- 'use strict';
- /* eslint-disable
- no-shadow,
- no-undefined
- */
- const webpack = require('webpack');
- const addEntries = require('./addEntries');
- const getSocketClientPath = require('./getSocketClientPath');
- function updateCompiler(compiler, options) {
- if (options.inline !== false) {
- const findHMRPlugin = (config) => {
- if (!config.plugins) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return config.plugins.find(
- (plugin) => plugin.constructor === webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin
- );
- };
- const compilers = [];
- const compilersWithoutHMR = [];
- let webpackConfig;
- if (compiler.compilers) {
- webpackConfig = [];
- compiler.compilers.forEach((compiler) => {
- webpackConfig.push(compiler.options);
- compilers.push(compiler);
- if (!findHMRPlugin(compiler.options)) {
- compilersWithoutHMR.push(compiler);
- }
- });
- } else {
- webpackConfig = compiler.options;
- compilers.push(compiler);
- if (!findHMRPlugin(compiler.options)) {
- compilersWithoutHMR.push(compiler);
- }
- }
- // it's possible that we should clone the config before doing
- // this, but it seems safe not to since it actually reflects
- // the changes we are making to the compiler
- // important: this relies on the fact that addEntries now
- // prevents duplicate new entries.
- addEntries(webpackConfig, options);
- compilers.forEach((compiler) => {
- const config = compiler.options;
- compiler.hooks.entryOption.call(config.context, config.entry);
- const providePlugin = new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
- __webpack_dev_server_client__: getSocketClientPath(options),
- });
- providePlugin.apply(compiler);
- });
- // do not apply the plugin unless it didn't exist before.
- if (options.hot || options.hotOnly) {
- compilersWithoutHMR.forEach((compiler) => {
- // addDevServerEntrypoints above should have added the plugin
- // to the compiler options
- const plugin = findHMRPlugin(compiler.options);
- if (plugin) {
- plugin.apply(compiler);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- module.exports = updateCompiler;