- # yargs-parser
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- The mighty option parser used by [yargs](https://github.com/yargs/yargs).
- visit the [yargs website](http://yargs.js.org/) for more examples, and thorough usage instructions.
- <img width="250" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yargs/yargs-parser/master/yargs-logo.png">
- ## Example
- ```sh
- npm i yargs-parser --save
- ```
- ```js
- var argv = require('yargs-parser')(process.argv.slice(2))
- console.log(argv)
- ```
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo=33 --bar hello
- { _: [], foo: 33, bar: 'hello' }
- ```
- _or parse a string!_
- ```js
- var argv = require('./')('--foo=99 --bar=33')
- console.log(argv)
- ```
- ```sh
- { _: [], foo: 99, bar: 33 }
- ```
- Convert an array of mixed types before passing to `yargs-parser`:
- ```js
- var parse = require('yargs-parser')
- parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].join(' ')) // <-- array to string
- parse(['-f', 11, '--zoom', 55].map(String)) // <-- array of strings
- ```
- ## API
- ### require('yargs-parser')(args, opts={})
- Parses command line arguments returning a simple mapping of keys and values.
- **expects:**
- * `args`: a string or array of strings representing the options to parse.
- * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args` should be parsed:
- * `opts.alias`: an object representing the set of aliases for a key: `{alias: {foo: ['f']}}`.
- * `opts.array`: indicate that keys should be parsed as an array: `{array: ['foo', 'bar']}`.<br>
- Indicate that keys should be parsed as an array and coerced to booleans / numbers:<br>
- `{array: [{ key: 'foo', boolean: true }, {key: 'bar', number: true}]}`.
- * `opts.boolean`: arguments should be parsed as booleans: `{boolean: ['x', 'y']}`.
- * `opts.coerce`: provide a custom synchronous function that returns a coerced value from the argument provided
- (or throws an error). For arrays the function is called only once for the entire array:<br>
- `{coerce: {foo: function (arg) {return modifiedArg}}}`.
- * `opts.config`: indicate a key that represents a path to a configuration file (this file will be loaded and parsed).
- * `opts.configObjects`: configuration objects to parse, their properties will be set as arguments:<br>
- `{configObjects: [{'x': 5, 'y': 33}, {'z': 44}]}`.
- * `opts.configuration`: provide configuration options to the yargs-parser (see: [configuration](#configuration)).
- * `opts.count`: indicate a key that should be used as a counter, e.g., `-vvv` = `{v: 3}`.
- * `opts.default`: provide default values for keys: `{default: {x: 33, y: 'hello world!'}}`.
- * `opts.envPrefix`: environment variables (`process.env`) with the prefix provided should be parsed.
- * `opts.narg`: specify that a key requires `n` arguments: `{narg: {x: 2}}`.
- * `opts.normalize`: `path.normalize()` will be applied to values set to this key.
- * `opts.number`: keys should be treated as numbers.
- * `opts.string`: keys should be treated as strings (even if they resemble a number `-x 33`).
- **returns:**
- * `obj`: an object representing the parsed value of `args`
- * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases.
- * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments.
- * [optional] `--`: an array with arguments after the end-of-options flag `--`.
- ### require('yargs-parser').detailed(args, opts={})
- Parses a command line string, returning detailed information required by the
- yargs engine.
- **expects:**
- * `args`: a string or array of strings representing options to parse.
- * `opts`: provide a set of hints indicating how `args`, inputs are identical to `require('yargs-parser')(args, opts={})`.
- **returns:**
- * `argv`: an object representing the parsed value of `args`
- * `key/value`: key value pairs for each argument and their aliases.
- * `_`: an array representing the positional arguments.
- * `error`: populated with an error object if an exception occurred during parsing.
- * `aliases`: the inferred list of aliases built by combining lists in `opts.alias`.
- * `newAliases`: any new aliases added via camel-case expansion.
- * `configuration`: the configuration loaded from the `yargs` stanza in package.json.
- <a name="configuration"></a>
- ### Configuration
- The yargs-parser applies several automated transformations on the keys provided
- in `args`. These features can be turned on and off using the `configuration` field
- of `opts`.
- ```js
- var parsed = parser(['--no-dice'], {
- configuration: {
- 'boolean-negation': false
- }
- })
- ```
- ### short option groups
- * default: `true`.
- * key: `short-option-groups`.
- Should a group of short-options be treated as boolean flags?
- ```sh
- node example.js -abc
- { _: [], a: true, b: true, c: true }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -abc
- { _: [], abc: true }
- ```
- ### camel-case expansion
- * default: `true`.
- * key: `camel-case-expansion`.
- Should hyphenated arguments be expanded into camel-case aliases?
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo-bar
- { _: [], 'foo-bar': true, fooBar: true }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo-bar
- { _: [], 'foo-bar': true }
- ```
- ### dot-notation
- * default: `true`
- * key: `dot-notation`
- Should keys that contain `.` be treated as objects?
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo.bar
- { _: [], foo: { bar: true } }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo.bar
- { _: [], "foo.bar": true }
- ```
- ### parse numbers
- * default: `true`
- * key: `parse-numbers`
- Should keys that look like numbers be treated as such?
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo=99.3
- { _: [], foo: 99.3 }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --foo=99.3
- { _: [], foo: "99.3" }
- ```
- ### boolean negation
- * default: `true`
- * key: `boolean-negation`
- Should variables prefixed with `--no` be treated as negations?
- ```sh
- node example.js --no-foo
- { _: [], foo: false }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --no-foo
- { _: [], "no-foo": true }
- ```
- ### combine arrays
- * default: `false`
- * key: `combine-arrays`
- Should arrays be combined when provided by both command line arguments and
- a configuration file.
- ### duplicate arguments array
- * default: `true`
- * key: `duplicate-arguments-array`
- Should arguments be coerced into an array when duplicated:
- ```sh
- node example.js -x 1 -x 2
- { _: [], x: [1, 2] }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -x 1 -x 2
- { _: [], x: 2 }
- ```
- ### flatten duplicate arrays
- * default: `true`
- * key: `flatten-duplicate-arrays`
- Should array arguments be coerced into a single array when duplicated:
- ```sh
- node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4
- { _: [], x: [1, 2, 3, 4] }
- ```
- _if disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -x 1 2 -x 3 4
- { _: [], x: [[1, 2], [3, 4]] }
- ```
- ### negation prefix
- * default: `no-`
- * key: `negation-prefix`
- The prefix to use for negated boolean variables.
- ```sh
- node example.js --no-foo
- { _: [], foo: false }
- ```
- _if set to `quux`:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --quuxfoo
- { _: [], foo: false }
- ```
- ### populate --
- * default: `false`.
- * key: `populate--`
- Should unparsed flags be stored in `--` or `_`.
- _If disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js a -b -- x y
- { _: [ 'a', 'x', 'y' ], b: true }
- ```
- _If enabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js a -b -- x y
- { _: [ 'a' ], '--': [ 'x', 'y' ], b: true }
- ```
- ### set placeholder key
- * default: `false`.
- * key: `set-placeholder-key`.
- Should a placeholder be added for keys not set via the corresponding CLI argument?
- _If disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -a 1 -c 2
- { _: [], a: 1, c: 2 }
- ```
- _If enabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -a 1 -c 2
- { _: [], a: 1, b: undefined, c: 2 }
- ```
- ### halt at non-option
- * default: `false`.
- * key: `halt-at-non-option`.
- Should parsing stop at the first positional argument? This is similar to how e.g. `ssh` parses its command line.
- _If disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -a run b -x y
- { _: [ 'b' ], a: 'run', x: 'y' }
- ```
- _If enabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js -a run b -x y
- { _: [ 'b', '-x', 'y' ], a: 'run' }
- ```
- ### strip aliased
- * default: `false`
- * key: `strip-aliased`
- Should aliases be removed before returning results?
- _If disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --test-field 1
- { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1, 'test-alias': 1, testAlias: 1 }
- ```
- _If enabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --test-field 1
- { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 }
- ```
- ### strip dashed
- * default: `false`
- * key: `strip-dashed`
- Should dashed keys be removed before returning results? This option has no effect if
- `camel-case-exansion` is disabled.
- _If disabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --test-field 1
- { _: [], 'test-field': 1, testField: 1 }
- ```
- _If enabled:_
- ```sh
- node example.js --test-field 1
- { _: [], testField: 1 }
- ```
- ## Special Thanks
- The yargs project evolves from optimist and minimist. It owes its
- existence to a lot of James Halliday's hard work. Thanks [substack](https://github.com/substack) **beep** **boop** \o/
- ## License