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5 years ago
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  16. <h1>Code coverage report for <span class="entity">__root__/</span></h1>
  17. <h2>
  18. Statements: <span class="metric">100% <small>(4 / 4)</small></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  19. Branches: <span class="metric">100% <small>(2 / 2)</small></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  20. Functions: <span class="metric">100% <small>(1 / 1)</small></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  21. Lines: <span class="metric">100% <small>(4 / 4)</small></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  22. Ignored: <span class="metric"><span class="ignore-none">none</span></span> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  23. </h2>
  24. <div class="path"><a href="../index.html">All files</a> &#187; __root__/</div>
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  32. <th data-col="pic" data-type="number" data-fmt="html" data-html="true" class="pic"></th>
  33. <th data-col="statements" data-type="number" data-fmt="pct" class="pct">Statements</th>
  34. <th data-col="statements_raw" data-type="number" data-fmt="html" class="abs"></th>
  35. <th data-col="branches" data-type="number" data-fmt="pct" class="pct">Branches</th>
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  37. <th data-col="functions" data-type="number" data-fmt="pct" class="pct">Functions</th>
  38. <th data-col="functions_raw" data-type="number" data-fmt="html" class="abs"></th>
  39. <th data-col="lines" data-type="number" data-fmt="pct" class="pct">Lines</th>
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  41. </tr>
  42. </thead>
  43. <tbody><tr>
  44. <td class="file high" data-value="index.js"><a href="index.js.html">index.js</a></td>
  45. <td data-value="100" class="pic high"><span class="cover-fill cover-full" style="width: 100px;"></span><span class="cover-empty" style="width:0px;"></span></td>
  46. <td data-value="100" class="pct high">100%</td>
  47. <td data-value="4" class="abs high">(4&nbsp;/&nbsp;4)</td>
  48. <td data-value="100" class="pct high">100%</td>
  49. <td data-value="2" class="abs high">(2&nbsp;/&nbsp;2)</td>
  50. <td data-value="100" class="pct high">100%</td>
  51. <td data-value="1" class="abs high">(1&nbsp;/&nbsp;1)</td>
  52. <td data-value="100" class="pct high">100%</td>
  53. <td data-value="4" class="abs high">(4&nbsp;/&nbsp;4)</td>
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