- /*
- MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
- */
- "use strict";
- const OptionsApply = require("./OptionsApply");
- const JavascriptModulesPlugin = require("./JavascriptModulesPlugin");
- const JsonModulesPlugin = require("./JsonModulesPlugin");
- const WebAssemblyModulesPlugin = require("./wasm/WebAssemblyModulesPlugin");
- const LoaderTargetPlugin = require("./LoaderTargetPlugin");
- const FunctionModulePlugin = require("./FunctionModulePlugin");
- const EvalDevToolModulePlugin = require("./EvalDevToolModulePlugin");
- const SourceMapDevToolPlugin = require("./SourceMapDevToolPlugin");
- const EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin = require("./EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin");
- const EntryOptionPlugin = require("./EntryOptionPlugin");
- const RecordIdsPlugin = require("./RecordIdsPlugin");
- const APIPlugin = require("./APIPlugin");
- const ConstPlugin = require("./ConstPlugin");
- const CommonJsStuffPlugin = require("./CommonJsStuffPlugin");
- const CompatibilityPlugin = require("./CompatibilityPlugin");
- const TemplatedPathPlugin = require("./TemplatedPathPlugin");
- const WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin = require("./WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin");
- const UseStrictPlugin = require("./UseStrictPlugin");
- const LoaderPlugin = require("./dependencies/LoaderPlugin");
- const CommonJsPlugin = require("./dependencies/CommonJsPlugin");
- const HarmonyModulesPlugin = require("./dependencies/HarmonyModulesPlugin");
- const SystemPlugin = require("./dependencies/SystemPlugin");
- const ImportPlugin = require("./dependencies/ImportPlugin");
- const RequireContextPlugin = require("./dependencies/RequireContextPlugin");
- const RequireEnsurePlugin = require("./dependencies/RequireEnsurePlugin");
- const RequireIncludePlugin = require("./dependencies/RequireIncludePlugin");
- const { cachedCleverMerge } = require("./util/cleverMerge");
- /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").WebpackOptions} WebpackOptions */
- /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */
- class WebpackOptionsApply extends OptionsApply {
- constructor() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * @param {WebpackOptions} options options object
- * @param {Compiler} compiler compiler object
- * @returns {WebpackOptions} options object
- */
- process(options, compiler) {
- let ExternalsPlugin;
- compiler.outputPath = options.output.path;
- compiler.recordsInputPath = options.recordsInputPath || options.recordsPath;
- compiler.recordsOutputPath =
- options.recordsOutputPath || options.recordsPath;
- compiler.name = options.name;
- // TODO webpack 5 refactor this to MultiCompiler.setDependencies() with a WeakMap
- // @ts-ignore TODO
- compiler.dependencies = options.dependencies;
- if (typeof options.target === "string") {
- let JsonpTemplatePlugin;
- let FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin;
- let ReadFileCompileWasmTemplatePlugin;
- let NodeSourcePlugin;
- let NodeTargetPlugin;
- let NodeTemplatePlugin;
- switch (options.target) {
- case "web":
- JsonpTemplatePlugin = require("./web/JsonpTemplatePlugin");
- FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin = require("./web/FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin");
- NodeSourcePlugin = require("./node/NodeSourcePlugin");
- new JsonpTemplatePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin({
- mangleImports: options.optimization.mangleWasmImports
- }).apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeSourcePlugin(options.node).apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target).apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "webworker": {
- let WebWorkerTemplatePlugin = require("./webworker/WebWorkerTemplatePlugin");
- FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin = require("./web/FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin");
- NodeSourcePlugin = require("./node/NodeSourcePlugin");
- new WebWorkerTemplatePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin({
- mangleImports: options.optimization.mangleWasmImports
- }).apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeSourcePlugin(options.node).apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target).apply(compiler);
- break;
- }
- case "node":
- case "async-node":
- NodeTemplatePlugin = require("./node/NodeTemplatePlugin");
- ReadFileCompileWasmTemplatePlugin = require("./node/ReadFileCompileWasmTemplatePlugin");
- NodeTargetPlugin = require("./node/NodeTargetPlugin");
- new NodeTemplatePlugin({
- asyncChunkLoading: options.target === "async-node"
- }).apply(compiler);
- new ReadFileCompileWasmTemplatePlugin({
- mangleImports: options.optimization.mangleWasmImports
- }).apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeTargetPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin("node").apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "node-webkit":
- JsonpTemplatePlugin = require("./web/JsonpTemplatePlugin");
- NodeTargetPlugin = require("./node/NodeTargetPlugin");
- ExternalsPlugin = require("./ExternalsPlugin");
- new JsonpTemplatePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeTargetPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new ExternalsPlugin("commonjs", "nw.gui").apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target).apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "electron-main":
- NodeTemplatePlugin = require("./node/NodeTemplatePlugin");
- NodeTargetPlugin = require("./node/NodeTargetPlugin");
- ExternalsPlugin = require("./ExternalsPlugin");
- new NodeTemplatePlugin({
- asyncChunkLoading: true
- }).apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeTargetPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new ExternalsPlugin("commonjs", [
- "app",
- "auto-updater",
- "browser-window",
- "clipboard",
- "content-tracing",
- "crash-reporter",
- "dialog",
- "electron",
- "global-shortcut",
- "ipc",
- "ipc-main",
- "menu",
- "menu-item",
- "native-image",
- "original-fs",
- "power-monitor",
- "power-save-blocker",
- "protocol",
- "screen",
- "session",
- "shell",
- "tray",
- "web-contents"
- ]).apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target).apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "electron-renderer":
- case "electron-preload":
- FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin = require("./web/FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin");
- NodeTargetPlugin = require("./node/NodeTargetPlugin");
- ExternalsPlugin = require("./ExternalsPlugin");
- if (options.target === "electron-renderer") {
- JsonpTemplatePlugin = require("./web/JsonpTemplatePlugin");
- new JsonpTemplatePlugin().apply(compiler);
- } else if (options.target === "electron-preload") {
- NodeTemplatePlugin = require("./node/NodeTemplatePlugin");
- new NodeTemplatePlugin({
- asyncChunkLoading: true
- }).apply(compiler);
- }
- new FetchCompileWasmTemplatePlugin({
- mangleImports: options.optimization.mangleWasmImports
- }).apply(compiler);
- new FunctionModulePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new NodeTargetPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new ExternalsPlugin("commonjs", [
- "clipboard",
- "crash-reporter",
- "desktop-capturer",
- "electron",
- "ipc",
- "ipc-renderer",
- "native-image",
- "original-fs",
- "remote",
- "screen",
- "shell",
- "web-frame"
- ]).apply(compiler);
- new LoaderTargetPlugin(options.target).apply(compiler);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error("Unsupported target '" + options.target + "'.");
- }
- }
- // @ts-ignore This is always true, which is good this way
- else if (options.target !== false) {
- options.target(compiler);
- } else {
- throw new Error("Unsupported target '" + options.target + "'.");
- }
- if (options.output.library || options.output.libraryTarget !== "var") {
- const LibraryTemplatePlugin = require("./LibraryTemplatePlugin");
- new LibraryTemplatePlugin(
- options.output.library,
- options.output.libraryTarget,
- options.output.umdNamedDefine,
- options.output.auxiliaryComment || "",
- options.output.libraryExport
- ).apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.externals) {
- ExternalsPlugin = require("./ExternalsPlugin");
- new ExternalsPlugin(
- options.output.libraryTarget,
- options.externals
- ).apply(compiler);
- }
- let noSources;
- let legacy;
- let modern;
- let comment;
- if (
- options.devtool &&
- (options.devtool.includes("sourcemap") ||
- options.devtool.includes("source-map"))
- ) {
- const hidden = options.devtool.includes("hidden");
- const inline = options.devtool.includes("inline");
- const evalWrapped = options.devtool.includes("eval");
- const cheap = options.devtool.includes("cheap");
- const moduleMaps = options.devtool.includes("module");
- noSources = options.devtool.includes("nosources");
- legacy = options.devtool.includes("@");
- modern = options.devtool.includes("#");
- comment =
- legacy && modern
- ? "\n/*\n//@ source" +
- "MappingURL=[url]\n//# source" +
- "MappingURL=[url]\n*/"
- : legacy
- ? "\n/*\n//@ source" + "MappingURL=[url]\n*/"
- : modern
- ? "\n//# source" + "MappingURL=[url]"
- : null;
- const Plugin = evalWrapped
- ? EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin
- : SourceMapDevToolPlugin;
- new Plugin({
- filename: inline ? null : options.output.sourceMapFilename,
- moduleFilenameTemplate: options.output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate,
- fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate:
- options.output.devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate,
- append: hidden ? false : comment,
- module: moduleMaps ? true : cheap ? false : true,
- columns: cheap ? false : true,
- lineToLine: options.output.devtoolLineToLine,
- noSources: noSources,
- namespace: options.output.devtoolNamespace
- }).apply(compiler);
- } else if (options.devtool && options.devtool.includes("eval")) {
- legacy = options.devtool.includes("@");
- modern = options.devtool.includes("#");
- comment =
- legacy && modern
- ? "\n//@ sourceURL=[url]\n//# sourceURL=[url]"
- : legacy
- ? "\n//@ sourceURL=[url]"
- : modern
- ? "\n//# sourceURL=[url]"
- : null;
- new EvalDevToolModulePlugin({
- sourceUrlComment: comment,
- moduleFilenameTemplate: options.output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate,
- namespace: options.output.devtoolNamespace
- }).apply(compiler);
- }
- new JavascriptModulesPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new JsonModulesPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new WebAssemblyModulesPlugin({
- mangleImports: options.optimization.mangleWasmImports
- }).apply(compiler);
- new EntryOptionPlugin().apply(compiler);
- compiler.hooks.entryOption.call(options.context, options.entry);
- new CompatibilityPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new HarmonyModulesPlugin(options.module).apply(compiler);
- if (options.amd !== false) {
- const AMDPlugin = require("./dependencies/AMDPlugin");
- const RequireJsStuffPlugin = require("./RequireJsStuffPlugin");
- new AMDPlugin(options.module, options.amd || {}).apply(compiler);
- new RequireJsStuffPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- new CommonJsPlugin(options.module).apply(compiler);
- new LoaderPlugin().apply(compiler);
- if (options.node !== false) {
- const NodeStuffPlugin = require("./NodeStuffPlugin");
- new NodeStuffPlugin(options.node).apply(compiler);
- }
- new CommonJsStuffPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new APIPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new ConstPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new UseStrictPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new RequireIncludePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new RequireEnsurePlugin().apply(compiler);
- new RequireContextPlugin(
- options.resolve.modules,
- options.resolve.extensions,
- options.resolve.mainFiles
- ).apply(compiler);
- new ImportPlugin(options.module).apply(compiler);
- new SystemPlugin(options.module).apply(compiler);
- if (typeof options.mode !== "string") {
- const WarnNoModeSetPlugin = require("./WarnNoModeSetPlugin");
- new WarnNoModeSetPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- const EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin = require("./optimize/EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin");
- new EnsureChunkConditionsPlugin().apply(compiler);
- if (options.optimization.removeAvailableModules) {
- const RemoveParentModulesPlugin = require("./optimize/RemoveParentModulesPlugin");
- new RemoveParentModulesPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.removeEmptyChunks) {
- const RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin = require("./optimize/RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin");
- new RemoveEmptyChunksPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.mergeDuplicateChunks) {
- const MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin = require("./optimize/MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin");
- new MergeDuplicateChunksPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.flagIncludedChunks) {
- const FlagIncludedChunksPlugin = require("./optimize/FlagIncludedChunksPlugin");
- new FlagIncludedChunksPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.sideEffects) {
- const SideEffectsFlagPlugin = require("./optimize/SideEffectsFlagPlugin");
- new SideEffectsFlagPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.providedExports) {
- const FlagDependencyExportsPlugin = require("./FlagDependencyExportsPlugin");
- new FlagDependencyExportsPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.usedExports) {
- const FlagDependencyUsagePlugin = require("./FlagDependencyUsagePlugin");
- new FlagDependencyUsagePlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.concatenateModules) {
- const ModuleConcatenationPlugin = require("./optimize/ModuleConcatenationPlugin");
- new ModuleConcatenationPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.splitChunks) {
- const SplitChunksPlugin = require("./optimize/SplitChunksPlugin");
- new SplitChunksPlugin(options.optimization.splitChunks).apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.runtimeChunk) {
- const RuntimeChunkPlugin = require("./optimize/RuntimeChunkPlugin");
- new RuntimeChunkPlugin(options.optimization.runtimeChunk).apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.noEmitOnErrors) {
- const NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin = require("./NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin");
- new NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.checkWasmTypes) {
- const WasmFinalizeExportsPlugin = require("./wasm/WasmFinalizeExportsPlugin");
- new WasmFinalizeExportsPlugin().apply(compiler);
- }
- let moduleIds = options.optimization.moduleIds;
- if (moduleIds === undefined) {
- // TODO webpack 5 remove all these options
- if (options.optimization.occurrenceOrder) {
- moduleIds = "size";
- }
- if (options.optimization.namedModules) {
- moduleIds = "named";
- }
- if (options.optimization.hashedModuleIds) {
- moduleIds = "hashed";
- }
- if (moduleIds === undefined) {
- moduleIds = "natural";
- }
- }
- if (moduleIds) {
- const NamedModulesPlugin = require("./NamedModulesPlugin");
- const HashedModuleIdsPlugin = require("./HashedModuleIdsPlugin");
- const OccurrenceModuleOrderPlugin = require("./optimize/OccurrenceModuleOrderPlugin");
- switch (moduleIds) {
- case "natural":
- // TODO webpack 5: see hint in Compilation.sortModules
- break;
- case "named":
- new NamedModulesPlugin().apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "hashed":
- new HashedModuleIdsPlugin().apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "size":
- new OccurrenceModuleOrderPlugin({
- prioritiseInitial: true
- }).apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "total-size":
- new OccurrenceModuleOrderPlugin({
- prioritiseInitial: false
- }).apply(compiler);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(
- `webpack bug: moduleIds: ${moduleIds} is not implemented`
- );
- }
- }
- let chunkIds = options.optimization.chunkIds;
- if (chunkIds === undefined) {
- // TODO webpack 5 remove all these options
- if (options.optimization.occurrenceOrder) {
- // This looks weird but it's for backward-compat
- // This bug already existed before adding this feature
- chunkIds = "total-size";
- }
- if (options.optimization.namedChunks) {
- chunkIds = "named";
- }
- if (chunkIds === undefined) {
- chunkIds = "natural";
- }
- }
- if (chunkIds) {
- const NaturalChunkOrderPlugin = require("./optimize/NaturalChunkOrderPlugin");
- const NamedChunksPlugin = require("./NamedChunksPlugin");
- const OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin = require("./optimize/OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin");
- switch (chunkIds) {
- case "natural":
- new NaturalChunkOrderPlugin().apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "named":
- // TODO webapck 5: for backward-compat this need to have OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin too
- // The NamedChunksPlugin doesn't give every chunk a name
- // This should be fixed, and the OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin should be removed here.
- new OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin({
- prioritiseInitial: false
- }).apply(compiler);
- new NamedChunksPlugin().apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "size":
- new OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin({
- prioritiseInitial: true
- }).apply(compiler);
- break;
- case "total-size":
- new OccurrenceChunkOrderPlugin({
- prioritiseInitial: false
- }).apply(compiler);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(
- `webpack bug: chunkIds: ${chunkIds} is not implemented`
- );
- }
- }
- if (options.optimization.nodeEnv) {
- const DefinePlugin = require("./DefinePlugin");
- new DefinePlugin({
- "process.env.NODE_ENV": JSON.stringify(options.optimization.nodeEnv)
- }).apply(compiler);
- }
- if (options.optimization.minimize) {
- for (const minimizer of options.optimization.minimizer) {
- if (typeof minimizer === "function") {
- minimizer.call(compiler, compiler);
- } else {
- minimizer.apply(compiler);
- }
- }
- }
- if (options.performance) {
- const SizeLimitsPlugin = require("./performance/SizeLimitsPlugin");
- new SizeLimitsPlugin(options.performance).apply(compiler);
- }
- new TemplatedPathPlugin().apply(compiler);
- new RecordIdsPlugin({
- portableIds: options.optimization.portableRecords
- }).apply(compiler);
- new WarnCaseSensitiveModulesPlugin().apply(compiler);
- if (options.cache) {
- const CachePlugin = require("./CachePlugin");
- new CachePlugin(
- typeof options.cache === "object" ? options.cache : null
- ).apply(compiler);
- }
- compiler.hooks.afterPlugins.call(compiler);
- if (!compiler.inputFileSystem) {
- throw new Error("No input filesystem provided");
- }
- compiler.resolverFactory.hooks.resolveOptions
- .for("normal")
- .tap("WebpackOptionsApply", resolveOptions => {
- return Object.assign(
- {
- fileSystem: compiler.inputFileSystem
- },
- cachedCleverMerge(options.resolve, resolveOptions)
- );
- });
- compiler.resolverFactory.hooks.resolveOptions
- .for("context")
- .tap("WebpackOptionsApply", resolveOptions => {
- return Object.assign(
- {
- fileSystem: compiler.inputFileSystem,
- resolveToContext: true
- },
- cachedCleverMerge(options.resolve, resolveOptions)
- );
- });
- compiler.resolverFactory.hooks.resolveOptions
- .for("loader")
- .tap("WebpackOptionsApply", resolveOptions => {
- return Object.assign(
- {
- fileSystem: compiler.inputFileSystem
- },
- cachedCleverMerge(options.resolveLoader, resolveOptions)
- );
- });
- compiler.hooks.afterResolvers.call(compiler);
- return options;
- }
- }
- module.exports = WebpackOptionsApply;