- # which-module
- > Find the module object for something that was require()d
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- Find the `module` object in `require.cache` for something that was `require()`d
- or `import`ed - essentially a reverse `require()` lookup.
- Useful for libs that want to e.g. lookup a filename for a module or submodule
- that it did not `require()` itself.
- ## Install and Usage
- ```
- npm install --save which-module
- ```
- ```js
- const whichModule = require('which-module')
- console.log(whichModule(require('something')))
- // Module {
- // id: '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/index.js',
- // exports: [Function],
- // parent: ...,
- // filename: '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/index.js',
- // loaded: true,
- // children: [],
- // paths: [ '/path/to/project/node_modules/something/node_modules',
- // '/path/to/project/node_modules',
- // '/path/to/node_modules',
- // '/path/node_modules',
- // '/node_modules' ] }
- ```
- ## API
- ### `whichModule(exported)`
- Return the [`module` object](https://nodejs.org/api/modules.html#modules_the_module_object),
- if any, that represents the given argument in the `require.cache`.
- `exported` can be anything that was previously `require()`d or `import`ed as a
- module, submodule, or dependency - which means `exported` is identical to the
- `module.exports` returned by this method.
- If `exported` did not come from the `exports` of a `module` in `require.cache`,
- then this method returns `null`.
- ## License
- ISC © Contributors