# Bugs, Questions, and Feature Requests Report bugs, ask questions, and request features using [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/cferdinandi/smooth-scroll/issues). **Before posting, do a search to make sure your issue or question hasn't already been reported or discussed.** If no matching issue exists, go ahead and create one. **Please be sure to include all of the following:** 1. A clear, descriptive title (ie. "A bug" is not a good title). 2. [A reduced test case.](https://css-tricks.com/reduced-test-cases/) - Clearly demonstrate the bug or issue. - Include the bare minimum HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required to demonstrate the bug. - A link to your production site is **not** a reduced test case. - You can create one by [forking this CodePen](https://codepen.io/cferdinandi/pen/RqGLpz). 3. The browser and OS that you're using. Duplicates and issues without a reduced test case may be closed without comment.