exclude the node.
- * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the node
- ### [.pushNode](index.js#L299)
- Push the given `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent.
- **Params**
- * `parent` **{Object}**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns the child node
- **Example**
- ```js
- var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- var node = new Node({type: 'bar'});
- utils.pushNode(parent, node);
- console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar'
- console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo'
- ```
- ### [.unshiftNode](index.js#L325)
- Unshift `node` onto `parent.nodes`, and set `parent` as `node.parent.
- **Params**
- * `parent` **{Object}**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{undefined}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- var node = new Node({type: 'bar'});
- utils.unshiftNode(parent, node);
- console.log(parent.nodes[0].type) // 'bar'
- console.log(node.parent.type) // 'foo'
- ```
- ### [.popNode](index.js#L354)
- Pop the last `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works with any version of `snapdragon-node`.
- **Params**
- * `parent` **{Object}**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Number|Undefined}**: Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'}));
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'}));
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'}));
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3
- utils.popNode(parent);
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2
- ```
- ### [.shiftNode](index.js#L382)
- Shift the first `node` off of `parent.nodes`. The advantage of using this method is that it checks for `node.nodes` and works with any version of `snapdragon-node`.
- **Params**
- * `parent` **{Object}**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Number|Undefined}**: Returns the length of `node.nodes` or undefined.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var parent = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'foo'}));
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'}));
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'}));
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3
- utils.shiftNode(parent);
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2
- ```
- ### [.removeNode](index.js#L409)
- Remove the specified `node` from `parent.nodes`.
- **Params**
- * `parent` **{Object}**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Object|undefined}**: Returns the removed node, if successful, or undefined if it does not exist on `parent.nodes`.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var parent = new Node({type: 'abc'});
- var foo = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- utils.pushNode(parent, foo);
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'bar'}));
- utils.pushNode(parent, new Node({type: 'baz'}));
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 3
- utils.removeNode(parent, foo);
- console.log(parent.nodes.length); //=> 2
- ```
- ### [.isType](index.js#L443)
- Returns true if `node.type` matches the given `type`. Throws a `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `type` **{String}**
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var node = new Node({type: 'foo'});
- console.log(utils.isType(node, 'foo')); // false
- console.log(utils.isType(node, 'bar')); // true
- ```
- ### [.hasType](index.js#L486)
- Returns true if the given `node` has the given `type` in `node.nodes`. Throws a `TypeError` if `node` is not an instance of `Node`.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `type` **{String}**
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var node = new Node({
- type: 'foo',
- nodes: [
- new Node({type: 'bar'}),
- new Node({type: 'baz'})
- ]
- });
- console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'xyz')); // false
- console.log(utils.hasType(node, 'baz')); // true
- ```
- ### [.firstOfType](index.js#L519)
- Returns the first node from `node.nodes` of the given `type`
- **Params**
- * `nodes` **{Array}**
- * `type` **{String}**
- * `returns` **{Object|undefined}**: Returns the first matching node or undefined.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var node = new Node({
- type: 'foo',
- nodes: [
- new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}),
- new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'})
- ]
- });
- var textNode = utils.firstOfType(node.nodes, 'text');
- console.log(textNode.val);
- //=> 'abc'
- ```
- ### [.findNode](index.js#L556)
- Returns the node at the specified index, or the first node of the given `type` from `node.nodes`.
- **Params**
- * `nodes` **{Array}**
- * `type` **{String|Number}**: Node type or index.
- * `returns` **{Object}**: Returns a node or undefined.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var node = new Node({
- type: 'foo',
- nodes: [
- new Node({type: 'text', val: 'abc'}),
- new Node({type: 'text', val: 'xyz'})
- ]
- });
- var nodeOne = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 'text');
- console.log(nodeOne.val);
- //=> 'abc'
- var nodeTwo = utils.findNode(node.nodes, 1);
- console.log(nodeTwo.val);
- //=> 'xyz'
- ```
- ### [.isOpen](index.js#L584)
- Returns true if the given node is an "*.open" node.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'});
- var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'});
- console.log(utils.isOpen(brace)); // false
- console.log(utils.isOpen(open)); // true
- console.log(utils.isOpen(close)); // false
- ```
- ### [.isClose](index.js#L607)
- Returns true if the given node is a "*.close" node.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var brace = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'});
- var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'});
- console.log(utils.isClose(brace)); // false
- console.log(utils.isClose(open)); // false
- console.log(utils.isClose(close)); // true
- ```
- ### [.hasOpen](index.js#L633)
- Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** an `.open` node
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var brace = new Node({
- type: 'brace',
- nodes: []
- });
- var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'});
- console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false
- brace.pushNode(open);
- console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true
- ```
- ### [.hasClose](index.js#L663)
- Returns true if `node.nodes` **has** a `.close` node
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var brace = new Node({
- type: 'brace',
- nodes: []
- });
- var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'});
- console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false
- brace.pushNode(close);
- console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true
- ```
- ### [.hasOpenAndClose](index.js#L697)
- Returns true if `node.nodes` has both `.open` and `.close` nodes
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var Node = require('snapdragon-node');
- var brace = new Node({
- type: 'brace',
- nodes: []
- });
- var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'});
- var close = new Node({type: 'brace.close'});
- console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // false
- console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // false
- brace.pushNode(open);
- brace.pushNode(close);
- console.log(utils.hasOpen(brace)); // true
- console.log(utils.hasClose(brace)); // true
- ```
- ### [.addType](index.js#L719)
- Push the given `node` onto the `state.inside` array for the given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for only the given `node.type`.
- **Params**
- * `state` **{Object}**: The `compiler.state` object or custom state object.
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Array}**: Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var state = { inside: {}};
- var node = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- utils.addType(state, node);
- console.log(state.inside);
- //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] }
- ```
- ### [.removeType](index.js#L759)
- Remove the given `node` from the `state.inside` array for the given type. This array is used as a specialized "stack" for only the given `node.type`.
- **Params**
- * `state` **{Object}**: The `compiler.state` object or custom state object.
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `returns` **{Array}**: Returns the `state.inside` stack for the given type.
- **Example**
- ```js
- var state = { inside: {}};
- var node = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- utils.addType(state, node);
- console.log(state.inside);
- //=> { brace: [{type: 'brace'}] }
- utils.removeType(state, node);
- //=> { brace: [] }
- ```
- ### [.isEmpty](index.js#L788)
- Returns true if `node.val` is an empty string, or `node.nodes` does not contain any non-empty text nodes.
- **Params**
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `fn` **{Function}**
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var node = new Node({type: 'text'});
- utils.isEmpty(node); //=> true
- node.val = 'foo';
- utils.isEmpty(node); //=> false
- ```
- ### [.isInsideType](index.js#L833)
- Returns true if the `state.inside` stack for the given type exists and has one or more nodes on it.
- **Params**
- * `state` **{Object}**
- * `type` **{String}**
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var state = { inside: {}};
- var node = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false
- utils.addType(state, node);
- console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> true
- utils.removeType(state, node);
- console.log(utils.isInsideType(state, 'brace')); //=> false
- ```
- ### [.isInside](index.js#L867)
- Returns true if `node` is either a child or grand-child of the given `type`, or `state.inside[type]` is a non-empty array.
- **Params**
- * `state` **{Object}**: Either the `compiler.state` object, if it exists, or a user-supplied state object.
- * `node` **{Object}**: Instance of [snapdragon-node](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/snapdragon-node)
- * `type` **{String}**: The `node.type` to check for.
- * `returns` **{Boolean}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- var state = { inside: {}};
- var node = new Node({type: 'brace'});
- var open = new Node({type: 'brace.open'});
- console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> false
- utils.pushNode(node, open);
- console.log(utils.isInside(state, open, 'brace')); //=> true
- ```
- ### [.last](index.js#L915)
- Get the last `n` element from the given `array`. Used for getting
- a node from `node.nodes.`
- **Params**
- * `array` **{Array}**
- * `n` **{Number}**
- * `returns` **{undefined}**
- ### [.arrayify](index.js#L935)
- Cast the given `val` to an array.
- **Params**
- * `val` **{any}**
- * `returns` **{Array}**
- **Example**
- ```js
- console.log(utils.arraify(''));
- //=> []
- console.log(utils.arraify('foo'));
- //=> ['foo']
- console.log(utils.arraify(['foo']));
- //=> ['foo']
- ```
- ### [.stringify](index.js#L948)
- Convert the given `val` to a string by joining with `,`. Useful
- for creating a cheerio/CSS/DOM-style selector from a list of strings.
- **Params**
- * `val` **{any}**
- * `returns` **{Array}**
- ### [.trim](index.js#L961)
- Ensure that the given value is a string and call `.trim()` on it,
- or return an empty string.
- **Params**
- * `str` **{String}**
- * `returns` **{String}**
- ## Release history
- Changelog entries are classified using the following labels from [keep-a-changelog](https://github.com/olivierlacan/keep-a-changelog):
- * `added`: for new features
- * `changed`: for changes in existing functionality
- * `deprecated`: for once-stable features removed in upcoming releases
- * `removed`: for deprecated features removed in this release
- * `fixed`: for any bug fixes
- Custom labels used in this changelog:
- * `dependencies`: bumps dependencies
- * `housekeeping`: code re-organization, minor edits, or other changes that don't fit in one of the other categories.
- ### [3.0.0] - 2017-05-01
- **Changed**
- * `.emit` was renamed to [.append](#append)
- * `.addNode` was renamed to [.pushNode](#pushNode)
- * `.getNode` was renamed to [.findNode](#findNode)
- * `.isEmptyNodes` was renamed to [.isEmpty](#isEmpty): also now works with `node.nodes` and/or `node.val`
- **Added**
- * [.identity](#identity)
- * [.removeNode](#removeNode)
- * [.shiftNode](#shiftNode)
- * [.popNode](#popNode)
- ### [0.1.0]
- First release.
- ## About
- ### Contributing
- Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new).
- Please read the [contributing guide](.github/contributing.md) for advice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards.
- ### Building docs
- _(This project's readme.md is generated by [verb](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the [.verb.md](.verb.md) readme template.)_
- To generate the readme, run the following command:
- ```sh
- $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb
- ```
- ### Running tests
- Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:
- ```sh
- $ npm install && npm test
- ```
- ### Author
- **Jon Schlinkert**
- * [github/jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
- * [twitter/jonschlinkert](https://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
- ### License
- Copyright © 2017, [Jon Schlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert).
- Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).
- ***
- _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](https://github.com/verbose/verb-generate-readme), v0.6.0, on May 01, 2017._